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About KainTheRavager

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  1. Could someone create a mod that removes the sheath for the claymore?
  2. Could someone please texture and color the profaned GS to Guts pre-eclipse GS from Berserk???
  3. ok sounds good, I appreciate the consideration at least!
  4. Ah, ok Ash, thanks for the info on that and glad to hear I didn't ask anything wrong. I am a big fan of your work, and when I saw this I just thought I'd ask.
  5. If anyone reading this has any skill at modding or texturing, could you please help me out and try to mod the regular knight helmet to match up with the kings armor set as much as possible? I would really appreciate it!
  6. I guess I asked for something wrong? is it the mashup? I don't even know what that means. but sorry, ill just ask in a separate thread and maybe someone would be cool and help me out. ive tried to learn it myself but im just not any good at this sort of thing.
  7. hey, I just have a simple request. I really enjoy using the kings armor set, and I like the regular knight set helmet to go with it, but of course it just doesn't match up all that well. I was just wanting to ask if you would please mod the knights helmet to match up as well as possible with the kings armor set when you have time to do so or if you will consider it at least.
  8. is it possible someone could make a mod that removes the weapon scabbards/sheaths or makes them invisible or something?
  9. i used crazy bump as i do not have adobe photoshop, i thought i did... but the crazybump does not seem to make a correct normal map or specular map from the original so i tried to manually clone/edit all 3 of the dds files, i duno what ive done wrong either. i just wanted to remove the studds and rings from the blasphemer dark mode act 1 armor but its just not working out in the slightest, i tried a couple of other programs as well too but cannot remember which ones as i uninstalled very quickly after realizing they were not even close to working, i really thought crazybump was working because it seemed to be what i needed but wrong there too. wish there was something i could do but im just stuck. oh yeah ive been using the paint.net program and a dds converter so i can go from xbm to dds to tga and whatnot to change the formats.
  10. ok a full run down of what i was trying to do but i guess maybe its just not possible: i was trying to remove all the studs and rings from the blaspemer's set, the dark difficulty act 1 special armor, i used the paint's cloning feature to clone areas of the jacket over the studs and rings and i went ahead and manually did that to each of the 3 files needed for the xbm's but the finished product looks like pieces of the armor are all together invisible leaving behind just strips of black leather in some areas and complete nothingness in areas, it also for some reason changed colors of other parts of the armor which i did not even mess with, and it turned geralts forarms from looking normal to solid black as well. i suppose modding and retexturing may be completely out of my league, ive been reaseaching and doing what i can to learn but there just arent any definitive guides on how to do things like this out there, perhaps ill just go to school for graphics design or some such lol...
  11. ok well i got the normal map generated but i cant seem to figure out the i believe its specular map? i tried messing with it using crazybump but when i have all the xbm's together or just the dds and dds_n it just looks crazy in game, i duno why im having such difficulty with this :confused:
  12. oh yeah, will that work for the dds_s file too? this is still a bit confusing for me.
  13. alright thanks much, ill give that a shot. im totally new at modding and retexturing and am trying to learn to do new interesting things with games!
  14. if anyone knows id appreciate some help... ok, ive taken the base dds file and edited with a tga paint.net editor but i was wondering if there is a way to turn that specific file now into a dds_n and dds_s set of files without having to edit each of the other types as well? i tried just saving the new dds with the _n and _s parts but that did not work, i am not sure i can do the exact same texture editing to the _n and _s files that i did to the original as they have that blue layer over them for one so i just want to know if i can turn the original into the other two so in essence it does the work for me. is this possible?
  15. alright, thanks a lot, got it figured out, can at least make whatever armor i have now look like any other in the game, now if i could figure out some more with the coloring ill be doing really good!
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