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Everything posted by theDemonJackal

  1. The Priest being called the Avenging angel is a good idea. And as stated by some ideas he is trying to save your soul.His whole point is that he is a Holy man and thus preachs forgivness and tolerance. Yet he is contradictory in the sense that he hates the legion and wishs to kill them when he sees them (much like boone). The ideas for his weapons are also very good. We were all in agreement that he would have a western like appearence and therefore be carrying around some form of six shooter, but the idea of a blade as his melee is also intriguing. But what I think is needed for the character is that he is older than that of the courier. Like so many classic badass preachers in media he has seen a lot of the sin that the wasteland (the mojave in particular) has to offer. I for one like the idea of a mustached grey haired holy man that dont take s#*! from anyone or anything. As for the nun I like the idea of her making you do side quests to acheive her as a companion. I actaully had an idea concerning a shoot out in bonnie springs. I alway found that place too empty after you take out the raiders there. I think the idea for her to lead you into a shoot out after recruting her would be a great idea. She could then explain what she did/took from them after. Id still say the best product that can be achieved from thread is that of the preist companion. Agreed?
  2. Any ideas for the nun or further ideas for the priest companion? Im only asking due to the fact I have been away for a week and devin thank you I hope we can get a voice actor
  3. I actually Like the idea of him being a crucified survivor. It adds a layer to his character and makes him far more interesting. For the record the little girl I stated is Sunny Smiles. There isnt much information about sunny in Fallout Lore and I thought she could use a Little bit of a backstory. Id say it would be great if you meet him after you meet the legion at nipton. Like you meet him giving the dead the last rights and then telling you that he knows all too well the pain that these men went through before their deaths. Then he agree's to accompany you around the wasteland. The nun being a former New Canenite would be interesting. Devin you are correct. She should be a shy nun that deplores violence and only wants to help the wasteland. Of course she does have some expeirence with a weapon. The preacher would of course be the better of the two but its still fun to think of some form of Nun character to follow you around.
  4. Baptismal Waters sounds like it would be a great perk. Devine protection I think would work better for the Nun companion than the Priest companion in my opinion. We still need ideas for the Nun though but for the moment I think we have a companion with great potential here. Opinions?
  5. Hmmm interesting. Hows about Final Judgement as a trait. Causes extra damage to Raiders, Labotomites, Deathclaws, Nightstalkers, Cazadors(i really f*#@ing hate them) and Bloatflys(doing this one for the legendary bloatfly) Also(dont know if this is possible as a trait) Leap of faith The Priest does not flee from battles with stronger enemies regardless of the circumstances
  6. Well looks to me like we have two good examples of a wasteland Preacher character to base this character off Now dont we? The Priest Character is coming on leaps and bounds I think, NOW we need to work on the Nun character. Unless we can think of any other traits we can give these characters?
  7. http://jerichosquad.com/images/jerichorawlings.jpg Just thought a character design that looks similar to Rawlings (above) from Jerhico for the priest. What do ya think?
  8. Any other ideas for the Nun character would be much appreciated
  9. A Southern Baptist remnant, akin to the Mormon remnant in Zion? If that's the case you may want to add a back story/quest that explains his travels to the west (perhaps a wrong that must be righted) and would earn his loyalty as a companion (ie his companion quest, they all seem to have them). You may want to make that more of dual character. So that most of the time he is like that, but if he sees innocents killed, tortured etc. he brings the riotous fury. You'v probably heard the term in re: to baptist being "hellfire and brimstone preachers"? A practical way to demonstrate that would be combat barks that are more old testament/aggressive. Smiting with gods hand, back to the hellfires from whence you came etc etc. It might also be good to have a secondary, unspoken story line dynamic, where the preacher sees himself as the players shepherd, guiding a man (or woman if the courier is female) of greatness on a riotous path so that he doesn't fall under the sway of darkness and become a scourge of the land. After all hero's stand much taller and fall much harder when they topple. Another personality/story line hook could regard technology. The world was brought low by the hand of man, specifically technology, so he may preach against the advanced tech (especially advance weapons like nukes, FEV virus, etc. Anything that to him would seem like playing god. There's another sub plot that ties into the above, and that would regard mutants. Are they woebegone victims of man's folly or does he see them as tied into the end times prophecy. If the latter he may interpret them as Satan's fallen angels (revelations after the war in Heaven), which would fit something like supermutants to some degree as well as Elohim (the offspring of angels and mankind) An aspect that could be used to soften this approach is that some believe (can't recall who at the moment) that even fallen angels can eventually be saved. To have the above work, you'd have to have him believe he is in the end times timeline, well after the rapture, but before the return of the messiah on earth. As such he'd see it as his mission