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  1. One of the weirdest things in my Skyrim experience happened a few days ago - I'm playing a rather heavily modded game that I started about seven months ago, then halted for six months and picked up again recently. Had to update a bunch of mods due to the Skyrim SE patch drop between then; this all might explain the weirdness. Anyways, *somehow* my Timescale got set to 0 at *exactly* 6 PM one random day. Some oddities were happening, but I didn't notice what was going on until I tried to sleep - which *immediately* killed my character. It took a few reloads and different attempts to do things before I noticed that it was *always* exactly 6 PM when I tried to rest, at which point I realized that time was stopped. I checked on what my Timescale was set to and it was 0. Well, that's bad I thought - so I set it to the normal value I use (6), saw that that fixed the problem, then reloaded to the point I noticed it being stuck. When I reloaded, my timescale was already set to 6. This was the same save I had been reloading into over and over trying to figure out what was wrong. I don't know what the hell happened, but this Timescale set to 0 thing persisted when turning Skyrim on/off and saving/loading, but when I set the timescale to something reasonable and then loaded a saved game it automatically fixed the problem, as if the timescale change persisted *between* saves. Anyways, it was weird, and I still have no idea how my timescale got set to 0 in the first place.
  2. The only conflict is with Frostfall itself. The Frostfall SSE SkyUI extensions cause occasional crashes while browsing the inventory list, but you can install Frostfall without them and it'll work just fine.
  3. There actually *is* a mod with an airship in SE: Legend of the Dragonborn, the 'Dragonborn Museum' mod.
  4. Fast travel is a native script - ie, it's a function that's hardcoded into the game executable. Not everything is a Papyrus script or exposed to the Papyrus system.
  5. No, it doesn't 'work fine'. Look at the Light armor - it doesn't provide any chest protection whatsoever. The left arm doesn't even change your character model any, such when that was my first piece of Synth armor I thought 'oh crap, Bethesda made it so the Synth armor pieces actually represent you replacing your limbs with synthetic limbs - it's invisible armor!' I was, of course, wrong. The Synth armor pieces are just bracelets, anklets, and a necklace - all areas that need no armor. An armor replacer for the Synth armor would be excellent - give them something that actually looks like it could protect you, rather than something that leaves all your vulnerable areas exposed. If you want to make it so the armor still leaves lots of areas uncovered, make it so the armor creates an energy shield instead of providing armor protection - but do something about the god-awful models.
  6. Er. There is a mod featuring solar panels on this very site.
  7. Since we're just posting progressively larger pics of Shady Sands, I figured I'd go whole-hog. But yes, adobe structures like in Shady Sands/NCR would be nice.
  8. There are Papyrus Events for getting data out of a Holotape Flash program, but I don't know of any way to pass data *in* to the Flash program, unfortunately. I also don't know Flash, so I have no idea how those Papyrus Events are called on the Flash side.
  9. Maybe, but I'd be surprised if the pipe weapons from Fallout 1 and 2 weren't directly intended to be based off of the improvised guns taught by the US Army. They're supposed to be improvised, POS weapons that can blow up if you so much as sneeze at them; removing that by making them non-improvised weapons is both silly, inconsistent with the lore, and inconsistent with their intended place in the Wasteland.
  10. Just so you know, it is entirely possible to build a gun out of a cheap pipe; people made guns out of car radio antennas back in the '50s, apparently. Hell, the US Army apparently publishes how to make an improvised gun made out of common steel pipe (for use by insurgents in an occupied zone, like France in WWII). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Improvised_firearm http://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Real-Gun#Making_an_Improvised_Pipe_Gun_sub [Note: Information taken from random websites found on a Google search; may not be factual]
  11. I've been thinking about this ever since I heard Fallout 4 wasn't going to feature a Hardcore mode. My primary idea is to separate long-term health and short-term health into two separate stats, similar to the way Pillars of Eternity did it. Stimpacks would heal your short-term health, but do nothing for long-term health. Long-term health would act similar to radiation in that it provides a cap on your maximum short-term health points. Food and rest would be needed in conjunction to restore long-term health. Visiting a doctor would speed that up, but it would still take some time to fully recover. Long-term health would decrease as limbs are crippled, as you get diseases in Survival mode, and as you take short-term health damage. Short-term health would be your normal HP, and long-term health would be Vitality or VP.
  12. From pretty impossible to very possible, depending on your definition of what it is you want it to do. If there are script commands that can make an NPC jump or use a jet pack to a specific location (which there may be, at least in an akward way via forcing an NPC to play a certain animation), then you can place markers around the world that would enable NPCs to jump to them. You'd probably need to alter the scripts on the NPCs in order to make them actually jump when they get close to one of those markers, too - and it's very possible that doing this for every NPC in the game could be rather demanding, especially if you have a lot of jump locations. It could be a lot simpler if you used two markers - one marker to tell an NPC that they can jump, and another to say where they can jump to - but you'd still need to come up with some AI routines to tell when jumping is a good idea - and I don't think there are any ways to get an NPC's path to a target, so you can't just say 'if jumping shortens your path, then do so'.
  13. Yes - mirrors could up to halve your frame rates. That's not an issue for everyone's system - plenty of people have computers capable of taking a halved frame rate and still outputting frames fast enough for the user to go 'good enough for me!' Jujoo: A single render can't show two scenes at different angles. The rendering process is very angle-specific.
  14. I don't know why you think parallax mapping isn't stereoscopic compatible; so far as I understand, it definitely is.
  15. Disabling the console for Survival mode was confirmed to be an intentional feature of the game mode, not just something they disabled for testing purposes. The disabling of mods was only for testing purposes, though.
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