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Posts posted by iondragonx

  1. Hi guys, I've got my CK so I've started to perk editing, I'm good at this but when I looked to Treasure Hunter perk, there is no actual value (go see yourself for more detail). It has only a value something like "PerksQuest" but it cannot be modified.


    Experts, please help me on this.

    AFAIK, There is a similar situation to the Smithing Perks. The Perks themselves don't reference the recipes. The recipes look for the perks. The presence of the perk is just a boolean.


    I guess what I'm saying is you have to modify the treasure lists? (I'm not sure, just trying to help)

  2. Basically, you are asking for 5 levels of added meshes and textures. They would have to float off of the skeleton like the quiver does. That does sound doable but it would definitely conflict with custom armors and probably with certain vanilla sets as well. The armors have different thickness to their meshes and different protrusions. If it only looked correct 85% of the time, would that be immersive or immersion breaking?
  3. I think that it is assumed that you have a perpetual backpack. Otherwise, I'm carrying 10 sets of weapons and armor in my underwear.


    The idea can work, though. A Bag of Holding could be a misc. item that does nothing by itself but has a negative weight value. It should probably be a quest reward for a thief or a merchant.

  4. I agree with the OP. There should be more types of conflict resolution. We could call the mod "Derailing the Railroaded Choices" or something. Speech skills should help more, alternate resolutions should be more clear (referring to the reverse pickpocket trick for the Theives Guild).


    That said, you should be able to do undercover work and pretend to perform evil acts in the pursuit of getting closer to the ultimate goal. Framing the innocent shopkeeper could be a set up with the guards. Pay the shopkeeper ahead of time for his participation and have him hauled off to jail as theatre for the Guild to believe that you succeeded. When the Guild lets you in, destroy it from the inside and have the shopkeep exonerated to end it. There's not as much red tape in a dark ages setting, its all about influence.


    As for the DB, couldn't you just use illusion magic to make it appear that you have killed an innocent? Seems like a no-brainer to me.


    As a side note:

    In the demo video from Bethesda, the character leaves a cave with mammoth and giants passing right next to him, no attacks. I pass twenty metres away from a giant encampment and get clubbed into oblivion... sorry, couldn't help it.
    2) When the opponent is weak and says "Mercy!", it doesn't matter, you can't let him live, because as soon as he gets up again he WILL attack you.

    These are actually flaws in the tutorial or the aggro system. If you have your weapons readied, the Giants will aggro on sight (I verified) and the near dead enemies should not attack when they get up (I have yet to verify). There is a mod already for the near dead enemies to be Calmed for 30 days. The basis is: If you have your weapons out, you are threatening everyone around you with assault.

  5. I believe that Tytanis has bitten off more than he can chew. Trying to get Skyrim to morph into multiplayer is a Herculean task. To me, that's like trying to turn a painting into a sculpture.
  6. I know there are already mods to change the number of times per level that you may train. I'm not looking for that.


    First, I'd like to prevent skill training from awarding XP so that I would no longer level up by paying cash.

    Second, I'd like to see the cap for the training counter set to a multiplier of your current level. I'd probably go with 2 x level. The factor could be changed for the player's choice.

    Third, I'd like to prevent the training counter from resetting when going up a level.


    I was kind of upset to find myself at level 20 or so before I used a trainer for the first time, only to find out that I had lost the opportunity for 95 skill points. Some of the skills are so hard to grind, training is too valuable to just lose because you are "having fun" while "playing the game".

  7. First of all, let me say that I DO know what XSO tries to do but I don't like it. It shuts off the Speech skill and adds a lot of extra stuff that I don't want.

    XSO - Tweaker Customizer Extender Awesomizer http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1992

    That said, I'd like a mod that would include 12 esp to turn off the XP gain for one skill each. Skill progression would work normally for that skill, but your level would not advance with it.


    This way, I could turn off the skills that I want : Alchemy, Enchanting, Smithing and Lockpicking. Other people would chose differently. You could challenge yourself to a lvl 1 playthrough as well, but with skills advancing like normal.


    If any modder picks up this challenge, please let me know so that I can track the project.

    If you are curious why I would keep Speech normal, its because I play with the Shout Combat and Skill System


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