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  1. Is there a way to add body replaced mods in as random npc? So random npc's would look a bit more random?
  2. Army of Darkness Mod: A mod so women in Skyrim have different random body types instead of 1 for all. Maybe 1 town has thicker women and another town has skinnier women? Faction based? There are a few body replacer mods just not sure if their is a way to get them all in instead of picking one to replace the default. A " stone of sorting " resource for player homes
  3. Similar in concept to fallout hidden vaults but instead dwemer cities. In fallout you occasionally find areas where people are living in seclusion for hundreds of years underground. After eye of magnus a random encounter gives you a key to an entrance. In blackreach somewhere is a hidden key hole. Beyond the door in a new interior worldspace you travel a long hallway lined with skeletons and many holes for inactive traps like fire and spikes. At the end of the hall is a fortified barricade. The walls are lined with sphere spawners. There is a fortified barricade in the center with dwemer guards in full armor and behind them are 2 monolithlic doors patrolled by 2 centurians. The doors teleport you to their underground city. The city is a small town of glimmering winding roads and little shops. In the center stands a large structure easily seen from the entrance doors. The far walls on the left and right have large water falls that fill carved basins that drain into carved channels that lead to an elaborate ornate fountain system near the center of town infront of the main building. Backstory the eye and staff of magnus were left behind to keep their location hidden. Side missions include: Retrieving lexicons and books for the library. Supplies from outside. Collecting dwemer parts like cogs to repair elaborate machines. Solving a few personal disputes amoung residents. Rewards include skill points for lexicons. New weapons and armor. A private underground dwemer home somewhere in skyrim. The entrance features a small dwemer elevator. 5 feet infront of the fast travel marker. To your imediate left of fast travel location is an empty hollow player owned boulder. Taking the elevator down brings you to the entrance room. When the home is fully upgraded. The elevator takes you to a circular room, behind is the elevator platform in front is entry arch to your home. In the center is the fountain of sorting. When activated all equiped items and gold are sorted to the gold statue of you in the center of the fountain. All other items are sorted to storage containers inside. The player home consists of 5 areas.1 The entry room, 2 the great hall: a central circular display room. Off of this room has 4 exits , 1 entry, 2 bedroom, 3 armory, 4 crafting wing. Each crafting station has seprate storage and manaquine. As blessing stones are discovered in skyrim copies of the stones will be added to the great hall. As dragons are killed their head mounts are added to various areas of the house
  4. Some horse races where you win cooler looking horses. Maybe a Deadric horse of fire. Maybe the new horses have different strength and weaknesses like extra stamina, extra damage resistance, faster top speed, faster acceleration, faster stamina regen. Maybe special horse shoes that make the horses attack stronger against random enemies like wolves. Maybe horse armor? Horse Travel bag for extra storage? I worry racing down undiscovered roads with potential quest npc spawning nearby could cause problems. So I think maybe teleporting to a new similar world space scaled down to just whats needed for the racing tracks might be a better alternative. 1 for each hold then maybe a big final race. hazzards: stuff to jump over, random attacks, collapsing bridges, mud that slows you down, thorn spikes on the sides of the road that hurt your horse, caravan crossings powerups: sugar cube that replenishes stamina.
  5. Ancient Dwemer Pip-Boy Like a big stone tablet you hold with both hands and it weighs like 20lbs. Maybe a big gem on it that works like a screen. Old pipboy style hud.
  6. Some map markers for your homes so you can fast travel directly to your doorstep.
  7. The names can be changed this is just the basics. Character 1: " A place to call home " Status Updater type mission. An old ghoul that wants to see civilization restored to it's old world glory in the form of a new settlement. He has been working for years with a few robots on restoring a train that leads back to his home town. A small urban town of shops and 3 story buildings similar to L'enfant. To help him restore the train and the town you must find people willing to move there and help with construction. In most cases you must first help those people improve there buisnesses by means of specific missions. Once you've helped them by completing their quests they can pay for their share of the town renovations. Character 2: " Way of the Future " Status updater mission. Young and strong lives in his own palacial vault. He is all about making more caps. He envisions vending machines that offer what people need. To do this he would have you cheat the potential settlers out of their inventions to add them as vending machine inventory and replace their current locations with his new vending machines. The settlers. The Butcher: " Mongo and the Mysterious Meat Machine. " Object recovery mission The Junker: " Jimmy the Junkman and his fixem up Caravan " Escort the caravan mission The Plumber: " Walterr Wingate's Wonder Water " Fix the leaks mission The Security Expert: " Sarsparilla Jones and the fires of hell " Weapon Testing Mission The Librarian/ Teacher " Knowledge is Power " Object recovery missions, recon missions The Doc: " Take me drunk, I'm home" Escort mission, object recovery. The Tailor: " A stich to build a dream on " Match Maker Quest. Object Recovery. Escort mission.
  8. I can help with sound, people to voice act and screenplay like easy to follow script and dialouge trees. There are 2 ways to begin this story line. Meet Good NPC or Bad NPC. Good tasks the player with meeting people to rebuild and repopulate a derelect town Bad tasks you with running those people out of the mojave to be replaced with vending machines. The people you meet will require you to do specific missions to gain thier trust. Each has a specific role in rebuilding the town. Each has their own story line.
  9. A small tool that lets you instantly lock or unlock anything from doors to safes. Unlock mission doors without keys. Lock yourself in rooms so enemies cant enter.
  10. Either a chicken or a rabbit. That does not set off traps , 10000 health , 10000 carry weight
  11. I'd like to start a small modding team for new vegas. If anyone is intrested in joining please contact me via messenger or reply here. We can meet on teamspeak periodicly to flesh out ideas and colaborate.
  12. Project Tabula Rasa " Clean Slate " major merge mod. The mod would work off requim for captial wasteland mod and take place in both locations. To remove conflicts and skip the long opening sequences. Your mission would start at a new location not on either map. The save point would need to be after sunny smiles tutorial and escape the vault from the vault in f3 to avoid conflicts. Secondly we would infuse and improve mods from fallout 3 and new vegas that abide by fallout cannon. Improvements would be the adding of some retexture mods, bug fix mods, and voice acting
  13. In the official fallout wiki there is a scraped desighn document from van buren. The desighn documents outline the creation of a multi plot dlc that takes place in and around a prison called Tibbets. I am now assembling a team to help coordinate and construct it http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Tibbets_Prison_design_document For the most part the desighn document will be our cannon. The desighn docs are not complete and allow room for individual creativity. Larger holes in the plot and concepts will be adressed in a series of team Q&A emails as the construction progresses. Dedicated team members will be able to submit and vote on new ideas to help fill the holes and amuse our teammates. Many hands make light work, all help is welcome. If you enjoy modding and would like to join please reply to this thread or send me a private messege explaining how you can help. If all goes well then future projects will be based on creatinng more van buren based stories and locations.
  14. Additional death animations so gibbed enemies spray more blood, crawl a bit, and die more gruesomely.
  15. What about a few escort missions where you clear paths to establish a trade route for a set of caravans. junk dealer, doctor, weapons, apparel. Maybe with an ability to better equip them as well? Maybe when all is done you can purchase Brahman at their main outpost?
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