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  1. It kind of sucks that we wear the same nasty looking clothes day in and day out. Then we head into Athens and we see nicely dressed people. Yet, we run around in dark rags. Be nice if we could have a set of good looking clothes.
  2. Yeah. I created the XMarker for her by copying the script from anther companion. But, that didn't work. I'm not worried about it now.
  3. So, I have added the companion to New California, but, her scripts seem to have broken. If I talk to her, I get the "Hello..." but then she runs off. If I catch her again, I get the same beginning response. I've gone into the GECK and checked the scripts and they are all still there, so I can't figure out why it's broken in game. Any help would be awesome.
  4. Wow. This is an old topic. I even forgot about it. I just made my own. Well, not as good as the original in my opinion, but, it works.
  5. I have this same issue and I'm not using raider overhaul nor gunner overhaul. So, no idea how to fix it.
  6. Yeah. I actually deleted them all and am redownloading them. But, like I said this morning, it's a fresh install so there shouldn't be any issues.
  7. Sheson heap size is for TTW I thought. I'm using NVSE version 5.1b4 Not the early version of 4.xx. Also, the 4GB Fallout New Vegas vseion that I'm using in this one: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/35262Per NVSE instructions. Anyway, NV works properly IF I disable all the DLCs. Neutral factions aren't hostile. But, without the DLCs, the game is pretty much a bust.
  8. I am using the 4gb patcher. I have Windows 10 Pro 1803 Redstone 4. SCU I think it is.
  9. I also noticed that even with my 32gb and the 11gb on my 1080ti, I was getting an out of memory error. So, yeah. VRAM is an issue. Although the card works great in all other games, including FO3. NV is just a lil whiney b.
  10. Here's the load order: 0 0 FalloutNV.esm 1 1 DeadMoney.esm 2 2 HonestHearts.esm 3 3 OldWorldBlues.esm 4 4 LonesomeRoad.esm 5 5 GunRunnersArsenal.esm 6 6 ClassicPack.esm 7 7 MercenaryPack.esm 8 8 TribalPack.esm 9 9 CaravanPack.esm Friendly.esp NonHostile.esp My system specs just in case: i7-7700k 32gb HyperX FURY DDR4 Gigabyte GTX 1080ti gaming oc 11GB ASRock Z270 Pro4 mobo
  11. Thanks for the help. With YUP installed, my game crashes. I'll load a save and it starts to load and the loading wheel freezes and I get a silent CTD. So, I can't use YUP. I just tried that on a new save. Everything I've tried up to this point: 1. Reinstalled Win10 2. Uninstalled New Vegas/Cleaned external SSD of anything related to NV 3. Reinstalled New Vegas 4. Ran NV from the Steam launcher/No mods/Vanilla only 5. Complete ALL GS quests except for: Ghost Town Gunfight.Run Goodsprings Run. 6. Head out into the Mojave 7. At Jean's Sky Diving: Hostile markers behind building(Powder Gangers) 8. Head to Primm: Hostile marker where the NCR soldier is at 9. Get attacked by neutral(LMAO!) NCR 10. Die All of that on a new install of Win10 and NV. I've exhausted all my own ideas and a few from friends on Discord. No love to be had. I think it's time to just put NV back into the attic and forget about it until I'm 81. I'm 71 now. So, another 10 years. Hopefully I'll still be kickin.
  12. I installed Steam to an external SSD. NV is the only game with issues. Well, I have some issues with State of Decay 2, it continues to break and at times will refuse to reinstall. Maybe this is a Win10 1803 issue. I don't know. FO3 works perfectly after installing Microsoft Games for Windows. I haven't played NV on anything above Windows 8.0 and I never had any issues.
  13. Umm... Not sure you're understanding my issue. Even on vanilla, after resetting the .ini the problem persists. These saves are NEW saves. Not old saves. On my very first load of the game after install is when this first happened. I'm also not a "first timer". I am even a modder and I cannot figure out this issue.
  14. I just started playing NV again after years away from it. I only have a few mods installed: Alternate T-51B NCR T-51B NVAC NVSE Weapon Mesh Improvement Jacobstown Player Bungalow The problem is that all major factions, except Goodsprings are initially hostile. These factions should be neutral until I gain or lose karma. Anyway, I made a mod that makes all major factions neutral, which fixes the initial problem. However, after gaining and even losing karma, they stay neutral. So, I uninstalled my mod, thinking the karma would fix itself, but it does't. The major factions return to being hostile. Not sure how to fix this issue. I uninstalled all mods except for NVAC, because without NVAC I can't play NV, just to see if it was one of those mods, even though they don't touch factions, but even without the mods, the factions are hostile. I've tried this with 2 new saves, the second save was completely vanilla and the issue still persists. If anyone knows how to fix this, please help. Thanks in advance. Edit: I've even tried console commands: player.SetFactionRank 000ee68a 1 SetFactionReaction 000ee68a 1B2A4 1 But, nothing helps
  15. I used Bilgo's FO4 Config Tool to set the setting without opening up console. But it has a setting to set a bat file. In fact, I use Disable Console - No Scripts or Software needed because it's just too easy to cheat with the console active. Besides, if there's a need to cheat, there's a mod that works from your Pip-Boy called Cheat Terminal and one called Cheat Menu Holotape -- Cheat_Engine.exe if that's your thing.
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