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About Oxidized181

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  1. In response to post #7625295. #7625474 is also a reply to the same post. Thank you so much, that's all i needed. :)
  2. it's extremely unfair how they only respond to simple questions such as the readme issue.... or responding to someone saying thank you for a patch but ignores when people actually have problems like crashing and can't find anything to fix it. figures, again i repost, maybe there's someone that isn't ignorant on this site and is actually willing to help.
  3. Does anyone know why nmm crashs when checking for mod updates?
  4. 0.44.3 still crashing when checking for mod updates? can anyone help please, sorry if i missed someone elses post, i've been googling for a solution and reading forums for the past 20 mins but can't find anything. im not sure if it's only me, or a common problem. from the lack of discussions on this topic, i think it's only me. but does anyone know why?
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