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Everything posted by sornan

  1. Hi NexusComa :smile: Thanks for the reply and input. That is a good idea, I should just try a test run of her moving to a position that is certainly a distance away from her actual mounted position. Even though that may not be the desired result, if it works, it moves things in the direction of fixing the issue. Thank you RedDragon2013 :smile: Thanks for the code there, and that could certainly help detect for sure if the packages are completing or not. The scene phase does wait on her to run the new package that *should* cause her to dismount, and that phase does complete, but I should double check and maybe add a section that requires completion of that package before allowing things to progress if for no other reason than to help whittle things down. The Scene does progress beyond the point of her being bugged, but it gets stuck when she cannot move to a nearby position which a particular phase waits on so she can talk to someone. Thanks for the links to those commands, good tools to know about in the event a scene is having major issues. It'll get figured out, it's only about the 5th brick wall I've ran into in making this mod... things got worked out over time, often thanks to you great guys here helping as well :smile: I'll post once I get a chance to test some changes Thanks!
  2. Hello :) I have a scene where a female Npc rides their horse to a travel location, and then runs a new travel package with 'use horse if possible' flag as false with the travel location right next to the 'horse riding' travel location, so the result normally would be just a dismount with no further movement at that point. This was working great through numerous tests, and then a recent re-test on things revealed for some unknown reason, she is not dismounting. I can confirm that the new travel package with horse travel flagged as false is indeed running, even though she is still on the horse. Later on in the scene, she is meant to walk to a nearby location via a new travel package as well, and this now no longer works, she just remains indefinitely on the horse, as if stuck. This all used to work just fine previously. The only adjustments I've made are to voice types after the scene was working fine, so there is nothing I can find that I had changed which would cause this. I've also checked the Navmesh, it seems fine. I did add the script function Dismount to her, and it had no effect, along with an Evaluate package right after it. She also has all of her travel packages set to ignore combat, so any detection of semi-distant enemies should not be affecting things. I don't know at this point, the Npc just seems stuck on the horse, as if something has bugged out. Any insight or help would be much appreciated :)
  3. Thank you Maxarturo :smile: Thanks for the great information there. It's good to know that StopCombatAlarm is the only thing that works on the player. Thanks also for the command that uses Alias References. Despite many tests, I was not able to get StopCombatAlarm + StopCombat to work to end the dialog issues. It still cuts off after a second or two. It certainly *did* stop the combat music, indicating combat has ended, despite the enemies nearby whom still showed red on the miniature radar in the area. I added the friendly Npc's to the code as well just to be sure, even though technically they should not have been in combat, unfortunately it made no difference. I can only surmise that both StopCombatAlarm and or StopCombat may only temporarily work under conditions where opposing forces exist nearby each other, as maybe eventually the game engine says "we've stopped all combat, but there are still enemies nearby...". I could be wrong, just conclusions from testing on my end. I have found a combination that works with factional adjustments during the presence of enemies: CJA_NazgulFaction.SetAlly (PlayerFaction) PlayerFaction.SetAlly (CJA_NazgulFaction) CJA_Nazgul_1_Ref.StopCombat () CJA_Nazgul_2_Ref.StopCombat () CJA_Nazgul_3_Ref.StopCombat () CJA_Nazgul_4_Ref.StopCombat () CJA_Nazgul_5_Ref.StopCombat () The Nazgul being set Ally to the PlayerFaction actually seems to be all that's needed for the factional part, but I figured it can't hurt to set the PlayerFaction to Ally to them as well. The StopCombat part for them finished it off, and actually works. I was really surprised it worked, it was a last ditch effort expected to fail. The dialog works as it should, with no enemies nearby any longer. /EDIT Decided to just integrate the StopCombatAlarm plus