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Everything posted by UnripenedBanana

  1. Ok. For now I'm just trying (and failing) to add a custom radio station and a modified minigun. The minigun should be easy, but they changed some of the stuff that was in the GECK for NV so it's hard to try to adjust to the new layout of some of the information. EDIT: Well, now I'm trying to port armor instead. Going decently well so far, but I need to figure out which textures go where. The mod has a ton of armor, so I just need to figure out which diffuse and normals go where,
  2. Hello everyone. Over the years I've been playing Fallout, I've always wanted to make a few personal changes to the game. Changing NPC faces or making new containers has always been fairly simple enough, but if I wanted to actually change existing meshes and make those mashups people make, is there a good tutorial for how I could do that? Furthermore, I've been looking into porting NV weapons to FO4 just for personal use, but I don't really know how. Obviously there are already a few NV ports, but I'd like to try it for myself. I've been wondering if that involves NifSkope, or if the textures and meshes can just be directly loaded into the game. Plus, there's the new materials in FO4, and I don't know what that is. Not that I know anything about meshes or textures. I hate to be a bother or waste anybody's time, but I've always kind of wanted to make my own models, textures, weapons, armors, etc. Not sure if I'd ever go that far, and I certainly won't go so far as to pay for a program, but it would be nice if anyone knew a few tutorials I could use to help me get started. I've seen a few tutorials about making meshes, but that's not what i'm doing. I'm simply trying to take existing weapon meshes and texures from NV, and find a way to get the gun to work in FO4.
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