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  1. This new layout makes mod searching much more annoying. Why is everything so BIIIIG!?
  2. Quite an old thread but was wondering when I'd bump into someone who's describing the same kind of issue I keep facing. Maybe loot sorting and skyrim launcher without SKSE solved it. I don't even know why the game breaks in the first place. Didn't even install anything new and the game just breaks by itself. Second time this happened. Last time any saved game would load me into the tavern if I wasn't already there. Now I dropped from the sky into some prison with new games always starting at the vanilla beginning and alternate life mod not working, but now is.
  3. I have practically the same rig as you aside from a different z77 MB and using an ENB(older ENBs without the mem boost) as well as textures packs, and rarely CTD. I run on 1200-1600 resolution though.
  4. It's only the Nexus that's having this problem. I can't highlight text or click on post to post messages anywhere on the Nexus. Well, the forums seem fine but not the mod pages.
  5. Doesn't everyone use mod races in Oblivion? Just too ugly. Remind me of Skyrim's potato head children. Anyways, Dark Elf. Furthest thing from a white person. If I want to play a white person I'll play a non-fantasy game.
  6. Wonder what causes some textures to do that. It's not dragons for me, but some walls that look ghastly.
  7. Love the modest shape of UNP(cept the blessed variant), but it's starting to get annoying with all the new stuff pouring for UNP being just as trashy as a lot of CBBE stuff. Then there's some nice stuff for CBBE, but it's for CBBE! Skyrim is freakin cold is most places. What in the hell is with all this bikini armor?
  8. I would say a card with 2 GB. Can't help anymore than that. Never used AMD cards.
  9. http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/29718 Lord of Nightfall is so overlooked and underrated.
  10. I was disappointed. I pickpocketed Niranye by accident, then later I'm way down south and some thugs gang up on me. I find a contract on one of them that came from her. I visit her and she treats me like a new customer, even going as far as selling her own contract to her and she just thanks me... But then you can throw goodies on the ground that'll make people go bananas.
  11. Considering the bad AI they've got, they'd enter one of the gates, then walk into the lava.
  12. I posted before with no answer. This issue is driving me nuts. Some people's Skyrim looks so amazing and mine likes like an N64 game at times. Even with the 2K textures installed it only helps some parts and others still look bad. Windhelm is the gold standard of this nightmare. http://imageshack.us/f/211/2012112800008.png/ http://imageshack.us/f/12/2012112800006.png/ http://imageshack.us/f/87/2012112800004.png/ http://imageshack.us/f/803/2012112800003.png/ Use a GTX 670 with 306.97 driver, game's settings are highest. I don't know if it requires some special Nvidia settings, or something tweaked in the ini. And is 1200 resolution considered very very low for this game?
  13. Spell making. It was fun in Oblivion to make a spell that poisons someone, sets them on fire, AND makes them run for their life.
  14. So you completely dismiss the fact that a rebel victory will leave Skyrim pretty much defenseless against the Thalmor oppression? You think the Dominion will just cut their losses in Skyrim and forget about the place? Maybe they can beg Hammerfell for aid like stubborn little babies.
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