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Nexus Mods Profile

About lesfortner

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  1. hi,all saves crash,even trying to go it to my menu crashes the game..it shuts off game and goes stright to desktop..i just reinstalled skyrim on my new pc,so i dont have old saves on my new pc..i reinstalled 3 times on my new set-up..i tried the player.kill fix but i dont have any saved games.some post outside of nexas said to move in doors and try kill.player,didnt work....at a loss for words..dang love skyrim..xbox i guess...if you guys think of anything,i will give it a go....thanks-----wanted to mod to show my son pc is better than xbox,,,we kinda got this long standing-back and forth kinda thing...im and old school quake player..hes and xbox guy...dont wont him to win...lol
  2. hi,having some problems when i try to save,game shuts off,goes to desktop.i have the patches only started when i upgraded my ram,and reinstalled skyrim.was running 4gib went to 16gibs of ram.any help would be appreciated..thanks in advance...ohhh only have skse and skyui no other mods in my game..not a modding problem...thanks
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