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Posts posted by DrAwesome122

  1. There is a way to fix it, however its risky.

    You need somone to remodel the horse, however by doing this they might corrupt the horse file, or they might make the whole horse distorted.

    Its a risk. However if your willing


    I could however make a custom remodell, which will get rid of the distortion, but it will make the horse look like it has a fat backside.

    Yep im not swearing.

    Sorry if that was a dissapointment:(

  2. Hey there, are you in a team, or are you looking for a team, or starting one.

    Well every team needs a 3D mesh artist.

    That's where I come in, I'm a pro-3D mesh artist and I use blender. I also use Maya and 3ds max but i prefer blender.

    I have done remodels and custom models of armor such as the image posted below.

    I also am free to make any Static meshes.


    If you wish to recruit me, email me> [email protected]



  3. hello everyone, im announcing now that I am making a game called Gladiuswift.

    Gladuiswift is a fast paced, First person shooter role play game.
    The game focuses around a civilian which you give a name, which is struggling to survive in the vast lands of Avhanius. Usuallyn a very pretty land is now crawling with sick people, the bubonic plague has struck and humanity is slowly falling into chaos, with the 4 different clans not really helping out by having a war.
    Meanwhile the civilian tries to find his destiny, he tries to survive. His father who died tells him there is something in Mythic empire that is destined for him. Now the civilian has to figure out how to get to the Mythic empire without being killed, by the plague or archers.

    Experience the world from the eyes of the civilian, make choices that could wage war or stop it, make friend, get married or lose friends and kill people. The choice is yours, the world is yours, the consequences are yours and this throne might be yours.

    I came to this disscusion for you to spread the word so that I get help, currently im only one person making up the whole team. I figured Skyrim has some pretty neat modmakers, so they might be able to help. Theres even some money involved in it.

    I do however know how much time and effort it takes to make a game. However I am dedicated and willing to make this happen, I have already finished five types of armors. 20 static meshes. 3 buildings and 5 NPCs.

    if you are interisted in helping out, please visit the website to find out about what available jobs are there and how to apply> http://drawesome1223.wix.com/admen-blog

    I hope youre enjoying your day, and thank you for taking the time to read this ;

  4. Hello everyone I am here because I saw a need for a marriage mod.

    yes I do however know that there is to have and to hold, better wives mod and stuff but yet its not the same as what this mod is going to be.


    This mod adds:

    - Over 50 new dialogue options, might even be voiced.

    - The option to have children, sorry its just an option and there is no scene.

    - Over 10 new wives

    - Wives can do more things than cook

    - wives can pleasure you

    - wives can go on adventures

    - If you spend to much time adventuring or being with another woman your wife will kill herself or your female follower.

    - A love bar


    A love bar is basically a widget which will pop up every day reminding you of how much your spouse loves you. If the bar reaches midway it means you're marriage is at stake. If its below that, your spouse will tell bad rumors about you, destroying your reputation. If its very below she will murder you. However if its above shell give you weapons if its very above be ready and get the moisturizer and tissues for you are about to see the best thing ever.


    The mod might also support MCM from SkyUI5.

    The options there will be

    - CBBE enabling


    That is so far what I thought for the MCM menu but I can consider more things


    However I will need help.

    if you would like to help you will receive some of the donations if the mod is successful.

    Send me a message and answer these questions.


    - What is my preferred role, voice actor, texture maker, programmer, manager, assistant

    - Do i work well with a team and what makes me good in a team

    - How will I contribute

    - How do I treat others in the team


    Thanks, Hurry there are only 10 spots left for the team.

    P.S we need a mix of genders please.

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