One of the weirdest things in my Skyrim experience happened a few days ago - I'm playing a rather heavily modded game that I started about seven months ago, then halted for six months and picked up again recently. Had to update a bunch of mods due to the Skyrim SE patch drop between then; this all might explain the weirdness. Anyways, *somehow* my Timescale got set to 0 at *exactly* 6 PM one random day. Some oddities were happening, but I didn't notice what was going on until I tried to sleep - which *immediately* killed my character. It took a few reloads and different attempts to do things before I noticed that it was *always* exactly 6 PM when I tried to rest, at which point I realized that time was stopped. I checked on what my Timescale was set to and it was 0. Well, that's bad I thought - so I set it to the normal value I use (6), saw that that fixed the problem, then reloaded to the point I noticed it being stuck. When I reloaded, my timescale was already set to 6. This was the same save I had been reloading into over and over trying to figure out what was wrong. I don't know what the hell happened, but this Timescale set to 0 thing persisted when turning Skyrim on/off and saving/loading, but when I set the timescale to something reasonable and then loaded a saved game it automatically fixed the problem, as if the timescale change persisted *between* saves. Anyways, it was weird, and I still have no idea how my timescale got set to 0 in the first place.