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Everything posted by unknownhero2827

  1. Are there any mods that make all "Unique" NPC's (excluding ones that need to die, or unique bosses and such) Essential? I can't seem to find any. Also I know I can just simply and easily use the console with obse, but I was hoping for a mod that has it done already.
  2. I'm looking for a mod, which is like a compilation of a couple (like 8-12?) little seperate esp files. I.e. it wasn't all the esp's combined into one, they were just all in the folder. Some of the features (I think) were: - Werewolves (And the ability to become one) - The ability to become a Lich - Scarier Vampires (NPC's treated Player Vampires with more hostility) - Wieldable farming scythe - Somethin that had to do with White-Gold Tower and the Moth Priests I think... - Randomized lvl'd lists for NPC spawns and items (I think...) That's all I can remember. I don't recognize this mod as any of the overhaul mods I've seen. This mod does not add new armor or weapons ('sides the scythe). I feel like it's a pretty old mod. If anyone knows what mod I'm thinking of, Thank-you in advance. EDIT: Oops. I literally had the mod's webpage open while I typed this. I was going to look at it after. The mod is called Modular Oblivion Enhanced.
  3. I noticed that I couldn't damage the blades or the emperor in the tutorial, and they also would not attack me after. What exactly in the script makes that possible? Or is it simply that they are on god mode throughout the tutorial? I would like to be able to "disable friendly fire", as my archer and mage followers keep shooting my melee followers in the back.
  4. Whenever I go to prison, my custom followers will spawn next to me, and I think though that they have had their script packages removed, as they wander. But if I tell them to follow me, then they'll bug out and won't move. Even after I get out of prison, their follow package seems permanently bugged. And it only seems to affect the one follow package, 'cause if I have them execute a follow sneak package, they follow just fine. I've had other weird problems with jail, like random NPC's spawning next to me once I get out, so I guess prison is naturally buggy. I think the unofficial patch mod might fix it, but I've preferred not to use it, 'cause of the performance drop I experience. Ideally, I'd just prefer my followers to not use MoveTo when I'm in a prison cell, but it seems like adding all the "is not in any of the 8 cells" conditions for a MoveTo function would be unnecessarily tedious. Any easier solutions? EDIT: Nevermind. I just found out about "IsPlayerInJail." :sweat:
  5. http://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php?title=Combat_Style I found this on the wiki, but it doesn't seem to cover what all the flags mean (unless I missed it). Specifically I'd like to know what Do Not Acquire and Melee Alert OK means. I'd also like to know a bit more about Ignore Allies In Area. For instance, if this flag is checked, I assume it's more for projectiles and not firing into allies, but does it also mean the NPC will not come to aid it's allies?
  6. I've decided to just go with group orders through dialogue for now. Thanks for your help on my multiple posts. I'll have to take some time to review your example, and read up on more tutorials. There's so much to learn. Have to ask though, is the knowledge going to be largely applicable to future/other games?
  7. I've successfully gotten the menu to work. But, the orders are only working with 1 actor at a time, unless i have it like this: Actor's Object Script if IFQuest.MenuResult == 1RemoveScriptPackageMoveTo PlayerAddScriptPackage IFFollowPackage elseif IFQuest.MenuResult == 2RemoveScriptPackageAddScriptPackage IFFollowPackageelseif IFQuest.MenuResult == 3RemoveScriptPackageAddScriptPackage IFStayPackageelseif IFQuest.MenuResult == 4RemoveScriptPackageAddScriptPackage IFRelaxPackageelseif IFQuest.MenuResult == 10RemoveScriptPackageAddScriptPackage IFTravelAnvilPackageelseif IFQuest.MenuResult == 11RemoveScriptPackageAddScriptPackage IFTravelBravilPackageelseif IFQuest.MenuResult == 12RemoveScriptPackageAddScriptPackage IFTravelBrumaPackageelseif IFQuest.MenuResult == 13RemoveScriptPackageAddScriptPackage IFTravelCheydinhalPackageelseif IFQuest.MenuResult == 14RemoveScriptPackageAddScriptPackage IFTravelChorrolPackageelseif IFQuest.MenuResult == 15RemoveScriptPackageAddScriptPackage IFTravelImperialCityPackageelseif