StopCombat code along with the factional adjustments in the scenario to help ensure things are solid. Final code: CJA_NazgulFaction.SetAlly (PlayerFaction) PlayerFaction.SetAlly (CJA_NazgulFaction) CJA_Nazgul_1_Ref.StopCombatAlarm () CJA_Nazgul_2_Ref.StopCombatAlarm () CJA_Nazgul_3_Ref.StopCombatAlarm () CJA_Nazgul_4_Ref.StopCombatAlarm () CJA_Nazgul_5_Ref.StopCombatAlarm () CJA_Frodo_Ref.StopCombatAlarm () CJA_Sam_Ref.StopCombatAlarm () CJA_Merry_Ref.StopCombatAlarm () CJA_Pippin_Ref.StopCombatAlarm () CJA_Nazgul_1_Ref.StopCombat () CJA_Nazgul_2_Ref.StopCombat () CJA_Nazgul_3_Ref.StopCombat () CJA_Nazgul_4_Ref.StopCombat () CJA_Nazgul_5_Ref.StopCombat () CJA_Frodo_Ref.StopCombat () CJA_Sam_Ref.StopCombat () CJA_Merry_Ref.StopCombat () CJA_Pippin_Ref.StopCombat () PlayerRef.StopCombatAlarm ()Same good results, things are working, and I can only imagine that the extra measures help to ensure further scene and scenario content will function properly with combat having been effectively ended. Thanks so much for the help, it got sorted! :smile:
  4. Hi everyone :smile: I have a scenario, where the player fights some baddies, drives them off eventually where they are then in 'Flee' mode, and then a scene unfolds where the player needs to interact with a few friendly Npc's in dialog. Problem is, as long as the fleeing baddies are in the general area, combat mode persists, and the dialog with the Npc's is messed up, where the dialog session is ended by the game engine in about 2 seconds every time while combat mode is still active. Once the bad guys are gone after a minute, everything is fine and dialog works as it should, but the dialog needs to work while they are in the area still. I've tried the following to stop combat from happening once the enemy is fleeing with no success: CJA_NazgulFaction.SetAlly (PlayerFaction) PlayerFaction.SetAlly (CJA_NazgulFaction) CJA_Nazgul_1_Ref.SetRelationshipRank (PlayerRef, 4) CJA_Nazgul_2_Ref.SetRelationshipRank (PlayerRef, 4) CJA_Nazgul_3_Ref.SetRelationshipRank (PlayerRef, 4) CJA_Nazgul_4_Ref.SetRelationshipRank (PlayerRef, 4) CJA_Nazgul_5_Ref.SetRelationshipRank (PlayerRef, 4) PlayerRef.StopCombat () The Npc that the player is interacting with is an Ally to those bad guys (also an ally to the player) so they never went into combat during the previous fight, and has package flags set to ignore combat and no combat alert, so the Npc himself should not be an issue. As a last resort, I can just move the bad guys to a holding cell and at the same time replace them with identical actors that would not be in combat with the player, but that would be a bit of work and not the ideal solution for any future scenarios where this may come up again. Has anyone else ran into this, and found a way to get dialog sessions between the player and Npc's to work while under combat conditions (combat mode)? Any help appreciated :smile:
  5. Did a test run trying out Relationship, with the player and an Npc that was Bandit Faction, Relationship Ally, and it worked - the guy tried to kill my horse, and other nearby Npc's, but left me alone and even allowed dialog once he was out of combat. The downside, something I didn't know is that for Relationship to work, the actor must be Unique and therefore only one reference allowed. The Nazgul in the quest mod are not unique, and already added in editor and in script. I'd have to remove some things and add things to get it to work this way - but it does work, and is an option :smile: Going to test the faction approach now, and if it works it may be the way as I should not have to modify existing content in the quest mod. On a side note, the StopCombat I'm not quite sure how it would work, even if it did, as it looks like a Bool, not using actual actor references, and the Nazgul need to still be able to fight with the player. Anyhow, carrying on :smile: /Edit Not to triple post :p Tried the factional changes, it works. I had to adjust factions to Ally state to prevent the Nazgul from attacking the hobbits and themselves as well, my suspicion is this is due to them being 'very aggressive' in their AI settings. Either way, it's great, they hold position nearby the cowering Hobbits, and then engage the player once in range. Thanks everyone for the help. :)
  6. Thank you very much guys :smile: Thanks Dylbill for the suggestions there - The relationship I'd start with, just because in case it works, sounds like the easiest way to go. I can try StopCombat, I have not had success with it in the past but it takes a few moments to see if it might work. Factions may be the way in the end. Thank you Skyflash for piecing all of that together, I appreciate that a lot, especially when I have never really messed with faction changes much. I have a sense there's a good chance the faction adjustments will be the way, see what happens through some testing. Ah, thanks! :smile:
