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About NextGenerationNOR

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    Fallout 3
  1. It's annoying that you can't restore the main power in Nuka-World without doing this and ruining the relationship with Preston...You don't really get any choice, if you want to finish the Nuka-World main quest you have to do this...It would be better if the raider settlements in the Commonwealth was a side quest rather than a necessary part in finishing the Nuka-World main story.
  2. Nope :/ Well it's obviously something about my computer. Would it help re-installing the whole computer, perhaps? That's something I really don't want to do, but it's worth doing for Fallout 3. Also, I see in NVIDIA GeForce Experience, that it can't find Fallout 3 when searching for games on my computer. Is it something worth taking notice of?
  3. That didn't seem to work either, somehow..Right now I have it installed in F:\Games\Fallout if that matters.
  4. It didn't seem to work, what you said. This lag also happens in the main menus. I dont know if you watched it, but you can see how it looks in the video I linked in the main post. The main menu shouldnt have anything to do with graphics settings, should it? *sigh* Never had any problems before, and it seems like I have tried everything there is to try, still without results.
  5. Hi, So I decided to start playing Fallout 3 again. The game was already installed, I was just going to start from where I stopped last time, when everything went smoothly. However, I met some massive lag when I tried to play. Not just when playing, but also the main menu. It kind of hangs for 0.5 seconds all the time, all the time from starting the game. I tried re-installing the game, and all removing all mods, but the lagging is still there. I have been looking for answers, but none of the ways I have found has worked for me. I did start a new save, and it runs very smoothly in the beginning. But when escaping Vault 101, when entering the Vault 101 atrium, and all places beyond that, the lagging appears again, also in the menus when pressing Esc. I have updated the drivers, and my PC is without doubt good enough to run the game with the highest graphics options. I have Windows 7. I tried starting the game at my old not-so-good laptop, and it runs smoothly without any problems. I really want to play this amazing game again, but these problems are always in my way with these games :'( Intel Core i5-2500 CPU @ 3.30GHz 8GB RAM GeForce GTX 560 Ti So again, my computer should have no trouble at all with the game, but just posting these if it matters.
  6. I'm been searching around, and can't find a mod that allows you to recruit everyone you'd like to be your companion. Like Sharing and caring mod for Fallout 3. Well, I found one that was based on that, but it wasn't exactly what I am looking for. So does anyone know if there is a mod that makes everyone in the game a potential companion? I'm thinking of doing something fun and perhaps make a video out of it, and it will take alooot of characters there. If anyone knows a way to get really many people into one place you could say so :) I could use console commands, but I don't want to only have one or two different people, or spend a really long time finding and typing aloooot of different IDs. Thanks :)
  7. Hi I have some problems. In the Take it Back! quest when I enter the Jefferson Memorial gift shop no one follows me in. Not Lyons, or anyone. So in the rotunda I had to use console commands to get miss Lyons there. It's really stressful only getting her to speak with Dr. Li on the intercom. But then she won't activate the switch to open the door. I can activate it by console commands. But the door won't, in any way I've tried, open. So I had to tcl my way trough so I could activate the purifier. So the game ends, and all that, goes to Broken Steel. But Take it Back! and Project Impurity is still active. I've ended Take it back with console commands, but I can't find the base ID for Project Impurity so cant complete that. So.. To make all that really short: I need the base ID to the Project Impurity quest, and maybe someone could tell me an easier solution to get the Take it Back! quest go without issues and the start of Broken Steel. Oh and just another thing, that doesn't involve this over here. When I sit, my player always draw his/her weapon. Really annoying, so if anyone knows how I can fix, please tell me, thanks :) Edit: When I go into the rotunda again after the main quest is finished I cant go back trough the door, cause the quest is still active.
  8. I don't know if this is a mod, but it's a really annoying thing, that I believe comes from a mod. Perhaps a bug or something. Anyways, when I sit down in chairs, or sofas or whatever, my character always draw the weapon but I can't shoot or put the gun away, I can't do anything with it, it's just there :S Anyone know if this might come from some mod? If yes, what mod?
  9. Yea, I think I'll give it a try, thanks, both of you :D
  10. I did start a new save, and the Pip-Boy was back, so thank you BlackRampage! :) Too bad about my other saves :(
  11. Yup, or... No.. Not really, just... almost. If you know what I mean. But I guess I should give it a try! :)
  12. Well, just after you get enslaved your gonna follow someone pretty long on foot. So that guy gives you a makeshift bed after some time travelling, and that is added to your inventory. So Im pretty sure the Pip-Boy is supposed to be there. And in the mod description it says its no bugs in that mod alone, so... Im really afraid I have to reinstall the game, but with all those mods I have I don't want to do it again (did it not too long ago) :/
  13. The Pip was just added to the inventory. Well I "lost" it when I was enslaved in the Friendly New Neighbours, cuz then I lost all things in my inventory, and then also my pip-boy (it got taken away, of course all my stuffs didnt vanish like the pip-boy) So I have tried deactivating the mod like said, and then I went back to another save from before the place I loaded the mod in the first place. and then later from the first save at The Vault Enterance.(I guess that could be from "start a new game"?) This is where I tried the console command too.
  14. Yea when I press the pip-boy button all I can see is the hand, you know, the game does as its supposed to do, just that the pip-boy is missing. I haven't installed any mods lately that has something with the pip-boy to do, no. Have you played the Friendly New Neighbors mod? It might could be easier if you have.
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