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About Andiflag

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  1. Since i saw that official "modding tools teaser" from Bethesda and noticed that double Minigun in first person, i can't think of anything else <3 is it Possible to implement this maybe as a seperate mod at the working bench? I would love to go into a Raider base with double 1911s and slowmo Max Payne style
  2. lol, me too since the non-combat state of helmet looks... dumb but i really like the idea behind it
  3. Hey you guys, Pretty sure most of you already played the Autromatron DLC and messed around with the new content. Though I wondered, how many of you bothered to put on the Assaultron Helmet? Isn't the animation of the helmet an awesome resource for modders who want some kind of high tech armor? I love the fact, that the helmet closes its protective plates when entering combat! i can only imagine what would be possible with this asset in the right hands! hopefully someone with proper modding abilities sees the potential aswell and puts it to good use. what do you think about the helmet and its animation? BR Andi
  4. Found the .bgsm files in the 'Strings' section in NifSkope, but can't seem to get it working. The re-meshed Military cap from CROSS uses a few .bgsmS while the Vanilla Beret uses only one, so i have no clue which one to use, or what to edit. Still always get a CTD after the loading-screen
  5. Hey you guys! I wanted to replace the vanilla Military Cap mesh with the one from the CROSS Uni Headset-Mod, which does not clip with the headset. So I used the archive extractor to see the files i need to replace, which i did, with renaming and so on... BUT! everytime i launch the game, i get a CTD after the loading screen.... hope someone can help BR Andi
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