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About seth2012

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  1. Well I can play the game no problem there, she just deleted the directory where NMM keeps the logs so my NMM shows no mods atm, can't uninstall or manage any previously installed mods now. That folder was around 8 GB as I remener and she seems to have deleted around 20 GB of data, what the rest that's gone are to be found yet. No worries I didn't murder her :D I just told her to use my notebook under parential supervision :D I tried a few data recovering programs etc to recover the files, some are recovered but still didn't fix my problem so now I am unistalling Skyrim and anything related to it. I played with the same character since 11.11.11 and restarting, redownloading and reinstalling the mods will take too long of a time so for now I put Skyrim aside in tears :D Maybe I'd return someday :) I never used or needed system restore so always preferred to keep it off, aaaaanyway thank you for the help and advice :)
  2. I keep it off so no system restore for me :(
  3. Well people I have a major problem with NMM, Today when I wasn't at home my sis seems to have decided to use my laptop and she messed with some files, it appears that somehow she managed to delete the folder where NMM keeps the files, logs etc of the mods installed. So now I have the mods in the game but I don't see them in the NMM, so can't manage, remove etc. I had maybe over 100 mods and tring to manage them without NMM would be a torture. I had nearly 25 GB of mods it would be torturous to redownload them, reinstall them all etc. Is there an easier way to revert this? Any solution?
  4. I had the exact same issue. Finally, tonight I went through and disabled everything, then loaded an old save and started enabling groups of mods until the problem re-appeared. For me, the RaceMenu mod was the culprit; disabling it immediately cured the problem. Looking at the mod page, it appears to be a known issue that I simply overlooked. Hopefully they'll fix it at some point, but until then I'm thinking that the mod isn't something that gets used every day, so I just disable it. I had the exact same issue. Finally, tonight I went through and disabled everything, then loaded an old save and started enabling groups of mods until the problem re-appeared. For me, the RaceMenu mod was the culprit; disabling it immediately cured the problem. Looking at the mod page, it appears to be a known issue that I simply overlooked. Hopefully they'll fix it at some point, but until then I'm thinking that the mod isn't something that gets used every day, so I just disable it. It seems like they have fixed the issue. But they havn't released the verison yet. See mod site for info http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/29624 Thank you for the heklp guys I'll check if it solves my problem. That works for me too but walk for a min or two the weapon disappears again.
  5. It's cause of wet and cold mod I guess, I removed the mod and deleted wet trigger scripts and don't get the error anymore.
  6. You can change the GPU that you want to use from Catalyst Control Center menu or if you can't do that you can turn off the Intel GPU from the bios if there is such option.
  7. I have a similar problem, disappearing weapons, I fly minutes after a draugr uses a shout on me etc I thought it could be a mod based thing but we have only 2 mods in common convenient horses and dragon falls manor apart from unofficial patches of course.
  8. Well here is what I did and solved the problem from a similar help seeking topic I started: "I traveled to Skyrim, completed one quest, updated wet and cold and also saw the 1.0.1 update for unofficial dragonborn patch then when was in the Honningbrew Meadery I saw a message saying something like a vision of Solstheim flashes before your eyes, traveled back to Solstheim and the book worked." Don't know if it was luck or anything done in this process really fixed this. You can try deleting some script heavy mods if you have them, or or mods that add or changes animations. Also try the 30 days wait thing that might help, cause I might have done that too when in Skyrim, I don't remember exactly.
  9. Update unofficial Dragonborn patch mod to 1.0.1 if you didn't that made it work for me.
  10. Update it, older versions cause Dragonborn animations to not work. I had the latest version, though the problem is solved somehow. I traveled to Skyrim, completed one quest, updated wet and cold and also saw the 1.0.1 update for unofficial dragonborn patch then when was in the Honningbrew Meadery I saw a message saying something like a vision of Solstheim flashes before your eyes, traveled back to Solstheim and the book worked. Also I gotta say Miraak went down way too easy, that was a disappointment.
  11. I have bowlegged jump animation fix and fores new idles in the animation category of my NMM
  12. Well peoplem at the beginning I had major problems playing Dragonborn DLC but after long times spent trying to fix them I could play it with very minor problems. But after some time a new problem occured, I learnt the last words of Bend Will and now I need to read Waking Dreams and go to Apocrypha but reading it doesn't take me there I just stare at the book. Modded or Mod-Free both the same. Anybody knows of a fix for that?
  13. Well I used Wrye Bash but didn't notice it making a big difference to be honest still to try Skyproc though. Still I have some bugs but not extreme game breakers. Sometimes when I kill a dragon I absorb the souls ages later. I keep n playing and 10-20 mins later out of nowhere I absorb the soul of a dragon I killed aroun Markath when I am already in Riften for example. The most annoying one is sometimes when I walk by people a conversation is automatically triggered and my character turn to them with dialogue options opened once it happened with 10 or so imperial soldiers around and every imperial soldier triggered a dialogue, I left one and the other started so I had to kill them all and usually when I load a game the drawn weapon in my hand disappears but will sort those out in time too I guess.
  14. http://www.nodiatis.com/pub/11.jpg
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