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Posts posted by IkeCoast

  1. Dear Mr Red,


    The first thing that comes to my mind is, you stripifyied the mesh and combined the materials to improve performance. Vanilla creatures are all built with NiTriShapes, not NiTriStrips, and while I don't know for sure, perhaps this could make a difference.


    Try exporting your mesh with the default export values, hit the Restore Default Settings for selected game, and this time be sure the Stripify Geometries and Combine materials are unactive. Enable also the Don't Use Blender Collision Properties.


    If that fails, send me a package containing all your working files (blend file, raw GIMP texture file, your current dds textures -also the normalmap- and the nif files), I'm sending you my e-mail address via PM, and I'll have a look at them and try to figure what is happening.



  2. Yep, I know how to do that, with the Replace Colors tool on GIMP (or something like that). Do not use the "colorize" tool, because it would change also the white parts. You meed to fin the tool that replaces the blue.


    Be careful, images taken from Google Images could be copyright protected and unusable on the Nexus.



  3. I actually would like it more if all elements are separate, because this gives more freedom for designing interiors. As much as I like the Anima Cyrodiili tileset, the fact it was so precisely built with so little choices for combinations is what prevented me from using it for my Abysmer Outpost. I was able to retexture it with JGreybear's textures, but I couldn't find a good combination for the left wing because it has no left-winged exit tile for the room I was building. Or was it the right wing? Something like that. I forgot.


    There's still a left foot little thumb third phalanx bone in the middle of the 257th floor tile, counting from the upper left corner. YOU ARE GROUNDED. No dessert this supper.



  4. Horrible! What a mess! Take a broom and clean your room, you young lad! At once!


    But the tileset looks great! Quite frankly, judging from these two latest screenies, I'm starting to like your tiles more than the Anima ones.


    Now tidy up! When I come back in a while I don't want to see ANY bones in the floor!



  5. Jermy, as Bben says, you haven't provided us with information enough other than you have your game in a separate drive, which is good because this prevents UAC issues.


    However, we need MORE information. What does mean "Standalone version"?


    Is it a retail disc game or the Steam one? How have you installed and uninstalled the game? If not properly uninstalled, ALL the issues with the previous installation get carried to the new one. Check Bben's Oblivion Reinstallation Guide.


    For such a serious issue we need to know EVERYTHING about your game installation, and I mean everything, even the colour of its underwear.


    And yes, Striker, I find unamusing the ability Lupis has now for ninjaing me. *grunts*



  6. Lupis, collision has alwais been tricky, as far as I know, on Oblivion. I think collision meshes MUST be as simple as possible.


    If everything else fails, try using the available collision boxes the CS has in the Statics list.


    And don't confuse Collision and Havok, by the way. I don't know anything about both of them yet, but I know both are separate properties.




    EDIT: NINJAED! Collision works! Let's have a toast!


    *me vigorously shakes the champagne bottle, pops the cork and showers everything, including the Macaw, with champagne.*

  7. That's really strange, everything looks fine on your Load Order and Bashed Patch. As far as I know, neither OBGE nor Enhanced Camera affect OCO if installed after it.


    Try running again Archive Invalidation. BSA Redirection, none other. No matter what QTP says about BSA Alteration, do the Redirection. If you're under Steam, before applying AI click the Reset BSA Timestamps.


    I don't guarantee this will fix your issue with the hairs. But I can't come with another idea right now.



  8. Phew, no. I thought I had it stone-cold dead, and already started digging a hole in the backyard, but after letting it rest for a while, I was able to restart it and looks fine.


    Lucky me. I had taken some good screenies before dropping that silk bomb on it and I thought I had lost them, Posted them right now.


    Did you know that Macaws are edible?



  9. Uh... I'm not sure if I find comforting the grin you put when saying "to give back to you". Gave me the chills.




    PS: I was modding a little bit today too. I tried again to use Blender on the modding laptop to create a silk fabric sheet. I hope the autopsy on that computer won't show that it was my fault.

  10. You lied? You LIED to us? How... how have you...? How did you dare to lie to us? After all we have done for you?


    *me turns back and runs out of the room, in tears and sobbing unconsolable*


    By the way, are all those scratches in your face and the missing bit in your left ear signals of how much fun you have playing with your new Macaw?


    I hope you are taking notes on how have you done the collision and things, because most likely I will ask you about it in the future.


    Anyway, good news at last!


    Looking forward for the pretty screenies!



  11. Oh, yes, I forgot the esp for OCO states 2.0 instead of 2.3. Sorry. Old man here.


    I'm not sure what you mean about the game not booting, sorry. I know about Steam launching the game without OBSE enabled and how to fix it, but not if Steam simply refuses to boot the game. Out of my league here.