IFQuest.MenuResult == 16RemoveScriptPackageAddScriptPackage IFTravelLeyawiinPackageelseif IFQuest.MenuResult == 17RemoveScriptPackageAddScriptPackage IFTravelSkingradPackageelseif IFQuest.MenuResult == 20ForceAV Aggression 50ForceAV Confidence 50elseif IFQuest.MenuResult == 21ForceAV Aggression 5ForceAV Confidence 50elseif IFQuest.MenuResult == 22ForceAV Confidence 0endif Quest Script: if GroupMenu == 1MessageBox "Group Orders" "Regroup" "Follow" "Stay" "Relax" "Travel" "Behavior" "Nevermind"set Choosing to 1set GroupMenu to 0elseif (Choosing == 1) set Choice to GetButtonPressed if (Choice == -1)elseif (Choice == 0)set MenuResult to 1 elseif (Choice == 1) set MenuResult to 2 elseif (Choice == 2) set MenuResult to 3 elseif (Choice == 3) set MenuResult to 4elseif (Choice == 4) ;Travelset Choosing to -10 elseif (Choice == 5) ;Behaviorset Choosing to -11 elseif (Choice == 6)endifelseif (Choosing == -10)MessageBox "Group Orders: Travel" "Anvil" "Bravil" "Bruma" "Cheydinhal" "Chorrol" "Imperial City" "Leyawiin" "Skingrad" "Nevermind"set Choosing to 10elseif Choosing == 10set Choice to GetButtonPressed if (Choice == -1)elseif (Choice == 0)set MenuResult to 10elseif (Choice == 1)set MenuResult to 11elseif (Choice == 2)set MenuResult to 12elseif (Choice == 3)set MenuResult to 13elseif (Choice == 4)set MenuResult to 14elseif (Choice == 5)set MenuResult to 15elseif (Choice == 6)set MenuResult to 16elseif (Choice == 7)set MenuResult to 17elseif (Choice == 8) endif elseif (Choosing == -11)MessageBox "Group Orders: Behavior" "Aggressive" "Defensive" "Evasive" "Nevermind"set Choosing to 11elseif (Choosing == 11)set Choice to GetButtonPressedif (Choice == -1)elseif (Choice == 0)set MenuResult to 20elseif (Choice == 1)set MenuResult to 21elseif (Choice == 2)set MenuResult to 22elseif (Choice == 3) endif endif This means that the actors continuously get reassigned the command over and over again. It does make them all "obey", but the script is still rubbish right now. I'll try looking into arrays, though I'm sure it'll take me a lot longer than I'd like to figure out what I'm looking at.
  8. http://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php?title=MessageBox_Tutorial I found this on the construction set wiki. I'll probably have to take some time to review it.
  9. Scriptname IFFollowerScript short doOnce short regulator ref refnpc float CurrentDay Begin OnLoad set refnpc to GetSelf set CurrentDay to GameDaysPassed SetIgnoreFriendlyHits 1 End Begin Gamemode if ( GetInSameCell player == 1 && doOnce == 0 ) AddScriptPackage IFFollowPackage AddItem IFDoNotDespawnToken 1 set doOnce to 1 endif if GetCurrentPackage == IFFollowPackage if GetDistance Player > 8000 MoveTo Player endif if GetInSameCell Player == 0 && GetDistance Player > 8000 MoveTo Player endif if Player.IsWeaponOut == 1 SetAlert 1 elseif Player.IsWeaponOut == 0 SetAlert 0 endif if Player.IsSneaking == 1 AddScriptPackage IFFollowSneakPackage endif endif if GetCurrentPackage == IFFollowSneakPackage if GetDistance player > 8000 && GetDistance Player > 8000 MoveTo Player endif if GetInSameCell Player == 0 MoveTo Player endif if Player.IsWeaponOut == 1 SetAlert 1 elseif Player.IsWeaponOut == 0 SetAlert 0 endif if Player.IsSneaking == 0 AddScriptPackage IFFollowPackage endif endif if GetCurrentPackage != IFFollowPackage if GetCurrentPackage != IFFollowSneakPackage SetAlert 0 endif endif if GetItemCount IFShareToken == 1 if regulator == 3 AddItem Torch02 1 EquipItem Torch02 RemoveItem Torch02 1 set regulator to 0 toggleActorsAI RemoveItem IFShareToken 1 endif if regulator == 2 && MenuMode == 0 set regulator to 3 IFShareChestRef.RemoveAllItems refnpc endif if regulator == 1 toggleActorsAI RemoveAllItems IFShareChestRef IFShareChestRef.Activate Player set regulator to 2 endif if regulator == 0 IFShareChestRef.MoveTo Player 0 0 -50 IFShareChestRef.setOwnership set regulator to 1 endif endif if ( GamedaysPassed >= CurrentDay + 3 ) if GetDead == 1 refnpc.MoveTo IFCleanupCellMarker RemoveItem IFDismissToken 1 RemoveItem IFDoNotDespawnToken 1 ResetInterior IFCleanupCell elseif GetItemCount IFDismissToken >= 1 refnpc.MoveTo IFCleanupCellMarker RemoveItem IFDismissToken 1 RemoveItem IFDoNotDespawnToken 1 ResetInterior IFCleanupCell endif endif End Begin OnDeath RemoveScriptPackage MessageBox "A companion has fallen." End ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; So far the script appears to work as I want it to, but I'm sure I haven't optimized it well.
