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About falcor23

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  1. In response to post #24679789. #24680359, #24680884, #24680909, #24681594, #24683019, #24683494, #24686649, #24686714, #24687229, #24689004, #24689919, #24699554, #24700244, #24700564, #24733439 are all replies on the same post. That was very well thought out and I would endorse in a heartbeat.
  2. In response to post #24731409. #24731549, #24731554 are all replies on the same post. Sad to see you go, but this was bound to happen. Modders are going to leave because of this and the amount of attention this has gotten will bring more modders in. This has been a clusterf*#@ at best and will leave this community shattered for along time coming. Best of luck in your future endeavors.
  3. In response to post #24730754. #24730929 is also a reply to the same post. I wouldn't throw the mod authors under the bus they were approached to try something new. That thing failed its not on them its on Steam and Bes to atone for this mess. The shovelware modders that came outta the woodwork for money can sit on a rusty nail for all I care though.
  4. This is why I hate stuff like this, the community has been shattered. We lost modders like Chesko over something that was implemented terribly and handled worse. I hope we can all reunite and show modders that we do care about their work. Go out and give the mods you like even a dollar donation, just show that you do care and that we do want them to continue their work.
  5. In response to post #24729384. and there is a steam post as well, it has been pulled.
  6. In response to post #24728974. #24729419 is also a reply to the same post. It has been pulled....for now.
  7. In response to post #24681829. #24686464, #24687639, #24689534, #24690734, #24694409, #24695224, #24696659, #24697089, #24697214, #24702624 are all replies on the same post. Thats what people are failing to understand this is the digital age EVERYTHING online is free in one form or another and if people don't wanna pay they wont. People just want a way to pay that they don't feel like they are being forced at gun point to pay for something they have gotten for free for 10+ years and have ZERO guarantees that will work or will even be compatible with other paid mods. (other than a shady 24 hour return policy which is laughable at best). Though I gotta say its nice to see the community stand up and start conversations on this scale about something they feel strongly about, normally is incoherent death threats and pissing contests on steam forums and it fizzles away in a day. This topic one way or another will change how modding works forever. Ps. Dark0ne you deserve all the money you can get, you run one helluva site.
  8. In response to post #24706964. I agree to disagree and the petition that will be hitting 130000 signatures shortly do as well. People will pay for mods, the VAST majority wont. Then you have the amount of backlash to your name as a paid modder being generated for what is essentially a pittance isn't helping any modders. Also most people are not just looking at this as a Skyrim problem because its not. Look at Sins of a Solar Empire, the two largest mods are a Star Wars Mod and Star Trek Mod. Do those modders deserve money...yes. Can you LEGALLY pay them no its not their intellectual property. Do you understand the problem, once you start monetizing what was a free service, everything goes under a microscope and walls start to be erected where before there was none. A great example is the Terra Armor mod, if that is uploaded to the Steam Workshop the mod creator AND steam could be sued, due to the fact it was not the intellectual property of the mod creator or Valve to host, but since its free nobody says anything. Yes that's a hypothetical situation but down the road it will happen, that I can assure you maybe not with that mod Or even a Skyrim mod. But if you open the flood gates to one game others will follow and the only people that are gonna get screwed is us gamers. One things for sure me banging my head against the keyboard wont change your mind and you wont change mine. The only person that has say in any of this is Gabe in the end and he even once said "We think there is a fundamental misconception about piracy. Piracy is almost always a service problem and not a pricing problem" and that is what this is, a horrible service problem that was not implemented well at all.
  9. In response to post #24706469. Yes but many mods are being bought, copied uploaded to a torrent sites, (the pirated mod depo in /R/ is a great example look at how fast its growing 51st fasting growing subreddit) , then they are refunded and all the modder did was give it out free again. This is the problem, the modder has very little control of their mods once its on the workshop. This is coming from someone who has put out hundreds in donations, I really just want modders to get what they deserve but not put people that cant afford 5 dollar mods out in the rain. This is just a giant mess. A mess that was never necessary.
  10. Heres what I feel, modding will just be another torrent sub folder for the pc community now. People will torrent them try them out, if they like them then they will buy them. If they don't they wont and the people that didn't have the money in the first place it was never a sale to begin with. Just look up paid skyrim torrents every single paid skyrim mod is already up on every torrent site you can think of. Its the sad truth, but it is truth.
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