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Status Updates posted by Flipout6

  1. Well. Almost two full years since I last added anything to this profile feed and...finished high school on the first of February. At LONG LAST.
  2. Turning 17 on the 15th aw yis
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ithildin


      I've kept an eye on a reminder note since the end of Feb. So there, ha! :D
    3. Ithildin


      ... It's how I roll.
    4. AurianaValoria1
  3. So as it turns out there're these two baby squirrels in my neighbourhood who're tiny as hell and have no fear at all. This was proven when one of them followed me down the street home, annnndddd climbed up my pant leg to my chest. Little bugger XD
    1. Ithildin


      Wow, those squirrels have some moxie! Wonder whether they've seen their parents hand-fed by one of your neighbors or something.
    2. AurianaValoria1


      XD Brave little squirrels! :P
  4. Schools's back on :(
    1. Deleted6317247User


      That really sucks. :/
    2. Ithildin


      Sorry, Flip ... hopefully time will fly even if you're not having fun.
  5. Haven't been very active lately, you dead or somethin'?
  6. I am now 16 and eligible to drive! Fetch the damage control teams.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GrueMaster


      On a personal note, I just now realized it's the 21st. :S


    3. Deleted6317247User


      Happy belated birthday! Hope you had a great one.


      I remember this guy in school had a car similar to this: http://cdn.styleforum.net/e/ee/ee3560eb_Katy203-wheel20car1.jpeg

      when he got his driver license when he was 16. XD

    4. Ithildin


      Non sequitur here: brilliant writing! XD Leave it to the brothers (and Amendale) ... have to dry out my trackball now. That'll teach me to drink water while reading ToF.
  7. I got Star Wars KOTOR 1 and 2 again. Haven't played those in years, two childhood favourites =P
    1. Risibisi


      Cool! I bought them a few days ago. It's my first playthrough and I have a lot of fun! :D
    2. Naktis


      Hmm... never played any of them. *hides in the bushes* Crap I forgot that it's winter now. xD
  8. I got Star Wars KOTOR 1 and 2 again. Haven't played those in years, two childhood favourites =P
    1. mythicdawnmaster


      OHH! i absolutely LOVE those games. They are some of my absolute favourites XD
  9. WEEEEEEEEEEEEKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEND! Sure, I gotta study for exams, but WEEKEND!
  10. WEEEEEEEEEEEEKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEND! Sure, I gotta study for exams, but WEEKEND!
    1. Ithildin


      Nice that another one's coming up in just a couple of days, too! :D
  11. Oh, and the feeling is mutual. I hope the nexus doesn't make me post two identical comments this time @.@
  12. Hey there, thanks for addin' me.
  13. Well, it's 2013 now. Weird thought. School starts up again tomorrow *sighs*
  14. Well, it's 2013 now. Weird thought. School starts up again tomorrow *sighs*
    1. Naktis


      Oh, that sucks. :( I mean school part.
  15. *lurks in a closet within a closet within THE closet*
  16. Merry soon-to-be christmas, everyone! Oh, and Happy Holidays if you don't celebrate Christmas. Can't forget that.
  17. Merry soon-to-be christmas, everyone! Oh, and Happy Holidays if you don't celebrate Christmas. Can't forget that.
    1. Naktis


      Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you too! :)
    2. AurianaValoria1


      Merry Christmas, Flip! XD
  18. I put up a new story in the Druid's Garden called "Final Advice" if anyone wants to read it, or if anyone visits this page because I don't change it enough =P
  19. Gah, Bryce just got banned from the RP forums, and then had his account banned by request. Damn, RPing just got a lot less fun.
  20. I just got hit with a virus, and while it should have been eliminated, if I start acting strange/not myself, then it's probably because I've been hacked. Like I said, should be gone, but just incase.
  21. People in my area (The Greater Toronto area, in Ontario.) Are starting to get hit by leftovers from that east-coast hurricane. Might not last long when it's fall around here and the great lakes are freezing cold, but if , and by extension Bryce, are off the nexus for a few days that'll be why. Idk how bad it'll be, mostly wind atm, but just saying this 'cause ya never know, right?
    1. BaldurAnthology


      Power was already lost for me briefly.. I hope it don't go again :ohdear:
    2. Naktis


      Stay safe. Hope everything will be alright.
  22. Whoops....sorry, I accidentally double clicked the send button for the status update thing, and my computer sends messages like this twice. Sorry bout the message influx XD
  23. Heh, seems we are online at exactly the right time to NOT be able to speak with each other via steam or something XD
  24. Hm, did I accidentally give myself a 5 for a user rating or is that kind of thing voted, similar to kudos? (I am a pure GENIUS to not know this.)
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Flipout6


      aaaand I`m down to 4. Heh, these things will fluctuate anyway, although I wonder if i accidentally stepped on someone`s toes =/


    3. Flipout6


      aaaand I`m down to 4. Heh, these things will fluctuate anyway, although I wonder if i accidentally stepped on someone`s toes =/


    4. BaldurAnthology


      I accidentally Your rating star
  25. Your attention is required in the Storm over the Mojave OOC forums! Dun dun dunnnn.

    Great RP so far, btw.

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