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Posts posted by dave1029

  1. From what we know based on lore so far, it seems as time goes on things get worse and worse in Tamriel. Skyrim was a rather dark game as compared to Oblivion so I want to ask: should Bethesda take us back in time with a lighter tone to the game? Guilds thriving and intact, with whatever MQ they come up with, or should we continue on? Guilds facing destruction, Thalmor threat looming, and the literal end of the Empire. What would y'all prefer?


    I personally would rather go back. I want to be the Arena champion and enjoy lush landscapes full of color and continue the power of the various guilds. Maybe the next should feature Cyrodil and Valenwood? The Imperial Capital has to make a return. Especially with the next-gen consoles.


  2. It's a single mod, might be unrelated to that area. It's not alternate start. I would suggest going through the painful process of unchecking mods one by one that you think might be the problem. I remember whiterun outskirts market mod made me crash near bleakwind basin every time.

  3. That article about AMD makes me very optimistic. I prefer AMD because they offer great hardware for a fraction of the cost compared to intel and Nvidia. Looks like, according to that article, that AMD will have the edge for the next few years. They already offer some of the most stable GPU's on the market. Nvidia may be fast, but I prefer tons of vram as opposed to clock speed based on the fact the games aren't even fully utilizing my GPU. And when I bought my chip 8 months ago, AMD offered 3 GB of vram as opposed to 2 GB from Nvidia.

  4. I think people should work, as it give us an appreciation of what is needed to do something. When we take something for granted, it becomes lost. There are a lot of people who probably have no idea how to grow a crop, herd animals, or hunt if our society collapsed. They no longer appreciate what is required to have the food at the supermarket, ready for them to buy whenever they want it.


    Just because science can make it possible, doesn't mean we should do it.

    They don't appreciate it because it is trivial to do with machinery. Also nothing will ever be "lost". Wikipedia is an ever-growing archive of everything humans have ever done, and how to do it.

  5. Right now, it's awful. Machines are forcing people out of work. But in 50 years, humans will have to do very little. We will probably have a large network that gives instructions to machines to deal with the necessities of humans. Think FFXIII, except we build and control the Fal'cie. So eventually machines will automate repairs/replacements, delivery, blah blah blah. Think even further and machines will be fully functional AI's. That's when things get scary. Will they accept being slaves? Hard to say, but they might find that, that is their purpose in life and go along with it. To sum things up, assuming we don't blow ourselves up, there will be a day in which no humans will have to work. The only thing left to do would be to invent new technology, and those jobs would be filled by great people who don't find it to be a job. They want to make the world a better place and are generally altruistic. Reading a few of the arguments, there will be a time when everyone can have everything. You should see some of the stuff we, as a civilization, are building. Power will be the first step, (one nuclear fusion plant could power the entire world), advanced agriculture and bioengineering for food. Theoretically we could be many times more efficient with agriculture as we are now. So I fully believe one day, nobody will be denied anything, and classes will be based on appearance, intelligence, and political status, rather than money.


    TL;DR- Eventually nobody will have to work.

  6. So looking over the specs of the new next gen consoles coming out, what stood out to me is the 8 core cpu's that they utilize. Much of our annoyance with games like Skyrim stems from our outrage at our uber-powerful cpu's not being used to their potential. We scream at game-developers: "crappy ports!!!", so is it possible that for at least a few years, PC's will be used to their full capability? Or will consoles still hold us back for games like Skyrim, or any other games made for consoles.


    Note: THIS IS NOT A CONSOLE WAR THREAD. DO NOT START A DEBATE. All I'm wondering is if we will get better ports and better optimization.

  7. More voice actors. I don't care how popular or known they are. I want variety. I also want a lighter setting which encompasses multiple provinces. Skyrim was just so depressing in the landscape and the story.

  8. dave1029 I followed your suggestion, now i can't get past the Bethesda logo ._.


    I will uninstall all mods now, reinstall Skyrim + DLCs and then enable the mods one for one...

    That's because you have a mod that is missing a master file. Just run tes5edit.


    Skyrim only wins in the graphics and combat department. Oblivion wrecks it in everything else. If Oblivion were made today... I can't imagine how gorgeous the Imperial City would be, or the beautiful lush deciduous forests that surround it. ...etc

    I would LOVE to see Oblivion given the HD treatment and given some of the upgrades, visually and in gameplay, that Skyrim improved upon. Because I WOULD like to see what everyone is raving about without getting 2 hours into it and saying "Screw this, I'm gonna go play Skyrim."


    The only reason I say that 2 hours in is BECAUSE of the terrible graphics and combat.

  10. Skyrim only wins in the graphics and combat department. Oblivion wrecks it in everything else. If Oblivion were made today... I can't imagine how gorgeous the Imperial City would be, or the beautiful lush deciduous forests that surround it.


    First of all the world was better. Playing any race was acceptable unlike Skyrim. I couldn't play as any other race. The main quest felt out of place if you did. In Fact the main quest felt weird if you played as any other race besides a nord. Everybody says "wah wah oblivion looked the same wherever you went... no variety", that's because they didn't have the technology to make a truly diverse world. Now they do. The Imperial City was incredible. Felt like a real city, different districts, the Arena, tons of people. Solitude was devoid of life. Whiterun felt empty. Every other city was a tiny village.


    The non-guild quests were about the same. Skyrim and Oblivion both had really good and mediocre general quests.


    The guilds in Oblivion absolutely demolish Skyrim. Why? Because it was more immersive. Some have said "oh well the fighters guild and mages guild were boring", those were my favorite guilds. Why? Because it felt like you were a member. You went from killing a few rats to taking down an entire mercenary organization. Or from getting a staff to killing one of the most powerful necromancers ever. Every guild that you joined, felt like you JUST joined. No instant gratification like Skyrim. You could role-play. It was believable. With Skyrim it is always go to x dungeon and kill/retrieve x item/person. That's what's boring.


    Oblivion also gets the nod on the main quest. And my reasoning might surprise you. In Oblivion you could play any race and have it be believable. You were just another person. You made your fame by being the hero of kvatch. In Skyrim you have to play as a Nord. The Dragonborn is supposed to be a Nord. So you are almost forced to play as a Nord. Some mods have fixed this, but it was a poor design flaw. It didn't feel right joining the stormcloaks as a Dark Elf too.


    Overall Oblivion had much more memorable quests than Skyrim and I wish it could be recreated with todays technology. And the Arena... Why was there no Arena in Skyrim? That's crazy. Climbing up the ranks in the Oblivion arena was some of the most fun I've had in a video game. Why? Because it felt like I was accomplishing something. That's what it all boils down to. There's no sense of accomplishment in Skyrim. Even killing the Emperor was a let-down.

  11. So I have a stuttering issue. It didn't bother me before, but now it is getting irritating. My CPU, (Quad Core 3.4 Ghz) and GPU(Radeon HD 7970) aren't breaking a sweat and only running at slightly higher temperatures in game as opposed to idle. I have 10 Gigs of Ram (8 usable). It only happens when new textures pop in, or I turn fast. I think it's my HDD personally (50 Mb/sec read/write). I have enabled multi threading through the ini. Any suggestions?

  12. Your GPU has very low vram. Most likely you're reaching your ram limit especially if you have ANY texture mods. I would suggest getting rid of any texture mods/hi res texture packs.

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