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About mattiga14

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  1. i'll make an attempt to make gold bullets with extra power, might try plasma too.
  2. You know how the lonesome drifter's pistol plays music when you open i, is there any way you can do that to a song of my choosing, changing to play that song/tune when i equip it?
  3. Just wondering, where did you say the viper camp was?, i had an idea that they camped up on a plateau, with a small town on it(it was there before the war) and the vipers have elite snipers, killing caravans travelling through "their land", causing the ncr problems. Just throughinh that idea out there.
  4. I have an idea for a quest mod where you are sent to a island in the pacific (story later), and you have to do a few certain thing to survive. It will follow a quest line where it tells you to do steps, and each step uses a certain type of skill, mostly survival. after a few quests on the island you somehow get off(story later) and hunt down the person who brought you there. I have a few ideas on how you could get there. One idea is that a mercenary group has been tracking you, and decided you are too powerful and that you have to be taken care of. as part of how they get you their, you show up to their hq, thinking you'd get awarded or assistance, but instead get gassed and wake up on an island. To get to the island the mercenaries use one of their boats( some still work, such as the one in point lookout) and drop you off. Just posting this out there if anybody would help me, just an idea.
  5. i had a mods, i forget wats its called, but when you click to select it you have a option to choose bllets or grenades, and it can be used like a grenade launcher or assaultrifle.
  6. I'm not great at modding but i would like to anything really.
  7. I created it and it is going the the nexus soon.
  8. i'll try it yur game will crash most likely during it.
  9. Just wondering but how will this mod start? Because I have a good idea.
  10. I posted earlier that i would want to help and haven't done anthing yet. I'm a noob modder but i would like to try to help. I'm not sure what programs i need (obvioulsy the geck which i have). If you have any small requests i will try to do them. Thanks P.S for the androids it would be cool to use the droids from angel park which got removed :( if thats ok with dogtown1(with some retextures of course).
  11. Ok I am nearly done making it in the geck, it is very similiar to the ranger sequoia but a little more powerful and better. I named it sunset revolver(lame) i will try to think of a better name. I don't know how to retexture it and add the new logo. I also couldnt find razzle's new logo. I will work on more tomorrow.
  12. Hello, I was just wondering if all the new/ retextured weapons in the park were done. If not I would like to try to make a sunset sarsaparilla .357 revolver. I am a noob at mod making but I find it interesting and exciting. The weapons would have the ss colors and the logo on the buttstock. Thanks.
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