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Everything posted by patobek

  1. From Witcher game, I do not have it anymore, but you need to buy or install if you already have Witcher and then go extract the meshes and textures.
  2. @ xxfmanxx Me too after so much time. @ kylekent50 That's just the matter of textures.
  3. Sorry for waking this Topic from the death but this is alive thanks to Fenriks who managed to implent the Armor perfectly in to the game :) Release is possible soon. http://i.imgur.com/3Q69VrJ.jpg
  4. Omg that pirate man, you've just started modding and this is already top-notch really like it.
  5. Happy New Year to everyone and all the best!!!
  6. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25832
  7. Have you tried to use the shoulder shield from Dawnguard Heavy Armor, it fits the rest of the plate parts, or you should retex this one to grey :) Just my opinion, overall great set my friend :)
  8. Aww, It looks amazing Actus, keep up the great work my friend :D
  9. Here you can see the textured model but with low-res textures.
  10. Probably a shader problem, try copying bslightingshaderproperty from another mesh and paste it over your mesh in NifSkope.
  11. @JanusForbeare Well yes, the cape needs more work, it's just an overlay texture over the baked UV map, but I will fix that. Here you can see the textures Cloak and the actual mesh of the Armor.
  12. @Ghosu Hehe, yes I can't wait to try it out with that musket ;)
  13. Do you have any animations mods installed? Those may cause the problem.
  14. So, here I come again with another ranger/archer style armor. So here is the actual picture, and here I want you to help get a good name for it. Any suggestions and criticism will be considered. http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/2670579-1346002234.jpg
  15. It will be finished, When I make promises I fulfill them. http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/2670579-1346320517.jpg
  16. About Dark Souls Elite Knight Armor, take a look here.
  17. @guvyer Waiting for Omesean to finish it, i'll make sure you know when its done.
  18. @Donteros Yes, I can make it, but I won't rig it you will have to ask someone else for that, but no promises for now.
  19. Yep, Hangman4358 is right, This Armor not the Battlemage is going to be released in like one or two weeks by Omesean he made the Beast-like Einherjar armor, and hopefully this two will end in Hothtroopers44's Immersive Armors. My next project is this Armor : http://images.wikia.com/merlin1/images/e/e5/Tristandb2.jpg
  20. The Armor has been released, Download it here .
  21. New Light or if you prefer "Mixed" version of the Armor : http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/2670579-1343222312.jpg Also check new awesome screens of the heavy Armor In-Game and endorse if you like them (you will ;) ) First Screensot Second Screensot Third Screensot
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