  7. At very least I should have thanked you for the code example, regardless of my opinion of how the game handles event usage in code. Thank you for the help, and happy post-Thanksgiving :smile: (all of our leftovers are gone now :sad: ) Take care
  8. Hello :) I've got 4 Hobbits that are cowering at the presence of the Nazgul before them. Using a fleeTo package with proper flags keeps them in place and crouching in fear. Problem is, I have not yet found a way to stop the Nazgul from attacking them. The player shows up and fights the Nazgul, so I can't prevent the Nazgul from being able to go into combat. I've done quite a bit of searching on the web, and in the functions list, and can't seem to find a command to get an Npc to be in a 'state' where they would not be attacked by hostiles. Is there a function that might work to make an Npc unattackable (will not be engaged), or is the only way to mess with scripting faction changes? Any help appreciated. TIA :)
  9. To me, it is funky with the way controlling the usage of multiple events in a script works, there nothing wrong with saying that, it's my opinion, I could have said that's 'odd', or whatever. It's surprising to me there isn't an on/off switch for individual events. I'll try the delete function, sounds like that will work to shut down scripts. Thanks for the help.
  10. Thanks :) Yea, that's some kind of funky stuff with the events. But I do understand, likely for simplicity I would just go for shutting down the script. The command .Stop () , is that what ends a script - i.e. - MyScript.Stop () ? I've noticed that when a quest is stopped, it looks like the quest scripts still continue to run. Have a good weekend too :)
  11. Thanks maxarturo :smile: The information helps indeed. Yes, the OnTriggerEnter would also present some complexities in script, where one would be keeping track of each actor that entered, rather than using OnTrigger where the list of actors in the trigger is updated automatically. May I ask, is there a way to shut down one of these events? Like, supposing I use the OnTrigger event, and then once the conditions are satisfied for something to happen, the event is shut down and therefore essentially removed? I'm confident with the events one can incrementally build a list of their own in script as to whom is in a trigger area, yet without an actual command to just get the list the code could become a bit lengthy and somewhat complex for something that would be done regularly, at least in my quest, where GetDistance is tons simpler (one liner check), yet a little buggy due to cell borders. I was hoping that maybe some other people have done this with triggers, but if not, I'll probably stick with GetDistance. I could only imagine if I wanted to get the triggers to do this would require either a custom function or copy and paste code system, and really not wanting to go that far with it. Thanks :smile:
  12. Hey everyone :smile: I've become pretty reliant on the GetDistance command for working out quest content in scripts, yet it comes with its random issues due to cell borders. I'm looking at the triggers to possibly simplify and refine things on occasion, but there are a few things about triggers I'm not sure of despite web searches. Let me ask a few questions regarding triggers that I have not found an answer to: Trigger Performance Impacts I've read that triggers should be limited in their width distance to reduce performance impacts... In exterior areas would performance impacts of triggers only be limited to the cell they are in, or can they impact game play in the entire exterior world space? I would be wanting to replace distance checks with triggers that could be covering areas of 300 to 400 or more (not sure if the distance command uses feet), but the same distances. Trigger Lists I would like to use some fairly large width (radius) triggers to detect when a number of certain actors are within the borders of those triggers - yet so far I only have found a command to get a count of the total actors within a trigger, not a way to actually gain a list (array) of all of the actors within the triggers where you can then see if certain actors are within the trigger area (via array check?). I'm used to modding Armed Assault 3 in the past where triggers can give you a list of whom is in those borders, but I don't know if this game can do that, and don't know about the performance impacts of potentially large radius triggers as well. Any input would be appreciated. :smile:
