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Posts posted by ShadeyJK

  1. Hello everyone, I downloaded and installed Maximum Carnage and Maximum Destruction for anniversary edition but neither seem to be working properly.

    I have Maximum Carnage, SKSE, SkyUI, Spell Item Perk Distributor, Address Library for SKSE Plugins, and Maximum Skeletons D-Won Edition installed and updated to the latest versions.

    Maximum Carnage and Maximum Destruction both appear in the in-game mod configuration menu (MCM), and I am able to adjust the settings for both mods there- but none of the effects actually function for me.

    I do not have any mods installed that conflict to my knowledge, but just I've attached a screenshot of my mod list

    Any help would be greatly appreciated

  2. Decided to try out this mod today. I have the Nexus Mod Manager installed. Currently, there should be no conflicting mods.

    Anyway, earlier I simply went to the mod's page and clicked on the Nexus Mod Manager install. As you may imagine, this didn't work very well in-game. Everything was fine except that when mutilating an NPC, their torsos would go invisible. I did some research and figured out this thread that provides a detailed walkthrough of installation:

    1) I did follow the steps, however I got stuck at one point. Installing 1.3.3 CORE was no issue. However, when I installed the vanilla mesh pack (as instructed), the mod manager told me this:

    "A different version of Deadly Mutilation - dismemberment blood and gore - Deadly Mutilation V1_3_3 CORE has been detected. The installed version is 1.3.3, the new version is 1.3.3. Would you like to upgrade? Selecting No will install the new Mod normally."

    I am given the options: "Yes, No, Cancel"

    2) I then installed 1.3.4 as instructed, and followed the steps accordingly. I clicked No when it asked to update, although I was also confused when it stated:

    "Data file 'Data\Scripts\DM_SkiConfigMenu.pex' has already been installed by 'Deadly Mutilation - dismemberment blood and gore - Deadly Mutilation V1_3_3 CORE' Overwrite with Deadly Mutilation - dismemberment blood and gore - Deadly Mutilation V1_3_4 Update mod's file?"

    I am then given the options: "Yes to all, Yes to folder, Yes to Mod, Yes, No to all, No to folder, No to Mod, No"

    Critical Questions:

    1) When facing the corresponding issue (I labeled each section by number), what should I select? Is this supposed to take place at all, or did I do something incorrectly?

    2) What option do I select here? Or is this option not supposed to be present?

    Additional Details:

    I did try a combination of the options given. A good few combinations, actually. All of them resulted in the in-game Mod Options either:

    A) showing Deadly Mutilation and its logo, but no options for the mod.

    B) showing Deadly Mutilation with no logo nor any options.

    Previously, when I first installed the mod by simply using the nexus mod manager to install the mod directly from its page (Not 1.3.4, mesh pack, 1.3.4, etc. separately, But just clicking on the NMM Download on the description page), when I went into the mod menu, I was able to see that Deadly Mutilation and its logo was present, AS WELL AS a "general" tab beneath it which contained all the options for the mod. The only issue encountered during gameplay was that torsos of enemies went invisible.

    What I desire:

    Please read this topic and answer the above 2 questions. I am aware some of these may be common sense, others may not be. I am only here to get this modification working, as it seems like a pretty epic mod. I would therefor greatly appreciate any help given by those who have successfully installed this mod recently. Furthermore, if anyone is able to provide additional information aside from what the Tips Thread mentions, that would be greatly appreciated as well.

    Thank you in advance

  3. It's cut content! The DB armor + clothing trees both have hood/maskless variants, which means originally it was intended for their to be 2 variants, the texture files include the section for the "mask" part and the ground/inventory meshes have the mask ... I'd say it's another 11/11/11 bug, like Female Dwarven Armor



    Alright, good information to know :D


    Thanks guys, this cleared things up a whole lot for me :)

  4. Never seen the book, but maybe it's the Nightingale one you get near the end of the Theives Guild?



    No, that is on a different page......plus, I know for a fact the outfit I am talking about in the book is the Dark Brotherhood.....because right above it it says "Dark Brotherhood Clothing" lol.


    The Nightingale looks completely different from what I am talking about btw. Nightingale is like this grayish armour with a gray hood/mask.


    The outfit I am talking about is the robes and hood you can find in the first room of the DB sanctuary (the first sanctuary, not dawnstar) on a shelf, only the hood as a red cloth attached to it, turning it into a mask of some sort. Wish I had a picture to show it.

  5. Never seen the book, but maybe it's the Nightingale one you get near the end of the Theives Guild?



    No, that is on a different page......plus, I know for a fact the outfit I am talking about in the book is the Dark Brotherhood.....because right above it it says "Dark Brotherhood Clothing" lol.


    The Nightingale looks completely different from what I am talking about btw. Nightingale is like this grayish armour with a gray hood/mask.


    The outfit I am talking about is the robes and hood you can find in the first room of the DB sanctuary (the first sanctuary, not dawnstar) on a shelf, only the hood as a red cloth attached to it, turning it into a mask of some sort. Wish I had a picture to show it.

