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  1. As someone who has thrown cash to modders in the past. Ehh I don't know.
  2. lol skyrim nexus had better be back tomorrow!! I have limited bandwidth and I have to wait until the end of the billing period (tomorrow) to download anything major since its shared!
  3. Perfectly reasonable feature to add. If a mod user has to abuse this to cover criticism of his mod then that mod is more than likely not worth using in the first place. Its give and take. Mod users and authors need each. If an author is being a dick, all a user has to do is not comment anymore. Yet a modder must trawl through pages of drivel for any gems of feedback. Its great for users too, searching the comments for solutions is a pain when the same question is asked in all the posts on the one page lol.
  4. Arngeir has, through more study, become an increasingly... unreliable source. Honestly, the Greybeards keep buggering up. Calling the Dragonborn Ysmir? Hah! Seriously, though... We simply don't know. Presumably, there HAS to be more, or will be more, because Alduin still needs to beat one in order to devour the world. As i understood it, They use Ysmir as an title. I think they give the title to the dragonborn that leads the fight. They gave Tiber Septim the title and he was a leader of men. So when the dragonborn stands up against the dragons (s)he practically is leading the fight against the Dragons, the grey beards give the title to the dragonborn Yep, the dragonborns decide who gets to be called Ysmir. I think it just means you are a (dragonborn) defender of the north against any threat, not just dragons. After all full title is 'Ysmir, Dragon of the North'
  5. Lesser vampires. Harkon straight out says he keeps thralls in case you need to feed like lesser vampires. Obviously vampire lords don't actually need blood. Do you ever see Harkon, Serana or Valeria drinking blood?
  6. The dragons would be a big problem seeing as many of them can breath fire lol. Fire mages. Theres the fact that many of the vampires who know its a foolish plan would side against Harkon. The companions would be formidable foes. Perhaps such an event would draw the greybeards into the conflict.
  7. rofl I thought people were a bit more cultured on the internet these days.
  8. In Dragonborn there are piles of coins that you see in certain areas. They might be up your alley.
  9. If Oblivion could have skyrim graphics, combat and levelling system I would be a happy man.
  10. I'm pretty sure that grind iron thing got removed. Its now more worthwhile to go exploring dwemer ruins with a pack mule. Even if I'm light armour smithing, I will take the dwarven perk just for levelling it.
  11. Frea. Serana really bugs me. Frea is a strong independant woman who won't just follow you like a lost puppy. Shes plain badass. Serana is just :@
  12. Indeed. Dragons are represented differently and called multiple names across the fantasy genre.
  13. Theres always the chance the next ES game is set very close after skyrim's events and deals with the second great war.
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