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Everything posted by valkyriae

  1. I cant for the life of me figure out where the Vitaar textures or whatever is found in the mod maker o.o If anyone could point me in the right direction that would be awsome :3
  2. I blew it up! o.o derp o.o *lurks around in shadows* AHA! *Ninja posts youtube channel of awsomeness* o.o http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCQsNJUGEKkQEErJ1c7Eorg
  3. o.o D: baby? lol
    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. valkyriae


      wait....your still awake here....have a hat :D its on the house o.o or more like on your head :D SQUID!*puts decorative squid hat on Ribi*
    3. Risibisi


      Can I eat .. this... hat?
    4. valkyriae


      yush! it has many uses, Calmari lé Val
  4. WTF O.o
    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. valkyriae


      awsome 10 days :D hehehe Hmmmm is it IP connect or something like that o.o *clueless*

      Wait i thought you loved hair :P harhar

    3. Risibisi


      NO!... NOW,.. I HATE IT!!! :DDDD
    4. valkyriae


      but but...its hair! :o

      i can almost braid mine now :D like that shaven elf hair thingy :D harhar i had it loose the other day and my girlfriend ran her fingers through it going "OMG YOU GOT HAIR!" O.o

  5. MASTER o.o wtf your avavtar o.o
  6. *sneaks in and places eye drops for Qess*
  7. MASTER!

    Dont eat Queenie o the licky licks leg! O_O!!!

    you might get sick you donno where thats been!

  8. 42 o.o
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. valkyriae


      I was listening to the audio book while cleaning <3 <3 ahh
    3. Risibisi


      Yeah, cleaning time again for you ...after a week!
    4. valkyriae


      Lies! i didnt have to :D she had to this time XD
  9. Good, one smelly fishy is enough*chuckles*
  10. *gets pliars* oh silly master*starts removing them one by one* keep this up and we might have to get you a fish skin as well o.o
  11. master, you did not remove the thorns o.o
  12. Ah yes! that is quite clever master, here have some more :D *sprays more rose perfume*
  13. However master how will the rose smell help?
  14. *sniffs the foot* this will be intresting master o.o
  15. *holdsout Qess' Leg* you want this as a replacement? O.o i donno how well toes work for fingers however master o.o
  16. o.o noooooooooooo not your arm!!! D:
  17. *whispers* but but i dont have it o.o its the master that has the skin XD
  18. ill get you master!*Throws her fish lasso* GRAB ON! O_O
  19. *thumbles down hill after* Ahagaghhahaaaaaaaah! wait for meeeee
  20. Hmm....Tera Going Free To play Next month o.o anyone wanna come play :D
    1. Show previous comments  40 more
    2. valkyriae


      i dont know how to fish turtles o.o
    3. Risibisi


      You need first a ninja..and then you let him sit near the sea and the it makes snap.. and you have a ninja turtle *facepalm*
    4. valkyriae


      LMAO! oooh thats how it works!
  21. Wait she wasnt in the.....oh no @_@
  22. @_@ why yes you are right Master @_@

    but i think she passed out without her skin sire *pokes RibiRibi with a fish*

  23. maybemaybe we can urm dump it somewhere @_@



    Without Queen Risi in ofcourse

  24. make her skin out of iron o.o so she shimmers o.o
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