  13. I'd like to add that if it were me, and I really wanted to first do the auto generate of the navmesh before hand working things, I'd search out on the web other people having the same issues with either time length of the generation due to size of the dungeon or potential issues where the generation just would not complete. At least then you might find that either the time length may be potentially a number of hours depending on size, or there may be some error with the dungeon preventing the generation from completing. If it were the time, I'd just let it run for as long as needed. I'm not saying that the auto generation is necessarily the best way, just saying if it was me, and I wanted a layout to start with, despite the cleanup needed, I'd try to get it to work. I'm making quest content for a big Lotr world space mod, and I've found a lot of areas look like the creator just did the auto generate navmesh and moved on, surely for the sake of time and due to the scope of what he was trying to accomplish. I've had to clean things up along the way, but ironically only as per needed for the quest content to work as intended in specific areas. So in this case, if the Lotr world mod author had tried to do everything by hand, he may have never completed a number of world areas (including interiors) because of the extra time and work involved, and for my part I don't mind cleaning up areas here and there to get quest content to work while leaving the rest as is. Just saying, there are pluses and minus's here. Just depends on what is needed really. Don't forget to backup the .Esp often too, in my quest mod that has been in the works for about 5 months I have 143 backups currently. I backup after I make significant changes/additions, and I backup when I know I'm about to change things that may have the chance of negatively affecting work I have done. I've reverted to numerous backup versions at least 5 times if not more, and it can save a lot of time and avoid frustration. The frequency of how often I personally backup things is probably nearly once per session that I spend time on my mod.
  14. Thank you IsharaMeradin Thanks for the link there, that is an interesting command. I do appreciate the info on your usage, and potential issues with it. It might be for the best at least at this point due to the issues you stated along with potential complexities of trying to micro manage from 4 to 9 actors following to put that option on the back shelf for now indeed. I'm not sure what you mean by 'Custom Npc's', as the actors that are following the player are indeed custom, and I have not used the integrated follower system with them. Having the actors follow each other did produce the most reliable results, I'm going to try to tinker with the radius settings a bit and see if I can get them to cluster less. Thanks again :)
  15. Hello everyone :smile: I knew I'd run into this... I'm having four actors using a follow package where they follow the player around. Every package template I've tried of the 'Follow' variant do the same thing, they cause the actors to really, really spread out despite the radius restrictions set. Typically, one or two actors will remain near the player within their proper radius, and then the other two normally stay like 200 feet away. It definitely does not look much like a group following a leader. The only thing that has worked, and I have not yet tried to refine it yet, but if I make the first actor follow the player, and then the next actor follow him, and the next actor follow the 2nd guy, and the last guy follow the 3rd actor. The actors primarily stick together, and stay near the player, yet they also often cloister right on top of him. I might be able to refine this, but ideally it would be better to have a way to just get all four of them to follow the player and stay near him. These actors are not technically 'followers', just actors running follow packages, just to be clear. I've noticed the 'accompany' flag on some of the follow package templates, and have not seen any difference in turning that on or off. Just wondered if that may have some sort of impact. Definitely have to get this right now, as the group will go from 4 to 9 later on in the quest, and they can't be spread out over 400 feet. I would appreciate any insight or help in how to get multiple (4) following actors to stay near the player.