to redeem the souls still left that were not raptured a sort of last chance. Sure that's a good one, another might be "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, and we already tread a land of darkness" it might be possible to do a simple condition with a (albeit large) form list so that he can have the fire and brimstone combat barks reserved for those he deems the worst and the combat barks you list above for when he must kill and regrets having to take the life of. Sounds good, another might be "Gomorrha like it's namesake, is truly the belly of the beast" Well I'v done full companion's (dialog quests the whole shebang), it's a pain, but if it's a good character it would be worth the work. Still need to work on the nun though. Thanks. Im also thinking that it would be cool if he said some small religous phrasing in Latin. Original idea for the backstory was as follows(Put simply) He was a member of Ceasars legion when it had started but abandoned that after they had killed a family (except for a young girl who they were planning to take back and turn her into a pleasure girl for the troops) This causes him to loose it and kill off his troops while faking his own death. He brought the girl to a town far from the legion. He left the mojave for a number of years and became a priest in order to repent for his sins as a member of the legion. He is capable of speaking latin and does so after some fights with his opponents. His quest involves apologising to that little girl whose life he ruined and she lives in the town of Goodsprings. (This can only be done when certain conditions are met. Such as bringing him to vegas and confronting Benny) Here is one idea for the nun. The Nun now would be a nun only by name. (Random name to put on her for the time being) Sister Maria, is a drinking, smoking, swearing Tomboy who only loves two things. Money and booze. She does however take it serouisly when you discuss religion with her. She has lost her faith but shes not exactly easy on those who think she has wasted her life. She is found in the Atomic wrangler drinking her cares away.
  10. Exactly. But we would be looking for someone who's voice sounds right. Something like a deep southern voice. But thats just a thought. And like ya said Bad ass priests are in a lot of westerns and games. Furthermore I think that it would add some reasons to question your actions in the game. Like i have a few ideas for dialogue for him. E.g: Priest: What will you do when you find the man who shot you? Killing him wont solve anything. It will only give you a moment of satisfaction. Vengence is not the way My boy. -In battle- God forgive me. God have mercy on your soul. The lord will judge you. -In casinos- Mind if I wait outside? This place makes me uncomfortable. What ya think?
  11. Now see thats my point A nun whose badass would be a great little companion. But in terms of the priest I wouldnt want him to be preachy more like Fr. Rawlings in Jericho or Graham. Silent and only priest by name not action. Maybe say something in latin once in while. Hell I just like the idea of an aging priest with a chip on his shoulder and a magnum revolver going around and killing things with ya while giving ya advice. For example: Maybe when you are in New Vegas he asks you if you are sure you want to take revenge on Benny? As violence only causes more violence among the people of the Wasteland. Ya know giving you little peices of advice when asked for it. As for the Nun companion like ya said Two Mules for sister Sara like character would be a good companion. Another good idea would be someone similar to Sister Eda from the Black lagoon anime(look her up if ya dont know what i mean)
  12. I addressed this in my other thread(Vegas Mod Ideas) but i really think it would be a good companion to have. I mean think about it. Having a religous companion who wants to kill the legion and attone for his own sins. Be pretty badass. Be like a mix of Joushua Graham, Daniel, Eligah, and Gannon and ya got yourself a companion Does anyone else think like a nun or a priest following ya would be cool?
  13. Companion + Quest - Fr. Johnathan Cash Okay first off i want to state that this idea is not for some preachy children of Atom style follower, this is a bad ass character who just so happens to be a man of god (If ya have watched BrainDead,Equalibrium, Machete, or priest then ya get some kind of an idea. A better example would be Fr. Rawlings from Jericho). Something like a mix of Graham and Daniel but with a more gunslinger strike down the wicked approach. He of course does not care which side your on as long as its not legion. He sometimes speaks in Latin after killing an enemy giving them the last rights(or whatever). Though religous he does however partake in hookers, booze and killing. Saying that in order to make a difference the Holy man must be enveloped in sin. Anyways, Fr.Cash is looking for something in particular. Redemption. If asked why he says a Mans sin is his own burden. Quest- If you ask him somewhere close to a legion camp he will begin to attack them(as boone does) no matter which side your on. Kill enough legion and he will reveal that in his youth he was a soldier for Ceasar. But he soon ran from the legion and was declared dead after faking his own demise. Vengence towards Ceasar would be too easy, but he cant help himself sometimes. The only thing he wants is to visit the graves of his victims and send them to the after life safely. There is one person in particular he wants to visit. A little girl whose parents were killed by him years ago. Seeing her Cry he threw down his Legion mark and brought her to a town as far from legion soldiers he could find. Goodsprings. She smiled as he left her at the Saloon. Okay guys I would really like this mod because I think it would be badass and would add more to the certain characters backstory that he saved.
