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Everything posted by LegendaryHiccupz

  1. The problem is this pathing works if I was on Windows, but I'm not. The path that the ini is actually in looks like this I simply need to know how to make TES5Edit point to the intended location not the one it's trying and failing to reach. A few things to note about the guide you linked me. It doesn't specify where exactly I'm supposed to write the -I argument. On Linux my only option is through Lutris, because wine is fickle on my machine involving 32x and because it's the only way I can create a launch argument to begin with. This is what I get when I try to use said argument ('username' is just me censoring out my machine's names): The other thing to note here is that Linux uses / for it's pathing instead of \ and I'm not basically not allowed to use the \ for arguments or pathing unless it's inside of an otherwise Windows-made program. Is there not a way to make TES5Edit, on it's own, find the path from within it's own program? Even if I have to make a custom edit script? I was never a coder to begin with. Ultimately the real solution would be to have a functioning mod manager specifically for Linux machines but I'm not holding my breath on that. Edit: You know what. Never mind, even though Linux's userbase is spiking up pretty hard these days, it really was retarded of me to think I could ask a Linux question on a Windows platform despite it not really being a Linux problem to begin with but that doesn't matter these days does it? Any moderator: Close this thread please. It's not going to go anywhere.
  2. Since I realize I'm probably getting ignored for asking what might seem to be a "dumb question", I should specify the problem. (Seems to be a trend that everytime I post here I always get ignored). I am using Lutris to launch TES5Edit which works. Skyrim is installed with steam in it's intended location. TES5Edit exists in the folders path/Skyrim/Modding Tools/TES5Edit folder, It launches normally but it gives the following error: The problem is this pathing works if I was on Windows, but I'm not. The path that the ini is actually in looks like this I simply need to know how to make TES5Edit point to the intended location not the one it's trying and failing to reach.
  3. Like title says. I have the location of the Skyrim.ini and I have TES5Edit installed in it's own folder inside of the main directory (this has always worked before in the past). The only thing I need help with is trying to identify how to tell TES5Edit where the ini file is. It's defaulting to the Windows path when I need it to use the Debian path, which is a bit more of a complex path because of wine.
  4. I went to go check on my mod list before starting again and Vortex decided out of the blue that it couldn't find my installed games (Skyrim SE in this case) and it took all the mod files installed through Vortex as well as all of the loose files I had installed for modding with it. Now I have to start from scratch all over again because Vortex bricked itself. Now I'm forced to either rebuild my mods or ragequit because of this. How can I be sure this won't happen again in the next session? What the heck happened? How often does this sort of thing even happen? Edit: It didn't wipe the loose files like I thought, it just can't find them and it's refusing to find them.
  5. I don't understand why this troubleshooting section of the forums even exists when no one ever responds to these. Waste of space on the servers if you ask me... someone delete this post. It's abundantly clear no one is going to help me out. As per usual. Why do I expect anything less.
  6. I'm not sure what I did to break it. I remember I had the Dwemer Centurion working just fine earlier today but then I switched my enb/weather/lighting mods (because I was trying something new and I ended up not liking it) and then it broke. It's the only thing that seems visibly broken at least but it did break and it's annoying me. I need help figuring out how to go about trying to fix this since simply reinstalling the mods that change the centurion did nothing. Here's the image of the broken centurion: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1777209780717308364/4CA1613BCF87C0B9754162C0C8204ACEC26B2F79/ and an image of my load order via vortex staging folder: https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51142177194_1b9207e501_b.jpg Linked the images because the images are rather large. Any advice would be helpful. Edit: Come on. 22 views and almost 24 hours passed and no one can help? I don't even know where to begin fixing this and I want to avoid having to do a clean install since the dwemer centurion is the only thing having a problem. I even tried to uninstall the dwemer glowmap mods thinking it might be causing the problem but it's not. I'm at a loss and really need help. Please.
  7. SETTINGS--------->UPDATE------>Change from STABLE to TESTING. (At your own risk) Alright, I appreciate the feedback. I guess I'll just use a different ENB til the official patch. Thanks for the help guys.
  8. I wasn't given the option to upgrade. Do I have to wait or is there a button I overlooked?
  9. 1: Currently have v 0.17.5 of Vortex 2: Trying to mod Skyrim (Not SSE) 3: Vortex currently has 76 mods listed, and to clarify, I had more loaded before without issues. 4: Currently using Windows 8.1 Pro, 8GB RAM (7.87 usable), and it's x64 bit Currently I'm having issues with extraction, however it's only giving me issues with extracting Vividian to be used with Vivid Weathers at the moment, and it didn't give me issues beforehand. When I finish selecting my options and click go to start the extraction, it just sits there and gets stuck. I can't click anything that would make it pause or do anything else, making my only option to shut vortex off. I reinstalled Vividian which was already the latest version of it, checked to make sure there weren't any ghost files made as a result of the issue, and tried to find answers here on the forums but I'm not sure what to do about it. If Vividian wasn't a complex mod to extract manually, I would be just going manual with it instead of this. So far, no other files I have are giving me issues, and I do not use Vortex to download mods, I download them manual like I have always done even with the old Nexus Mod Manager. I don't believe this to be an issue with Vividian, rather just an odd hiccup I've run into for this version of Vortex. I was unable to attach the logs to this post, so I've provided a download link of all 5 logs. I don't know which is which or what they specifically are saying, but I hope the answer is within them making for a simple fix. https://mega.nz/#!Smp2FQRT!9njqSe7244U3Jhc3q2YGNSDL068T4kSbfXS6XZwWXkw
  10. So I'm looking to getting back into skyrim a bit but my load order is a bit dull atm, and I want to spice up my game play. With the Floating Damage mod being popular I figured I'd start there and try to work my way up. However I only know a handful of mods that would help make the game feel more mmo-ish. Please keep in mind I'm not looking for a multiplayer server mod, just mods that make the game feel more like an MMO. List of mods I know are good for this theme: Floating Damage World's Dawn Immersive Armors Rustic Weapons I would appreciate any suggestions :) Thank you
  11. Uh... Why would your request not existanymore? The mod I was looking in my last request likely doesn't exist anymore. The request I made was just blatantly ignored. This current request is more important anyways. Edit: Nevermind I found SkyTweak, heh, maybe I should be a "detective" at this rate.
  12. I will assume my previous request was ignored because it most likely doesn't exist anymore. In any case, communication would have been appreciated. Next request: I am using Skyrim Souls, however the basic tutorial hint boxes have become the literal death of every character I make (Ex: Your Health/Stamina/Magicka is low!) Is there a mod that disables these outright?
  13. I'm searching for a specific ENB preset, I used it some years ago, but I had to get rid of it because I ran it on a potato laptop. Now that I have a tower with a Nvidia GEForce GTX 970, I've thought about that preset. I don't remember the name but it was pretty somber and grim, and the mod author listed it as a performance enb at the time, but what made the enb stand out were certain effects it had, some of the lighting would offer hexagonal sprites for non-sun lights, and it gave this super fancy sparkle effect to flames and etc. Lots of purple, blue, and red hues too. Also, I don't think it was a well known or popular enb preset. Sorry for not being very clear on what I'm looking for, but I'm going based on memory from a few years ago. This is all I remember about the preset.
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