  16. Yea, the whole scripting system with Skyrim is a bit awkward, as it seems it was not designed to be very dynamic in itself, rather it's set up to be used in bits and chunks put into fragments often, making it hard to see what is doing what when so much is only visible panel by panel in various areas of the editor. There are ways around this system, but those ways around are not optimized. As it seems some of the things you guys are doing, and me as well, using quest scripts and trying to minimize the use of fragments that can just be hard to keep track of. I've found the usage of OnUpdate essential for me, so I can use looping quest scripts that can kick off immediately and not being dependent on a specific event before getting potentially lengthy code to run. One of the things I had discovered some time ago is that quests added that have quest scripts attached to them run those scripts immediately (on a clean save), even if the quest is not start game enabled - honestly I am a bit confused as to why they did that, the scripts should only run once the quest is started. And bothering to stop the scripts and then restart them is really just wasting time fighting the system, so for me I have to add an initial condition to ensure the core code does not run until it should for each quest script. Oblivion had some limitations and issues like this too, although the quest script system actually revolved around looping scripts, and as I recall had by default a lot of the game objects and references directly accessible in the scripts, where here we have to manually put in the OnUpdate event to get looping code, and also have to manually input objects or references into code along with having to at least confirm those additions with the button interface of the script properties. I mean, it's all workable, just with some limitations and workarounds. If anyone has worked with scripts in the Armed Assault series of games, that would be in my opinion the ideal script system. Scripts are under the control of the mission designer completely, fully accessible via custom folders - so everything is in view, scripts are executed and shutdown via code from anywhere, and looping code can be easily done in any script that is executed by just running a while-do loop. Scripts would run in full from the start, and portions of that code running being dependent on conditions put in by the coder purely, not event based. Global variables were also by default accessible by all scripts, yet in a game like Oblivion or Skyrim, where there is so much potential 'Global' data and so many scripts running, I can see how maybe having to declare such data in each script might reduce performance issues. Either way sure would be nice to see a more dynamic and more easily accessible and visible script system in the next TES game, but probably not lol. I will note, despite my occasional gripes with the script system for Skyrim, I admit the Scenes and Dialog functions they put in make things tons easier than in Oblivion, where it took forever sometimes to get some scenes and lengthy dialog to work out.
  17. /Edit Just spent 15 minutes trying what you indicated causes a bug, along with a few other attempts to break things. I'm sorry, but I am not getting any issue here. The saved game is always clear of the Mute function, and once restarting the game and using the save the Mute is gone every time. I also tested leaving the Mute on, without ever turning it off in script, saving (along with the menu usage as described above), no difference, the game restart and hence new saved game was fine with no Mute on. Anyhow, I'm done worrying about the Mute, I've spent more time testing this than I ever should have, when my first test revealed it is not stored in saved games. Back to working on my mod :smile:
  18. Hi guys :smile: A seemingly simple thing I've been trying to accomplish, an actor sits down in a tavern, and then a 'drink' animation is ran for a period of time. I just put in a 'Sit Target' package, target being the chair, and then in the package Idle I put in the IdleDrink, and.. he does nothing more than sits. I tried setting a duration to the Idle in the package, made no difference. I can't use the 'Eat' package, because it randomizes between eat and drink. Honestly I really want to be able to use the Idles in the Ai Packages, but so far it seems like they do nothing (at very least not working with a sitting actor). Any help would be really appreciated, as I'm trying to finally nail down the AI usage for good scenes, and it seems I'm still fumbling a bit here.. /Edit Did some testing yesterday and found that the package idles do work, really well actually, but they won't work while the actor is sitting. I can only assume sitting, alike other animations like leaning against a wall, etc, are overriding a package idle (or maybe better put they are already running an idle), so they can't both happen at once. I can live with it, unless someone knows how to get a sitting actor to execute animations (beyond the basic eat package).
  19. It does seem like most of the posts by others having issues with IMS and ENB's were either using the fade IMS's, or maybe if they were using the solid black along with crossfade they did not post their code, so it's hard to know without testing. At least the FadeOutGame can be there as a backup, and I haven't noticed any issue. I do like the fact the FadeOutGame truly disables system menu access, a nice place to use Mute if needed, when with DisablePlayerControls alone I can't get rid of the player being able to access the system menu.
