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  1. Does anyone here know about any modders resources etc. that have an Akaviri/Japanese theme, and how many of these are already included in vanilla Skyrim? I searched Nexus for the obvious terms ("Akavir", "Japan") and didn't find anything apart from one samurai armour mod (Note to creator of said mod: Japanese armour is not plate-mail). So does anyone know about resources in more hidden parts of the internet?
  2. Hmm... I wonder where I can find Akaviri textures for Skyrim.
  3. To get Road to Kanmachi working, just use a border removal mod like http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/3578/
  4. 1. Sometimes, you have to manually enter the TR_Data.bsa registration into the Ini file. Just scroll down to where the other files are and write the BSA registry in the same format. 2. Do you have any mods that alter anything south and/or east of Vvardenfell? If so, turn them off.
  5. I think it probably doesn't have the right kind of collision or isn't Armour in the CS, one of the two.
  6. You could make a spell that sets the durability of the weapon to 100.
  7. Bump... can someone answer this? Seriously, I'm just about to release a beta of the foxes.
  8. Version 2 is almost ready.
  9. Simple. The ideal TES game would have the engine of Skyrim and the setting of Oblivion.
  10. PS. If you see an OB mod link starting with TesSource.com, here is how to open it: 1. Copy the numbers at the end of the TesSource URL. 2. Go to any file on Oblivion Nexus. 3. Replace the numbers at the end of your current URL with the numbers copied earlier. 4. The mod should now be visible.
  11. You're on the wrong forum. It may be better to go to the Oblivion Technical Support forum and post there. As far as your problem goes, I would say that you should find the RefID (the one with the eight numbers) of that specific portal and console "<PortalID>.Enable"
  12. I remember trying to turn the gates blue once... only succeeded with some of the tendrils. This mod fixes all that. GOOD. It doesn't have blue, but cyan is fine for my mod idea... Sheogorath Oblivion Portals.
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