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Everything posted by Risibisi

  1. Hm, that's strange. I really have no clue when the tint files are in the override folder and the edits in the chargen are correct,. why they don't show up in the CC.
  2. Hm, that was the only "error" I could see. That's strange...Hm, can you move in the Character Creator the slider for hair colours and all others too?
  3. Delete it and save your chargen and try if you can now choose the hairtints. :)
  4. At the beginning of <hair_colors> there is a hyphen. You have written : -<hair_colors> Have you that hyphen in your chargenfile too?
  5. Then there must be an error in your chargenmorphfile. Can you post a pic of your entries under the hair colour section?
  6. For the hair tints it's the same. Put the folder in your override and then copy and paste under the section <hair_colors> the lines from the readme which comes with the mod. Everything you need to know is in the readme. :)
  7. Okay, let's try it again :D We can do this together. Don't worry it's really not complicated! :yes: 1. Download the file 2. Unzip the rar file for example with win rar or 7z 3. Put the files in your override folder. Usually found here: "My Documents/Bioware/Dragon Age/Packages/Core/Override" although the location of yours might differ. 4. When you have no other cosmetic mod installed then is the one which was included in the downloaded mod enough that the hair or whatever cosmetic mod it is you want to use, should show up in your "Character Creator". 5. It's really important for the cosmetic mods that you only have ONE chargenmorphfile in your override folder!! That this work so far? If yes, then install another mod you want to use. It's in most of the cases the same procedure: Download, unzip, put the files in your override folder. So, now you have two chargenmorphfiles which you have to compile to one! This can be done by using the chargenmorph compiler or you make the edits by yourself. When you right click on the chargenmorphfile and open it with editor or notepad it will look like this: http://i.minus.com/iBbeotBkmqSer.JPG The first category ( with the red circle on the pic) are the heads. Here you will find all entries for the mop files- the presets you want to use. Of course parted for the different races and gender. When you want to use a preset of a mod then copy and paste the entry of the chargenmorphfile which comes with the preset mod in the head category. If it's a human male preset then just add the line under the heads/ human male. Your chargen will then look like this: http://i.minus.com/i4IPSNlm9WaDD.JPG See, the blue highlighted line is your edit and where it belongs if it's a human male preset. If it's a hairstyle you scroll down to the section "hair" and paste the line from the chargenfile of the mod you want to use under the according section: female elf hair under "hair/ female_elf" and so on. Maybe it's easier if you pick two mods which you want to use and I can explain it better. :smile:
  8. Korun is right. Looks like you haven't unzipped the files. As I tried to explain in the pm. You have to overwrite the original Look Hair texture file (.tga) of the hairstyle you want with braids with the one of the "Braids of Ferelden". Braids of Ferelden works only if you have installed Look Hair! The hairtints work too. You have to edit your chargenmorphfile or run the compiler.
  9. A little question. :smile: Would it be possible to have here on the Nexus a similiar choice of options of profile privacy settings like over at the Bioware forums? Something like this: http://i.minus.com/ivBBCceQ6iAYU.JPG or maybe we have such options and I haven't found them? :D Thanks for reading!
  10. So, then you should know how to make a texture which works for the DA:O engine. The only difference between the Sim2 and Sim3 hair texture is that the Sim3 is grey. That's all. The rest of the dds images you can see of the Sim3 hair are for the controls etc and only important for the Sim game. The Sims hair comes usually only with one texture image.. older hairstyles have sometimes two or some have about 10. When you port a hairstyle with more than one texture image you have to make a new texture image with both images which means you also have to do a uv mapping. Everything else is the same but as I said I would check first your files again if there isn't maybe a space too much or a letter missing etc.
  11. Well, have you watched Boodrl's video tutorial about porting hair? Is this the Sim2 or Sim3 version of SkySims sidebraid? Which photoeditor do you use? PS or Gimp or any other?
  12. So what's the problem to make the hair texture ( if this should be the reason for the transparent shiny look) once again with other settings of contrast/ brightness etc.? Nobody said you have to create / draw your own hair texture :)
  13. Look at your mao, mmh, msh. tga file again if you have made a spelling error. If you can't find one then is the problem your texture and you have to make it once again which will "cost" you only a few minutes. Usually when the outcome of a hairtexture looks like that it's a spelling mistake of one of the files.
  14. It's a mistake of the texture or an edit error in the files ( spelling, etc.).
  15. When the morphs you are using have cloudy eyes, a shiny pale face it's sign of missing textures! For the armours which doesn't show up at the mod shows it could maybe an armour id conflict or sometimes the body gets invisible because you have for example put an armour for females on a male character. :)
  16. I will not be a big help because I use Blender but have you tried to ask over at the Bioware Social Network site? I had the impression there are more DAO 3d modders active than here. I got there help with making my LOD2 files from somebody who works with 3dsmax and Eshme's script. You can look in the forum under "Customization- Dragon Age Toolset/ "custom content". Just another option to get infos and tips. Good luck with your project! :smile:
  17. Here you go: http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/4117/? :)
  18. Different mods= different ways how they are packed and how they are installed. There are a lot of mods which came as a dazip or as an override installation. Many armour or wespon mods are dazips or new cutscence mods,.. so you can't claim DA Nexus mods will not come in different packages etc. Often people don't know what to do with the enzipped files because they haven't read the mod description or the readme which is included in most of the mods.
  19. Hm, you don't have to put the .mor file into the toolset export folder. Just in your override folder. Then you should look if you have any other mor file in your override folder which changes Leliana experience. It's possible that you will not find all because they are maybe packed as an erf. file or you have other mods installed which will change the appearance of characters. You said you have tried Dracomies Leliana which doesn't show up is also an evidence that you have somewhere in your override folder another Leliana morph. Maybe it's better if you would post a list of the mods you are using. :)
  20. I searched in my bookmarks and I found this...maybe it's interesting for you: http://forum.bioware.com/topic/489937-extracting-face-from-mor-and-importing-into-toolset-morph-editor/?hl=%2Bmor+%2Bfile&do=findComment&comment=17091362 I have never tried it and it looks like you can't use the full options of the toolset. :smile:
  21. When you have worked with the toolset you can export your face morph as a mop and use it as a preset for the Character Creator or as a mor file and people can use the DA face replacer to use this mor for their character. I have forgotten a lot of things so, I'm not sure about exporting a mor file from a save game.
  22. If I remember it correct.. the items need a tint map... and some of the DA:O and Da2 armours haven't one. Ups, sorry I have re-read your question... Hm,.. I will look in my bookmarks if I can find something about creating tint maps.
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