  20. Hey Maxarturo I appreciate the input. After a lot of testing last night, found that as long as the player is unable to 'escape' from a loaded game while the 'Mute' function is active, there seems to be no way to break things, and as long as this is for a short duration, and then it is turned off, I actually tried to break it and could not. Fortunately the FadeOutGame function disables everything during it's duration, including the system menu, so as long as the 'Mute' function runs during that time of the pure black, again I could not find a way to break it. Considering the potential ramifications of the usage of the 'Mute', I would of course only suggest such usage if needed, typically it probably would not be needed. Either way, because under certain conditions when you have a unique scene where there is a bunch of noise going on during the fade sequence, at least providing the Mute option in the example code does give a tool to deal with the issue, despite the potential issues if not used carefully, it is a tool nonetheless, and I feel it should be revealed. Hi NexusComa2 Yea.. I've seen it before, it's just been a long time. I did a lot of scripting in Arma 3, and worked with a number of people, strangely the community there is pretty solid despite a lot of programmers around. On the flip side, when I was working with Oblivion on BladeSong, I ran into a number of people that seemed like they just wanted to fight.. I try to shrug it off and carry on, yet sometimes you can't avoid the conflict and have to deal with things. Nice code there :smile: Heck yea, and I was thinking the same thing, why bother making the custom functions and just use the game functions directly, but it looks like tewlons found a way to get things to work with ENB as well, by putting in FadeOutGame along with the IMS, almost as a backup. It worked out well also being that FadeOutGame stops any access of all menus including system, so it seems like a pretty solid and safe place to do things like (if needed) Mute, etc. I'm relying on his work there for ENB compatibility, and I figured it sure is better than nothing even if it was just a flip to black and flip back with ENB running, rather than everything showing that should be hidden. Yea, this whole thing started with me making a 'tavern' scene in my mod, where the player goes into a pretty quiet tavern, sits down, and then a fade sequence, time passes, and then once it's late at night, the fade-in happens with the tavern packed with 10 people sitting everywhere. I almost gave up on it because I couldn't find a fade sequence that worked along with getting rid of the sound of the actors walking around. After digging around for a long time online and trying different things, I finally got it to work. I almost just carried on and said Great! .. it works.. and then started thinking about how many other people might have to go through the same mess to get their fade sequence figured out or.. give up. So, I decided to put in the combo code that comes from a few different sources here on the forums. It took three times the time I expected to get it all together in a uniform fashion and test things out (in Vanilla). Although tewlons stated that his code works with ENB, which is integrated here, I cannot test that myself with ENB. After looking at what ENB messes with in the game, and after so much effort to configure things for modding, I can't risk messing things up. I think I actually fear more of what ENB would do to my setup than dealing with the Mute function lol. But that's my decision, I know a lot of people use it, I just spent way too much time getting things right in my game setup to risk it. On an off-note - With DisablePlayerControls, I tried the parameter 'abCamSwitch' being set to false, the third element, and in game it still would not let me change from first to third person perspective.. is that option broken with the function maybe? (DisablePlayerControls Description)
  21. 1: Okay, so the function here, and the work it's built upon by other members here that have had many peoples interested in their work.. is useless in your opinion? 2: The Mute function is *not* integrated at all into the functions, I put it into example code as being optional, which is why it is commented out. At the top of the example script is..: ;Uncomment the SoundCategory property and MasterSound usage to access usage of the Mute function to remove game sound during the black time ;Uncomment the Game.DisablePlayerControls/Game.EnablePlayerControls to allow the player to be locked in place during the fade sequence Also, during the time of pure black in the fade sequence, it is nearly impossible to exit during the time that the Mute *may* be happening because of FadeOutGame, which does not allow using the escape function. In fact, I just spent a half an hour trying to break the code, and I could not escape the current session during the mute time. Lastly, in the nearly impossible event that Mute would remain active - in this case I don't even see how one could do it.. but just to lay it down.. - it is not persistent, and only remains for the current game session, it does not get stored in saves. Sorry to burst *your* bubble.. 4: tewlons *did* get it to work with ENB, and hence as I stated, his code is integrated. But you didn't read that either right.. 5: You didn't burst anything. While you're at it, why not go after the other members that posted their work in getting fades to function as well? 6: I thought the forum rules involved respecting other members and posting constructively, I'm not seeing that in your post at *All*. I only spent my entire afternoon today putting all of this together. I put this together from other members work to give back to the community. Thanks!