  14. Misc- Gunplay Okay I know that this is perhaps an impossible mod to do but i thought ask anyway. This fun little idea is for the ability to play with the guns you have. Like spinning hand guns around your finger like robocop or Ocelot.
  15. Commi- Ghouls.- NPC Mod Serouisly why isnt there any Commi survivors?
  16. As a long time watcher of Hellraiser movies and reader of the comics and book. I must say your point interests me. But may I ask why not go further? A quest mod would be interesting to do with hellraiser. But since that may not be in the cards. If someone does make the puzzle box, I for one would just want it for decoration since opening it would bring the cenobites and totally kill my ass. So while it can have some effect on your character Just want one for decortation around my house ya know.
  17. Sunshine In a bag- Quest Mod (Part 3 of 3 of the Quests The Bonnie Springs Shootout) Finally its time to hunt down the men that tried to kill you. Washington, Mitch, Rusty, Colorado Jim and their leader Aldo are all revealed to be still in the wasteland and spending the money you helped them steal. Mitch is the most careless as he is spending and bragging about his moeny up in the atomic rangler. Upon killing him you hear fromt a begger that Rusty went to searchlight Airport in an attempt to find a fort to hide out until the heat dies down. Killing him his belongings reveal that the rest of the old gang are at Bonnie Springs with the remainder of the caps. When you arrive you notice they are all dressed in different clothing to what they had worn before. Each in a cowboy like outfit. Aldo says that this is the end of the line. A showdown in this dead town between the three of them and You. As soon as you talk to aldo the fight begins but before that you can talk to Colorado Jim and convince him to team up with you. That is if you dont mind sharing the loot 50/50. Killing these guys gives you two(or three) cowboy outfits and two unique weapons called Rooster rifle and Ford(a revolver). As well as the ramainder of the money a cool 15000.(May can also join you if your cards are played right). The Mutant Hunter- Quest A Rogue NCR ranger has been found hunting Super Mutants and killing them. This wouldnt be a problem if it were not for the fact he has found Jacobstown. This is a simple mission as you only need to take him down and save Jacobstown
  18. Feeling Lucky?- Quest(Part 1 of three The Bonnie Springs Shootout) A set of Quest mods based around the New Vegas player who wants a more cowboy like experience in the land of New Vegas. A strange man approachs the courier with a tempting offer. Lots of Money in no time, split between you, him and his associates resulting in 5 grand each. This job is simple. You and the group will ambush a caravan carrying the profits of a few successful buisness men from around the capital wasteland and new Reno. Best part is that none is going to die...at least thats What he says. (You are given a new set of armor and weapon, even given a nickname by the others in order to keep your identity a secret.) Of course the plan doesnt go as smoothly as Aldo promised. Washington gets impatient and opens fire on the caravan resulting in a shoot out. After this Aldo says that we should split up for now and gives you a small amount of what you have coming. He warns you not to spend it too soon. Mercy May- Quest/Companion(Part 2 of three The Bonnie Springs Shootout) You get a message from Aldo and the gang again. Its time to meet up again and split the ramainder of the dough. You are suppose to meet them outside Nipton and then they will split the loot. As the loot is split up, the gang turns on you and draws their guns. In a condesending Tone Aldo apologises and they all shoot you. You wake up in bradeys Shack to a woman sitting in a chair watching you holding a gun. She asks you a series of questions to decide whether or not she should have saved you. Finding out what had happened she agrees to help you find out the mens names and their location. Her name is May and she is a mormon which explains as to why she saved you. She is searching the mojave for truth and justice and knows of a man that may help you. Coincidently he is the same man that hooked up Aldo with the information about the caravan. May seeks revenge for her sister that Joe sold as a body gaurd for a caravan. Upon meeting Joe he states to you that he belives in client confidentiality and that you and May are more connected than you think. May asks Joe where her sister is and he tells her that You are responsible for her death. It appears that the woman that Washington shot at the caravan was May's Sister, and then May questions your true intentions. When you sort out your motives with May Joe opens fire and as soon as you kill him. You find a list of names. The names of your former associates and their locations.