  6. so far i've not found a shrouded mask like the one on page 138 in the skyrim artbook. their is no mask with the shrouded hood or any hood i've found. was probably scraped during development.


    I'll place my bets on that. The only possible clothing it could have been that I found evidence of, is at the dawnstar sanctuary. Basicly, go to your characters room there, and lying around, somewhere near the wall on th eopposite of the side of the room you enter from, is some DB clothing, that upon picking up, dissapears, and never shows up in your inventory.


    Well, thanks for the answers guy :D

  7. What I mean is, for those who pre-ordered Skyrim, and those who got the "art of skyrim" book, on page 138 should be some artwork of the Dark Brotherhood clothing. The reason I ask, is that all the other armor/clothing in book are very accurate to the in-game counterparts. Basicly the robes and everything are the same as the <spoiler> robes that you find on the shelf in the first room of the sanctuary (the room where astrid usually hangs out). Even the hood in the book looks the same, but the only difference is, the hood in the book has this longihs red cloth attached to the hood, covering the face from the nose down. I was wondering if there was an obtainable piece of this or not in the game. Thank you for your response however, as it answer most of my question :)


    But for those who have the book, and look on page 138 at the dark brotherhood clothing, does the mask-like hood exist in the game? or is there just a maskless-hood version in the game?

  8. So I pre-ordered Skyrim a while back and got the book thingy, and while looking through it, I found that on one of th epages, think it was page 138 or soemthing, it showed "Dark Brotherhood Clothing" with this epic mask. I doubt this is the female version of the shrouded hood or whatever it is, but I can't seem to find it in-game. Is it even in the game? Wish i could give more details than that, but that's all I can really give.
  9. Okay so I did the quest where you become a werewolf, and afterwards attack a bandit cave, only to find out the one guy died, after that I was given a quest and for soem reason that quest disappeared. It was "Stirke at the Heart" or something, but it just disappeared from my quest log. Any Ideas to why this happened?
  10. You go back to the nocternal room and step on a different circle. There is a problem though the room wasn't correct in my game but it still worked. The room was the pre key room instead of the after key room. However, walking where the circles should be worked anyway.


    Ok thanks, gonna try that. I will let you know if it works.

  11. During the Thieves Guild main questline, I became a Nightingale and once I was goven the option to select one of three powers, I acidentally stepped on a circle with the power I did not want, I have waited more than a day, but can't seem to figure out how I can change my power. Anyone know what I have to do?
  12. Ok, so I did everything in the DB questline that the Dawnstar Sanctuary has been restored. So I entered the master bedroom, looked around, and on a dresser I found a peice of clothing labled "Worn Shrouded Cowl". So I thought I would take it and try it on, but when I went to my inventory to equip it, it wasn't there...is this a bug? Or is it a female-only cowl? ( I have a male character, and I have noticed that female characters get masks in the beginning, so that is why I mentioned that)


    <<EDIT>> I also found the rest of the outfit there, would not show up in my inventory. Is this a bug or something? Tried to google search the tiems, cdid not find any results.

  13. So, a few months ago I downloaded deadly reflex 5, and it was amazing. The only problem I found was that there was no guide to how to perform the different combat moves. I know hwo to decapitate, cut in half, wrist cut,smahs head, shoot the arrow into the chest, but what about the rest?


    I would like someone to please give me a short guide explaining how to perform all the moves. All the ones I did not mention above (except wrist cut, I would like to make sure I know how to do that).


    And lastly, is it worth it to get deadly reflex 6? It requires a few programs to be downloaded, and it seems pretty tricky to install.


    yeah, I can't wait for skyrim. So a trailor for it, and saw a part with a throat slice move. Epicness.


    I mainly need to know how to slice a throat and I am set. Thanks for that guide. (a;ready knew how to shield bach and kick, but the rest was very helpful)


    So can anyone tell me how to slice throats in it? sleep stab? etc.

  14. So, a few months ago I downloaded deadly reflex 5, and it was amazing. The only problem I found was that there was no guide to how to perform the different combat moves. I know hwo to decapitate, cut in half, wrist cut,smahs head, shoot the arrow into the chest, but what about the rest?


    I would like someone to please give me a short guide explaining how to perform all the moves. All the ones I did not mention above (except wrist cut, I would like to make sure I know how to do that).


    And lastly, is it worth it to get deadly reflex 6? It requires a few programs to be downloaded, and it seems pretty tricky to install.

  15. Also be sure that if you want to join us, you get xfire. Xfire is our most used source (excluding pms) for talking with members. Though xfire is not required to join us, It is recomended that if you can get it, you do get it. here is a link for for an xfire: http://search.yahoo.com/r/_ylt=A0oG7le5GABOUnMAfMlXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTE1dmR1NGIyBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMwRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkA0FDQlkwM18xNDA-/SIG=11i90r7q9/EXP=1308650777/**http%3a//www.xfire.com/download/ .


    Now, if you have or are getting xfire and you want to join us, add me as a friend. My xfire name is "richardthewarlock." for those of you new to xfire, to add me as a friend after downloading, you must open xfire,click on the orange cross in the bottom left corner, and then put in my name and press enter.