  22. Hello :smile: This is a combination of code derived from two scripts from Nexus posts: Script Author: LogicalD Fade To Black ISM Works! But Fade-In not working? Script Author: tewlons Improved cutscenes with cinematic camera, fades, and more The final code here has been heavily tested, and works great - (not ENB tested but should be compatible thanks to tewlons code). The usage is pretty simple, and relies on CrossFade so that things are 'seamless' and should be reliable under low fps conditions. Function Code: ;IMS Property ;object under ImageSpaceModifier FadeToBlackHoldImod ImageSpaceModifier Property FadeToBlackHold auto ;***************************************** ;Fade Functions Function DoFadeOut (Float Time) FadeToBlackHold.ApplyCrossFade (Time) Utility.Wait (Time) Game.FadeOutGame (False,True,50,1) EndFunction Function DoFadeIn (Float Time) Game.FadeOutGame (False,True,0.1,0.1) ImageSpaceModifier.RemoveCrossFade (Time) EndFunction ;**************************************** You can add the IMS property and function code to any "full" Papyrus script -Not a fragment- and then call the functions directly from the same script - this includes a custom made quest script. You can add the IMS property and function code to the main quest script generated by the game and then be able to call the functions from quest stage fragments. Script Example: ;Uncomment the SoundCategory property and MasterSound usage to access usage of the Mute function to remove game sound during the black time **Only use Mute if really needed** ;Uncomment the Game.DisablePlayerControls/Game.EnablePlayerControls to allow the player to be locked in place during the fade sequence ;Object under SoundCategory property _AudioCategoryMaster ;SoundCategory Property MasterSound Auto ;Game.DisablePlayerControls(true, true, true, false, true, true, true, false) Utility.Wait(1.0) DoFadeOut (4) Utility.Wait(4.0) ;MasterSound.Mute () ;Do stuff during the black screen ;Move actors, move things, change time, etc ;wait for things to be finished before allowing the fade in Utility.Wait(7.0) DoFadeIn(4) ;MasterSound.UnMute () ;Game.EnablePlayerControls() The Mute option in script added is just in case during the black screen there might be sounds of footsteps or something else undesirable. The option to use Mute in the example code should only be ran during the absolute black screen time, where the FadeOutGame function is running, which prevents the player from escaping during the Mute time. Through numerous tests I have not been able to break the Mute usage, but due to posts from others cautioning about the use of the command, I would at least suggest using it only if needed. The extra code was put into the functions from tewlons script which attempts to compensate for issues with ENB and the IMS property. With ENB enabled, the final result may vary depending on ENB settings, and could range from being fairly smooth fade transitions, to just an instant black screen and then after the duration instant end to black screen. Off-note: If desiring to use a default main quest script yet it does not exist - A main quest script is seemingly not generated by the game until code is compiled into a quest stage fragment, even just a ; (semicolon) added and then compiled will do it.
  23. Sorry for the late response, but thank you for the additional help :) I do agree with the backups, I have over 100 of them right now for the current mod. I usually do a backup anytime I make any significant changes. I just name them numerically. I have seen that with the saves when having deleted things, that they are not actually deleted until the mod is loaded again. Thanks again :)
  24. I don't know why it would do that as well, I figured heck, regardless of what .Esm these guys are from, either Vanilla or Mod, that doing this is just making use of the assets in an .Esp normally. Thanks, yes I'm just going to backup things, and try it again, and if the warnings show up, yet no in game issues arise, I'll just live with it. Having the warnings disabled does remove that annoyance, and it takes 1/3 the time to duplicate in this manner rather than deleting references and replacing them manually which has been a pain. Thanks for the help ! :smile: /Edit After changing some references base objects and testing with warnings back on, no warnings showed up.. Not sure why, but it's good news. This will save quite a bit of time and work. Thanks again
  25. Thanks NexusComa Yea, I kind of incorrectly typed the topic name here - What I have been doing, is taking an actor reference, clicking the 'Edit Base Object', then just duplicating the base object by renaming it and selecting yes when the CK asks to create new object - hence the actor reference is now attached to the new duplicate, and the original base object remains untouched. My concern has been the CK throwing errors at loadup complaining about each reference having its base object being changed.
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