  10. I'm trying to give my followers group orders through a menu, activated by a spell. So far, I can only get to the menu part. Honestly I barely have any idea how to do this. Begin ScriptEffectStart MessageBox "Group Orders." "Follow" "Stay" "Nevermind" End Begin Gamemode if GetButtonPressed > -1if GetButtonPressed == 0 ;Followset IFQuest.IFGroupOrders to 1elseif GetButtonPressed == 1 ;Stayset IFQuest.IFGroupOrders to 2elseif GetButtonPressed == 2 ;Nevermindset IFQuest.IFGroupOrders to 0endifendif End This is my spell script, of course. I don't know if it's laid out right. You can see that I'm trying to make it change a short in a quest script. From the quest script, I'm using that as what my followers' object script refers to when given a group order. if IFQuest.IFGroupOrders == 1RemoveScriptPackageAddScriptPackage IFFollowPackageelseif IFQuest.IFGroupOrders == 2RemoveScriptPackageAddScriptPackage IFStayPackageendif That's the object script. Another problem is I don't know if my spell script is constantly setting the IFGroupOrders short. Oh and I have the different lines indented and stuff (idk if it actually makes a difference other than it's easier to navigate). If there's a better way to try and do this, like bypassing the quest script altogether, that'd be nice. Thanks for any help in advance. EDIT: I apologize for my lack of... terminology.
  11. Ohhh ok. I'll try to use the Wiki from now on. Google search wasn't helping much.
  12. I can't seem to get it to work. I want my followers to only sneak or draw weapons when I do if they have an AddScriptPackage dialogue follow order. I could make them do it with a follow token, but that seems monotonous, as I'd have to remove the token every time one of my topics adds a new script package. EDIT: I think it doesn't work with package names, only package types(?). Found it here: http://www.ei-der-zeit.com/wiki/index.php/Oblivion:GetCurrentAIPackage. I hope I'm wrong though.
  13. I've tried it with a dialogue result script, too, with the same result. If I have two actors with the same base, spawned with PlaceAtMe, and I make one of them essential, through dialogue or the console, they both become essential. But, test it out yourself. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. I'd be thrilled if you get a different result.
  14. Yes, I've tried SetRefEssential, and it does affect the base object. At least, if "SetRefEssential 1" is how you type it in the console with the actor selected. Oh well.
  15. For an actor like a bandit, is there a way for me to set it as essential, or rename it, without affecting all bandits with the same base? I am wondering because SetAV modifies an actors base, but recently I found that ForceAV only modifies the selected reference.
  16. Is length the biggest factor? I might need to make a lengthy one, which would contain a lot of lines of checking type functions, to see what has been activated already, and what can be activated that hasn't already been. Could be well over 1000 lines of script. If that would slow down or crash the game though, I'll have to rethink things...
  17. I'd like to be able to get my followers to equip/unequip armor through dialogue.
  18. An actor can have only one script package at a time. When calling the function twice on the same actor, the second package replaces the first one added. Oh. So I guess I'd have to do something with the actor's object script. Something like GetIsCurrentPackage yadayada and change the current package to another script package once the travel script package terminates? If anyone knows exactly what, that'd be helpful.
  19. I want a Follower NPC to travel to a cell, and then wander around in it. So far I can only get the first half to work through dialogue with a topic result script. Looks something likes this: RemoveScriptPackage AddScriptPackage aaFollowerTravelInn I don't know how to make my NPC wander onced arrived at the destination. If I add another package to the script, it doesn't work. And I don't know if I need to change something in the packages themselves, though I've tried. I'm very much an amateur with modding, any help would be appreciated.
  20. I've always thought creature fights would be cool. Pitting your Daedroth against a Land Dreugh like a Kaiju battle. Maybe that'd be better for a separate mod though. Anyway I like your mod idea. Can't wait to try it out.
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