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Everything posted by consummate707

  1. In response to post #34915140. #34917260, #34921415, #34939755, #34942980, #34951945, #34953245, #34954290, #34960740, #34970910, #34971235, #34971505, #34979975, #34993540, #35007055, #35013010, #35015885, #35021275, #35022885, #35026300, #35103575, #35133570 are all replies on the same post. MxR said it best "if they released the geck with launch no one would buy the first 2 DLC". I have to agree with this, and I cant fault a business for that decision.
  2. or if nothing else a bobafett style jump pack and cool armor... and a better looking lazor rifle. i mean common the current lazor rifle looks like a car battery with a handle
  3. whats being described here is my biggest irritation with the story of this game. I CANT ASK FATHER A SINGLE f*#@ING QUESTION THAT I WANT TO!!!! its all generic dialague, with little to no answers. i mean seriously why can i grill father about why in the hell he would make a ten yearold version of him self, why he sent it to live with kellog, how he allows the institute to replace people like they are worthless, ect... this game was a major disappointment in just about every story based aspect of the game. but the settlement building and combat is enjoyable i must admit
  4. ​we arrived at the same conclusions, the writing in this game is just terrible. there is no logical reason for all of the events to have transspired the way they did. what use was there for the "giant mouse trap" style cascade of near impossibilities that leads to "congrats for following the bread crumbs", your reward is meeting your son who could have just teleported to you , once he had you released from the pods, and told you everything that transpired in the 60 years he had been thawed. my initial conclusion was that once "father" saw how you couldn't be stopped, he fed you some bulls*** line about how he was your son. tricking you into believing that he was your son was the only way to stop you from utterly destroying the institute. also, what bulls*** is this: they can keep Kellog essentially in his 30's for 40+ years, but they cant stop cancer? I call bulls*** on that also. father was called out as "the big guy" (or something) in the scene where your family is murdered in the cryolab, AND when he has the synthetic shaun in Kellogs house. assuming that the kid was the synth prototype at the time, that would imply that the same person was in charge of the institute when shaun was an infant, and when you were released from cryo. its not beyond reason that father has lived past the extended life span that the institute is capable of creating and that's what is really killing him. *edit* I went with the generic preset 1 character for my first playthrough, for my second I will use a black female and a black male to see if the npc changes to a black version of father. if it does change the npc, then my final conclusion would be that father is indeed my blood child, and Bethesda has the worst writers in the history of videogames. I mean we're talking worse then "I'm sorry Mario, but our princess is in another castle!" bad.
  5. BOBA FETT we have jet pack mechanics, now we just need to make them work without the power armor, and craft better looking blaster riffles!!! anyone doing this? because we need this now.
  6. does anyone know of a mod that does this? its always pissed me off that i cant simply remove a hand from my sword to cast a single handed spell without going through the shieth/cast/unsheath bs every time i need to heal. it was unbearable on console, and i was hoping someone would have made a mod for the pc version.
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