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  1. I have been a modder since the day that EverQuest made their UI moddable... Quite a long time ago! Modding, to me, is about adjusting or improving the way a game looks or functions in order to benefit a subset of players. I'd never dream of charging for that. What troubles me about Steam's move here, though, is that some of the commercial mods blatantly require SKSE. However, I am under the impression that SKSE's developers will not receive a cut of the profits. This is an incredibly shortsighted move by Steam that deserves the glut of negative feedback it is currently receiving.
  2. Thanks for this, Robin. This post has reminded me that it's time for me to go Premium once again to support your efforts. I am also reminded of how much I dislike Steam. You can scarcely buy a physical game copy nowadays without needing Steam to install and play it. Monetizing mods is just the next step. I'd like to indicate that I am not against modders being compensated for their efforts, as that topic was already covered quite a ways back via the donation button discussion. What I take significant issue with is Steam's ever-increasing footprint.
  3. Robin—thanks for everything that you guys do (which I know, for a fact, is a lot).
  4. I did try that; it works well enough, but the spell isn't quite as responsive as it is with zero charge time. I was hoping there'd be a trick to prevent the game from flagging the cost as per sec, but I haven't come up with anything. I appreciate the suggestion.
  5. I've found that manually setting a "Fire and Forget" spell's charge time to zero will result in the Magicka cost being displayed as "Per Second" in-game, as if it were a concentrated spell (such as Healing). Is there a way to get around this? In short, I'm trying to create a spell that can be fired off instantly, but I do not want the cost to display as X Per Second as it is not not a concentrated/channeled spell. Does anyone know how to get around this?
  6. So far so good with the new NMM. No killed downloads tonight. Thanks again for all of your hard work -- I realize how frustrating it can be to fix problems like this.
  7. To Robin and the rest of the Nexus staff, thanks for all of the hard work you do.
  8. Thanks a lot for the update, Robin. It's been great watching the Nexus grow over the last couple of years—and I can't speak highly enough of how you've done things.
  9. You should be able to remove Flames without issue. removespell 00012fcd I believe there is a quest that requires you to use Flame and Frost spells, but there are tomes/scrolls available for that.
  10. They're probably using BBCode. Click the help/question icon in the post editor for more information, or refer to this link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BBCode You need to upload your second image to an exterior source (like http://imgur.com) and then imbed it in your post using the img tag.
  11. ROFL. Made my night. Thank you so much for that quote. Muckety-muck.
  12. It will be out for PC, but Bethesda brokered a deal with Microsoft, so it'll be out for the 360 first. AFAIK, they have a 30 day 360 deal, so I'd guess mid/late summer for us PC folks. It looks to be a vampire versus vampire hunter scenario, including Castlevania-style crossbows. Seems like you get to choose which side you're on: vampire, or hunter (otherwise known as a Dawnguard, apparently). Why the 360 users are getting the early access and Windows users aren't (both Microsoft customers, right?) is beyond me.
  13. I'm not much of a lore guy, but here's my personal opinion: I think the Stormcloaks are the good guys here. The main issue, to me, is the Thalmor. The peace treaty that the Empire signed in order to the end war gave the Thalmor permission to not only skulk freely around Skyrim, but to literally capture and execute Nords simply for practicing their traditional religion. This should sound very, very familiar to real life events (you know, WW II). It's not that the Empire is bad overall--it's that they made a bad choice. Most of the justification for what the Empire did comes in the form of "well, the Empire was between a rock and a hard place, so they signed the peace treaty." In other words, they backed down in my opinion. When it comes to scenarios like this, I'm more of a "win or die trying" type of guy, so I support the Stormcloaks. Also, I've played through both stories and have found Tulius to be a fairly weak, uninspiring man who is just going through the motions. Compared to Ulfric, who is a strong, determined leader driven by passion and a legitimate oath to his people. That's my take. One of my favorite things about Skyrim is that you can really make it your own.
  14. AFAIK, Respite and Regen only affect direct healing mechanics (e.g. Fast Heal). If nothing else, I can tell you that Respite and Regeneration do not affect the Fortify Health enchant. Regeneration also doesn't appear to affect the Fortify Healing Rate enchant, so I'm assuming it doesn't confer Stamina via Respite. You're right about the Augmented destruction perks, though. I just checked and they do affect elemental damage enchants on weapons. I didn't know that - thanks for the tip. Time for my Paladin to spec into Augmented Flames.
  15. It could definitely be Skyrim—it's no where near PC optimized, and performance varies greatly depending upon what zone you're in. You might want to try reducing your shadows or draw distance just as a test factor. From the way you're describing it, though, it almost sounds like something other than just Skyrim. Can you alt-tab out during the slowdowns and, if so, is your OS performance unaffected? Are you using any post-processing mods like ENB?
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