  19. The Company of Rats-Quest Because of your popularity with the NCR President Kimbell asks if you can train a group of trainee's of the NCR to be half the man you are. The weird thing is that it was a Courier that delivered this message to you and not a soldier. Upon meeting the NCR dressed gentlemen you notice that these men arent exactly NCR matierial but brush it off as a war time desperation recruitment. They say to bring them to fiend terratory as a way to bring them right into the action. Only these are Fiends in disguise. Time to find out who set this up. Its far too organised for the fiends so who could have come up with it?
  20. As I have stated before. This is just a few of my ideas for mods, since I am technologicaly impared(meaning i suck when using computers and stuff). So what i am doing is giving some of my ideas for mods on the off chance some of them could be picked up. Im gonna be back soon doing more mod ideas
  21. Renegade Jones-Companion So I was playing some mods the other day and was doing the Courier Cache (If ya havent checked it out I recommend ya do) when a thought came to mind. There should be a companion that does nothing but talk himself up but turns cowardly when he is in combat like Marty or Carlos. Thats not to say that he just runs away when you get in a fight he just kinda shouts things like " PLEASE DONT HIT ME!!". So with this in mind I came up with the Idea of a guy in Primm calling himself "Renegade" Jones. You meet him in the casino in Primm and he boasts about being the best shot in the Mojave and being so dangerous that no side of the war want to recruit him under fear of his actions. His story is full of holes and when he finishs you can ask him if hes so great why doesnt he save primm other than leaving you to do it. Then as a way to prove he is this great man he decides to travel with you. Of course this leads you to discover he is something of a coward and starting a small companion quest where he gains some bravery. Of course the only place he can face death square in the eye and become confident after doing so is in Quarry Junction. He gives you two perks one upon hiring him and the other when you finish his quest. The Bighouse-Quest and vault mod(title is a prototype) This is another Vault/Quest mod involving the Prisioners of Vault 85 and coincedently enough Prisoner 85(look it up if you want to see why i picked this number). Backstory of the Vault(that i made up): Originally built as a prison for the observation of dangerous criminals by leading doctors and pyschologists, the experiment was to see if criminals could socially interact with one another by non violent means.Vault 85 soon became one of the most dangerous Vaults in the Wasteland. As the population of prisioners grew it became more and more clear that this was going to end badly for the scientests and gaurds invovled. The Prisoner's began a riot that resulted in the many deaths of the other inhabitants. One gaurd, however barely escaped the Vault sealing it shut under the mojave along with its inhabitants at 9:46pm on October 23rd 2077, a minuite before the bombs dropped. This sealed all the prisioners inside a high tech vault where they have lived for more than two hundred years in solitude until a radio signal is sent out to a pipboy of a random stranger that a prisioner needs help. It seems that they have found a way to open the vault and now want to travel through the wasteland and slaughter the people of the Mojave.Some have become ghouls, others were raised there, and some became worse than what they were prior... Whats the point in this quest mod you might ask. Well I was looking through the vaults and their uses and found that some were used for really twisted motives and what resulted was of course the Vaults we all know and love. But I thought why hasnt anyone made a creepy mod where you cant tell your allies from your enemies. Since most of the inhabitants are prisoners or criminally insane you cant turn your back on them for a second. What i see in a simplistic way is that you are commuinicating with prisoner 85 through a com system he has set up(Similar to the use of ED-E in Lonesome road) and on the way you have to fight all manner of mutated crazie's(similar to the labotomites or the Ghost people). The main problem is that you have to really question who you can trust on the way. For example an idea that there is a doctor who will sell you junk or used medicine but as soon as you stop talking to them they attack you asking for their stuff back. There is of course some humans there that live in a similar way to raiders or fiends. And finally there is a romance/companion obtion with one inmate named 29, who says she isnt as insane as the others but getting there. She talks to herself but doesnt like talking about her life up to meeting the corier until he makes her feel more comfotable. Look at the image below to see the idea for some of the layout of the Prision
  22. Thanks very much if anyone is ever interested in making these mods Ill let them know your interested in doing a voice. Of course I do have a lot more mod ideas but for the time Im busy with other things. Thanks again for your feedback
  23. Lady Jane Blue's Short quest mod involving the Followers of the Apocolypse involving Fiends who kidnapped a Follower chemist who is now being forced to create chems for them or they will kill her. Jane is her name and she is the best chemist the Followers have in their possession, and having a chemist is very important when they are trying to clean up freeside. Jane, is of course, trapped in Vault 3 and is in need of a courier to save her. Its an idea for a simple Tag and Collect mission. Nothing too complicated. Presidents Day Much more complex quest mod involving a new vault and partly inspired by some enemies from Bioshock Infinite. The courier heard tales about a vault named Vault 50.This Vault was originally an experiment to see if people surrounded by American Propaganda would either come to hate its purpose and question their loyalty or accept it and be willing to become the best they can be. However, this went horribly wrong when the vault was split between commuinist loving factions and patroits. This involved many of the creation of Robots who wore similar clothing to that of presidents(Think S.T's Robot Race and also some other robots in Licolns hats, Buttons wigs and perhaps old time cloths) and the soviet side who wore similar clothing to soviet leaders(fake beards, General Jinweis Uniform,and some Hats of the people). The robots outlasted the people and thus still gaurd the weapons still locked away in the vault. The only question is, how long before both sides move out into the wasteland. Basically this mod has you exploring a large vault facing both ancient commuinist robots and patriot robots. I think it would be a good idea to an extent.
