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Status Replies posted by RadoGamer

  1. Jim (Aka Raven1979) has given me permission to work on his mod NorthView Manor. I have already made some fixes and tweaks as well as completing some unfinished aspects of an incredible dwelling mod. Whne I finish the brunt of the work I'll be positing it. I'm in the middle of creating a small quest off of one of the new NPC's created to work in the dock house . These are aome of the changes I've made, I fixed the Innkeeper so he can rent rooms (needs fine tuning) and the bard...
    1. RadoGamer


      can now take requests, I created a character named Aeda to live in the house for a character of the same name, she is a barmaid who is the bards sister and is marriageable. I completed the Captain of the guard and he now does rounds from the main entrance all the way around the wall and back. The merchant now leaves the store at night and spends time at the inn along with the others. I'm planning on adding three more guards, two to trade off guarding the main gate and one to trade off...
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