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Status Updates posted by koukouroukou1

  1. Wish you the same!!!Hope everything goes just like you want

    bla blu bye bye ;p

  2. Hey m8...i'm doing well thanks,thinking on going back to stalker cop,no more new vegas for me...
  3. o_o Profile picture XP...!!!


  4. Just passed by...Greetings :D
  5. Have a nice rest of the day!!!:)
  6. Thanks for your commenting on my images..it's an honor to take good words from a member like you :)
  7. Hey Gta44...just dropped by to thank u for your kind words :)
  8. Thank's PaulMCGrecor for commenting commenting all of my images...it's really nice
  9. Always welcome for your comments:-)
  10. κωστακο απο ελλαδα ρε φιλε???
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