In response to post #34714565. #34718485, #34720180, #34724595, #34724720, #34725835 are all replies on the same post. Regarding Epoling's post. I have no idea why you'd want to look at this site on a mobile. Are you going to download the addon to your Mod Manager on your mobile? Can your mod browsing not wait until you get home? Seems like a huge waste of resources to expect a site like this to cater to that demand. I'd like to see stats on what devices most of their traffic comes from. I realize things change, but I hate to see it happen sometimes. This site, for example, is a classic web site design. It is sleek, incredibly fast and responsive, and easy to find what you're looking for without pictures and shiny objects everywhere. What you kids probably don't notice (because you grew up with it), is the very slight delay in highlighting when you mouse over all those fancy new tiles people keep making sites with. When you mouse over text or a raw html img insert, it highlights instantly. (as you'd see on a classic website, like this). For a generation that is so easily distracted, you'd think they would notice. That's not a big deal if you're used to it. But there are lots and lots of these "not a big deals" on modern websites. Kids will never really understand how fast and responsive a web site can be, because they rarely see them. They think it means bandwidth/load time when people say a web page is fast and responsive. It doesn't. Or didn't used to, anyway. Now things are ridiculously cluttered with raw text in HTML replaced by a script or image at every possible place. Anyway, things change. Whatever. Just ranting.