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  1. Pikeman85


    Some forms of animals have emotions as well. I don't see why we try to stay seperate. I mean, afterall, chimpanzees have basic technology (About where we were around 2 million years ago) 2 million years ago on a geologic time scale = almost nothing
  2. Pikeman85


    No, it's related biologically. The two are treated as different nowadays (sex and love) but they are really just different expressions of the same basic functions, although humans, being a social animal, take it a bit further. This is also seen in other social animals such as wolves and dolphins. Affection helps keep the group surviving, because they care about each other, therefore it is selective for group members to care about other group members.
  3. Dreughs scare the crap out of me in the water, because you don't see them, and WHACK! It's very annoying, especially with their vaguely humanoid bodies.
  4. Pikeman85


    Love is a biological function related to sexual needs and desires. It also fosters group unity and promotes survival.
  5. Oh I agree. That story was GREAT. Was the only thing that really freaked me out completely in morrowind. If you want to read it, it is in the camonna tong base in.. Hla Oad I think.
  6. At level 20 I could do fine against everything but Gurn who I cannot defeat yet. Of course I was in full glass armor and a happy little Dark Brotherhood assassin decided to give me a daedric wakasazi (sp?) so perhaps that is why I did well at level 20 :)
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