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Everything posted by NextGenerationNOR

  1. Hi! I finally really "explored" the towers just outside of Little Lamplight, and I "tcl'd" my way up there, and I thought: Wow, great place for a little home with bed and a great place to stash some loot. So, my little request is these things. Something really cool up on these towers and maybe a little expanding on these. http://img851.imageshack.us/img851/8264/5f0e94ccd8f25ec5206b05c.jpg http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/1417/d0b516bfc46d398a226d118.jpg And also, if somebody want to do this, can you please add some flags? I mean, somewhere in the area which make it visible to the towers. Not any flag, but the Norwegian flag! :) http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_bL2HOTPUTuE/S78A0kOWOuI/AAAAAAAAAAY/Zors88G13UE/S660/flagg_Norge.jpg Oh, and please tell me if there already is a mod like this, thanks
  2. Hi! I was thinking of making MY FIRST MOD! It would be a Viking Perk. Wikipedia: "The term Viking (from Old Norse vĂ­kingr) is customarily used to refer to the Norse (Scandinavian) explorers, warriors, merchants, and pirates who raided, traded, explored and settled in wide areas of Europe and the North Atlantic islands from the late 8th to the mid-11th century" So, I was thinking of adding this perk. Since the Vikings were such great warriors with their swords and shields and all that, and great traders; It would give +20 skill points to Barter, Speech and Meele Weapons. (too much?). Also you need 40 speech, 60 barter and 60 at meele weapons. Anyone think this is a good idea? Would you like a perk like this? Is there any similar perk-mod already? :)
  3. Well thanks luthienanarion for telling me about the DarN UI, I downloaded it. So all those problems are gone now. :)
  4. Where do I choose the resolution things then? Couldn't find it Edit: Found it, but I got 800x600 already, so I guess I should download DarN UI?
  5. Here http://img192.imageshack.us/img192/8220/f277e555f80dfd533661893.jpg http://img862.imageshack.us/img862/3760/78fb75530c618fe60d90774.jpg http://img854.imageshack.us/img854/3887/6854aeace3758d0dc2c37f3.jpg
  6. Hi. I just started playing Fallout 3 again. I dont really know how to explain my problems, so you'll have to look at some pictures: http://img854.images...8d0dc2c37f3.jpg http://img862.images...8fe60d90774.jpg http://img192.images...fd533661893.jpg So... The screen is weird and many things aren't showing as its supposed to... What should I do to fix it?
  7. I see, simply I just re-install the game/copy the game outside of the Program Files? Well, thank you for clearing my mind :)
  8. Thats the problem, I have no idea how to solve it. :S
  9. Hi! I need help! I just re-installed Fallout 3, and then I downloaded the ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated, everything went fine. Then I tried to download FOMM, but I just get this "write permission" blah blah blah thing. So then I tried to download FOSE, but when I tried to extract the thing I were supposed to extract, its was just error all over the place! So please help me somebody, whats wrong?! I haven't played Fallout 3 since long before christmas, and I finally decided to play again, but without mods its nothing! :(
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