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Everything posted by Supershadow2113

  1. One day the three dovahkiins were building houses one built a house out of metal one out of wood and one out of stone then the Big Bad Alduin came and the Dovahkiins hid in their house Alduin went to the first house made of metal and said "Dovahkiin, Dovahkiin let me come in" Dovahkiin said "No, I trust the strengh in my walls and I will not open up" Alduin then said "Then I will huff, and I will puff, and I will melt your house down" So he huffed, and he puffed, and me melted the house with his fire breath and dovahkiin died from the melted metal. Alduin went to the next house made out of wood and said "Dovahkiin, Dovahkiin let me come in" Dovahkiin then said "No, I have water to put the fire out if you try to burn MY house down" So Alduin huffed, and he puffed, and he burned Dovahkiin's house. He didn't have enough water so he died in the fire. Alduin went to the Stone house and said "Dovahkiin, Dovahkiin let me come in" The last Dovahkiin said "No, no matter how hard you try you cannot burn my house down." So alduin huffed, and he puffed, and tried to burn Dovahkiin's house down but failed. He tried again, and again, but never got to Dovahkiin, so Dovahkiin got his best armor and weapons and stabbed a sword through Alduin's heart. The End.
  2. Can someone reply please? I checked some files and the .bsa and .bsl and they are neither textures or meshes
  3. I don't know if this is the right forum section, but I installed the mod using NMM and the rifle was invisible, I also noticed some files like ".ckm" and ".bsa" and ".bsl". If I remember correctly .bsa is a texture and I think .bsl is meshes. I don't know where to put them so help please!
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