  12. Hey, Deadshotraider!


    If you are totally sure this is not a mod-related issue, try adjusting your in-game screen resolution. It has to match your monitor proportions. You obviously have a panoramic screen and most likely have set the in-game resolution to the same as your desktop resolution. Try lowering the resolution, but always in the same panoramic proportion.


    And about that uninstalling-reinstalling thing... Sure you did it properly? I mean, manually deleting folders and files is not an uninstallation. And even when using Steam's uninstallation utility, you need to clean your system before re-installing. Otherwise, these kind of problems get carried to the new installatiion.



  13. Textures need to have mipmaps enabled.


    Could you post here a screenie of the whole NiNode-Scene Root tree with all branches unfolded so we can see exactly all the settings inside the diverse branches?


    And if you want, you can send me the files (nifs and dds) so I can check them by myself.


    Because this project of yours is totally AWESOME and I definitely want it.



  14. This is not an OCO or Blockhead issue but a mod conflict. Something is preventing OCO from applying the hair assets.


    Post your load order, and note which mods are bashed or merged.


    OCO uses vanilla hair assets (even for the new hairstyles Nuska created). Any hair mod you could have will conflict with OCO.



  15. Your Oblivion Character Overhaul is outdated, by the way.

    Alsp. I'm not a Steam user. but. is it normal to start the game with the vanilla Oblivion lancher? Also, a lot of these mods require OBSE, and the vanilla launcher does not start OBSE.


  16. I even have one mod of two of myself in bsa format. I should continue to do this bsa-ing my mods, but I always forget.


    By the way, Striker, what you said about your nose hair reminded me of my aunt Rigoberthe. Se loved to braid her eyebrows. But when she turned 107 she decided to go for a punk-rock look and nowadays shaves her eyebrows.




    You know Ike, you can pick your friends or you can pick your nose ... but you can't pick your friends nose.



    I can't? You bet?


    *on a single, fluid, cat-like movement, Ike grabs Striker's nose between his index and middle finger knuckles, skeezes hard, releases the nose, turns back, and starts running*



  18. My Goodness, Striker, I did USE those punched cards back in my day. And a green phosporus monitor. The CPU of that monster was the size of my mattress right now. It was an IBM, by the way. Not mine, college.


    Going to bed now. I know I did not put my finger in your nose today, sorry.



  19. I usually take notes in a notebook (a paper one, with a pen), about what I did and with which mesh I did and to whom I did that. Let's see, for instance...


    "Ryan: v5MuscAthbody, vanillahead. V4tackle."

    "Nesure: RebOcnnRbFemAthCcup. OCO1DMRHD".

    (most recently)

    "Wyynde. BRZDEF.OCOv2DMRH.DFTTackle".

    "Dorma. EBE.OCOv2BSMRH."

    "Phil: RebOcnnAthCcup.NKBMRH".


    Sooner or later I forget what all those letters mean, so I rip the pages off and start anew on plain English (yes, I take my notes in English despise being Spanish; I even think in English when gaming or modding). But then I start using abbreviations again and the party is on one more time!


    I'm planning on assemble a seamless upgrade of my Carrotheads (minus Ryan: for some unknown reason, the seamless vanilla head changes his face geometry and Ryan is not Ryan if his face geometry and texture are slightly changed, he becomes Alroy) as my swan song on the modding scene, at least for the foreseeable future, and I will need LOTS of intelligible notes if I want to come with something publishable.




    EDIT: EVE changed the female Khajiit texture name to footfemale and also changed the texture asset path on its Khajiit Race records inside its esp, if I'm not mistaken (could be), like Nuska did on her OCO esp. That's why EVE does not need the Khajiit Female fix, and OCO only needs a correctly named and placed footfemale texture.

  20. Hey, Rangaros!


    If you rename the RTfootmale files to simply footmale, you won't need anymore the RobMale esp.


    This is a trick well known at the OCO Comments page, I assumed you already knew that.


    You having only these two files in the Khajiit male folder is normal, since you did not install Robert Female. The extra footmale files that are actually the female files come from RobFem.


    You have enormously advanced towards an in-deep understanding about how manually modding and swapping files works. Using mod managers and installers is really convenient and useful, but never will let you build a modded game to your finest tastes and desires. Manually modding does.


    For instance, I give my males as much attention as you and Striker give to your females, varying the in-game body tipes according races, and even giving some of them different tackle shapes and sizes, not to mention body hair. This would be impossible if I relied only in finished, ready-to install mods.



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