    And remember, if you have any questions, do not be affraid to ask :thumbsup: .That is all for now.


    We are now hosting a tournament for the game, M&B Warband. If you want more information, pm me.

  16. Thats great Indoril ! :laugh:


    Oh, and some things I forgot to say on the first post.


    1) We are a Community, not a Clan. Our warband devision is only a branch of the other games we do.

    2)Do NOT feel pressured by us. you do not have to join if you don't want to.

    3)Yes, our community is Star Wars based. It wasn't my desision. I never even new of GE at that time.




    4) If you want to join us and you are sure you want to join us, you MUST pm me (killerunicorn5). The reason is because I need to make sure you understand our instructions of registration and that you don't end up in the wrong place. So pm me if you want to join and I will walk you through it.

    5)Ok, this isn't really a must. As a matter of fact, as long as you can speak to me through here, then the following is optional:join Taleworlds,the main and home site for M&B Warband.

  17. Hello everyone! I willl also be displaying news that occurs in GE that you guys should know.


    When GE started,(I wasnt recruited then) there was a system for different games. It was the GIA/GIN devisions. GIA=Galactic Imperial Army, while GIN= Galactic Imperial Navy. GIA is what I am recruiting for. I am a member of GIA. depending on what games you or your devision play, you will be placed in either GIA or GIN. however, at one point the GE community went wrong. we thought it was our GIA/GIN system, but it wasnt. We have now brought back the GIA/GIN system. The game, M&B Warband, is a GIA game. upon joining GE, if you play warband, you are to change your in-game name to ,for example, GIA_R_MrFancyPants. the name i used for the example is made up and not being used at the moment. As you can see the made up member is a part of GIA (Galactic Imperial Army),a recruit ®, and his name is MrFancyPants.


    That is all for now about the GE community.

  18. Hello everyone, The following is the description of a community I have recently joined. If you want to be recruited, PM me. Also feel free to post your opinions here. <<<IMPORTANT>>> the following is for the game "Mount and Blade Warband." It is not required that you join Warband's home site, Taleworlds.How ever it is highly recommended



    Galactic Empire









    Clan Information

    The Galactic Empire is a professional and friendly clan that focuses on teamwork, strategy, and dedication. We are a community that treats every member the same, no matter what rank or title you may have. We encourage members to give respect and professionalism to all. We are mainly US-based, but we welcome anyone that would apply and become a part of the Galactic Empire. We aim to be competitive in the future with the clans of the Taleworlds Community and become a productive clan of the Taleworlds Community.


    Recruiting Information

    As I stated before, we welcome anyone from any part of the world, but we are mainly US-based. We recruit based on attitude and personality. We feel that a member should have determination to succeed and flourish. We understand if your not so good at Mount and Blade Warband. But that's what training is for. We train members on our server daily, so skill is not a nesscessity to join us. We welcome anyone of any background. So if your looking to better your skills and meet new people, you won't regret joining the Galactic Empire. We are a great community of gamers that play all sorts of games. And the great game of Mount and Blade Warband is one of them!



    Our community mainly communicates with it's members through Xfire, Ventrilo, via PMS on Taleworlds Forum, and it's own forum. We feel that communication is necessary for a community and it's principles. So communicating is something we expect from our members. So simply communicating with us will get you far in this community.


    Ventrilo Information

    IP- voice06.dallas.hypernia.com

    Port- 6334


    We have our very own Warband Server named GE_US_Server. Come there if you want some friendly people to hang out with. We also use it for clan matches, trainings, etc. We also have our very own forum located here: http://www.imperialmovement.com/forums/index.php


    As for rank information and stuff like that, come here: http://www.imperialmovement.com/information.php



    In Galactic Empire [GE], We have a devision for each game we play. There is Modern Warfare 4 devision, Jedi Academy devision, And the one that I will be disscussing, M&B Warband devision.

    After you have registered on the site, you may create an application in the Warband section. To do so, you just scroll down through the forum s until you come to the Mount and Blade Warband section and create a new topic there. Your app should have why you want to join our devision,how long you have been playing M&B Warband,your time zone,your in-game name(multiplayer), your favorite class (multiplayer),and if you are in taleworlds you should tell us your username there. Also be sure to read our Imperial Platform and Membership Policy found here http://www.imperialmovement.com/platform.php . You must follow and fill in all parts of your application or it will not be accepted. If done correctly, the Warband devision leader, Facemelter, or the Site leader,Darchind, will accept you.


    My GE name is "Dark Shadow." If you have any questions about us or how to register or any of that stuff, just PM me here. I am usually here everyday, so expect me to reply within 48 hours. If I don't, It is because I have somthing more important at that moment.


    Again, feel free to post your opinions here. I will respond to those who wish to join here, private messaging, or xfire. My xfire name is richardthewarlock.


    If you have any questions, feel free to ask.


    P.S. For those of you who don't know, a clan is a group of players who work together and help train each other. Joining a clan is a great way to meet new friends.

    And sorry, but our emblem thing is a bit off and so is our community name above it.

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