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Posts posted by fiewiel

  1. Start a new game, with 0 mods and save after you escaped alduin in the building.

    Now enable only the race and the prerequisites (racecompatibility, apachii or something like this, also the unofficial skyrim patches). Load into the game and use show racemenu. Select your custom race there. If its not crashing at this moment your custom race works. If its crashing Im clueless.

    Lets say you manage to change into your custom race. Save again. Now enable all your mods again. If its now crashing you know its a mod conflict. If its not crashing its a sign that your original save is corrupted.

    If its a mod conflict youll have to invest some time to find out whats the problem. If its the save... well...

  2. I think I know understand your problem. Its IMO a fault at the RLO installation.

    There should be an option during RLO install similar to "do you want to install the RLO dungeon module y/n?" and you selected no. That prevented the copy of Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Dungeons.esp to your data folder.

    But later there was another option asking you if you want to install brighter dungeons and you went yes. This copied Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Brighter Dungeons.esp to your data folder.

    Normally you shouldnt be able to load up skyrim at all now (crash at main menu) as the brighter dungeon module _should_ need the dungeon.esp as master.


    Boss now complains that the dungeon.esp is missing for the sos-rlo-dungeon compatibility patches probably because boss notices the brighter dungeon module (it doesnt make sense to make vanilla dungeons even more brighter).


    The solution of this all would be reinstalling RLO and make sure that no dungeon options are selected there.


    The inferior solution would be installing the RLO dungeon module (+ brighter dungeons) but now you will run into the problem that SoS needs patches (and as Im not able to download the sos compa patch file I cant say if such a patch already exists - damn nexus).


    If you really want bettter dungeon lightning (RLO only provides imagebased light changes inside dungeons thats "dungeon lighting light") you could switch to ELFX which provides atm the best dungeon lighting in Skyrim.

    IMO the best lighting (non-enb based) atm is CoT for weathers, elfx for interiors/dungeons. There are compa patches for SoS for both.

    If you use an enb you have even more options (enb weather, ele and more).



    I just managed to download the RLO manual install package and looking into the archive there are the dungeon.esp (core) and the brighter dungeon.esp (optional). So its definitly a problem at RLO installation.


    Edit 2:

    Got the sos - rlo dungeon compa patch too and there are also 2 esps for the RLO dungeons.


    Hope this was helpful.

  3. Its always amazing in what problems people run.

    So you dont find the compatibility patches packaged with RLO, simple logic would be to look at the other place where those patches could be .... at sounds of skyrim.

    Takes 30 sec to find it:


    No clue of its working though. Have fun. SoS are amazing.

  4. Im not sure what you mean with "not looking like on screens". The screenshots are normally max pimped out with a dozen of beauty mods +textures + enb + whatever. Often its just setup for screenmaking and not playable at all.

    As you dont provide a screenshot from your girl its hard to understand your problem.

  5. Never start a new game with mods enabled. Start vanilla, save in riverwood and enable mods there.

    Your loadorder is a mess, get boss or sort manually.

    No clue about the enb issue. Not even sure if its enb related at all. You could shift + f12 to turn off/on the enbs processing and see if that makes any difference inside.

    You do not provide any useful informations about your system so its just random guesses.

  6. No its not the correct path. Its pretty obvious that you have 2 times /data/* in the filepath. Just do what I wrote and it will work.

    A correct path is:


  7. You adjust your settings with the skyrim launcher (resolution, fullscreen/windowed, whatever). After that the skyrim launcher is not used anymore.

    You start skyrim with the skse loader in the future.

    Onetweak is a skse plugin which will let you play skyrim in a fake fullscreen mode. Actually my suggestion for onetweak was a fault, its probably too complicated for you if you already have problems with launching skyrim through skse. Please forget onetweak and just concentrate on getting skse to work.

  8. Your loadlist is small sized, so if you can reproduce the ctds you should quickly find the mods causing the problems.

    Beside that, you run several mods which spawn mobs, so this might be a possible problem source.

    I also see that you have several race mods which probably also need or already have custom skeletons. Dual sheats redux will also need a custom skeleton. So check there.

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