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About Elanderan

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    United States

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  1. I made a leveled list and used it as a creature Actor template. I placed them around the (Wasteland) but when I go to FO3Edit I see this. I only edited Wasteland but it shows other map zones. I never viewed or edited those other places. I don't know why their listed in FO3Edit. I have all the dlcs and the unofficial patch as master files, not sure if that's relevant. This is the first time I've made a mod using the render window map. It's possible I accidentally moved vanilla objects while trying to place a spawn point is there a way to use FO3Edit to check for that? I don't want any wild edits. Is it safe to delete the other map zones in FO3Edit that I didn't place spawn points in I can't imagine why not?
  2. I have the same problem. Skyrim Special edition. I can't play dual wield, 2H or single weapon builds.
  3. Since no one has tried to help I'll give it a try. I can think of a few things that cause your problem. Is your gpu or cpu overheating and throttling? Since you get 60 fps when you turn off the enb that could be because the gpu/cpu overheats and throttles due to the stress of having enb on. You should get stuttering if that is happening. Does your enb have a fps limit set? Have you changed the maximum pre-rendered frames also known as FlipQueueSize in the registry for the gpu? If you change it from the default that can cause issues with some games. I have a 980 ti@1920x1080p, i7-4790k and 16gb ram. My fps usually stays around 60 with cpu and gpu usage around 45%. Sometimes I get lag spikes around falkreath and whiterun. A lot of people don't have their ram speed set right. You need to set the XMP profile for your ram or it will be default around 1333 or 1600 instead of 1866 or 3200Mhz or whatever it was rated for. If you didn't set your ram speed it may not make much difference with games anyway.
  4. I'm a new mod author and I'm making a mod to change the color of the water to various unique colors. I made the water red in the creation kit but all the waterfalls are the default color. Did I not change the right watertypes? Some of the watertype's only users are Activators (ACTI) so I didn't change their rgb color what are they and why do they 'use' the watertypes? I can't bring up their location in the render window. I've read the creationkit wiki but descriptions are vague. I would really appreciate if someone could explain this to me. https://imgur.com/JJM7NDZ
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