  24. So I was looking through the companion mods and quest mods and noticed something. While there are some fantastic companion and quest mods on the nexus I have a few ideas for mods that due to the fact I am incredibly bad at making mods I think i should post them here and see if anyone likes the ideas.I will state the category so you know what is what. Companion- Domino (For the record I am aware of the robot companion named Domino but with all though respect to the mod author i would have rathered a human companion) Companion mod centering around a well dressed man down on his luck in freeside. He is very well dressed for a freeside resident and looks out of place. Despite his appearence he is very condesending and rude, but is in need of help. He calls himself Domino and has been kicked out of almost ever casion in New Reno and a few on the way to New Vegas. He reveals himself as a Jack of all trades and is interested in teaming up with you despite never have heard anything about you while being in Freeside(or so he says). His back story is simple enough but he mentions a few times that what he has had to do is not pleasant but can look after himself if need be.He always has some comment about a situation that he finds annoying and has nothing nice to say about any faction but also doesn't care which side your on. He turns out to be a former member of the Talon Company that quit due to addiction and refusal to follow orders. He would have a side quest in which he wants to seek forgiveness from the families of those he has killed in the past resulting in some forgiving him and others trying to kill him. If recruited he gives you the trait "Wiseguy" which gives you +5 in guns,explosives,unarmed, and melee. Companion- Dice A prostitute in Gomorrah that, like Joana, is there due to unpleasant circumstances. She is hooked on Jet and despite wanting to escape cant do it without help. As soon as you help her escape she reveals that she was once a poet that fell on really hard times and as a result somehow became an addict prostitute in Gomorrah. She wish's to travel with you and see the wasteland and if needed she will gladly use guns to help you out in anyway she can. You can choose whether to keep her addicted to jet or to help her get over it. If you keep her on jet but there's a possibility that she will OD if given too much of it. If you decide to rehabilitate her then she will have more health but will not be as strong as when she is on jet.Should you decide to keep her on jet her attitude will change from time to time if she is going through witdrawel. You can also hear some of her poetry if you want which varies from Drug hallucinations to a poem about gambling. She is of course a romantic and will often find beauty in the most silliest of things. The Trait she gives you is called "Thompson Syndrome" where when you take drugs their effects are doubled and addiction to drugs caused them to last twice as long. Quest Mod - Fear And Loathing In New Vegas Quick little quest mod revolving around your character taking some mix of drugs before entering new vegas. As soon as you enter your approached by a women calling herself Camilla saying that her husband a doctor wants to talk to you after hearing about your ordeal. She leads you to a strange looking man who offers you some medicine from the paint you must be expeirencing as a result of getting shot in the head. After taking the drug you wake up in the fountain outside the ultralux a few days later. A seceratron approachs you and asks if your done with your party? Confused you discover that you have been commiting crimes and acting the fool around the strip. You also find that you have been robbed of all your hard earned caps. You are then approached by a man named Duke who wants you to help him track down the good Doctor and Camilla who are revealed to be successful criminals and drug manufacturers with heafty bounties on their heads. So he offers you an opportuinity to team up and track down these two, get your caps back and a little extra for the help. Companion - Adam Valintine Adam Valintine is a ghoul who claims to have been the biggest singer in the world before the war. So what is this former star doing in the Mojave? A job perhaps? Revenge actually. He is on a journey to kill the man that cheated him out of his hard earned money, ruined his career and tried to kill him. Finding that you both have that in common he suggests that you and him team up in order to hunt down the men that wronged you and left you for dead. He does however know his way around a pistol and has a few comments to make about Benny, The King and Dean Domino (refering to Dean as a Jealous man with dark and complicated things on his mind) Adam's personality is based off 50's singers and corny slang. The perk you recieve by teaming up with him is called "Im with the Band" making it possible to sneak more weapons into Casinos.
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