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  1. Ctrl+Shift+C does not delete objects, it toggles culling of the selected objects. Object culled in this way are not rendered in the render window and appear purple/pink in the objects list for that cell. Useful if you have a lot of clutter that gets in the way when you're working with objects in the background. They can be unculled by selecting them and pressing Ctrl+Shift+C again with the render window in focus, or, as you've discovered, by simply reloading the plugin, since no changes are made to the file.
  2. Ladez

    My feedback

    In keeping with the spirit of this subforum, here's some feedback for you on recent developments. Now that I've had about six weeks to think about it, watching as things unfolded, I've concluded that deleting my mods was the right choice. You removed a vital function of your hosting service behind your users' backs, and left people to stew on the forum before giving an announcement. You knew this would be controversial. I know it. Everyone knows it. This was a deceptive, underhanded move to prevent as many users as possible from bailing with their content. The same can be said for updating your terms of service without notice. Don't try to justify it. Your explanation makes no sense and your lack of compromise on the matter is completely out of character. Makes me feel that something else entirely is at play here, and I want no part of it. It's a shame. Collections actually sound kind of nice. Holding mods uploaded under different terms hostage, not so much. If you'd been honest from the start and listened to feedback, there's a good chance I'd still play ball, but your actions in the past weeks have demonstrated without failure that you're not a trustworthy player in this game anymore. That is all.
  3. Yeah it sucks now, but hopefully other sites will gain in popularity as a result. Nexus Mods has gotten too big.
  4. It would seem that something changed in the last year or so. When I had my mods deleted, I got notifications about mods that I had deleted last year. Because it's obviously just a smokescreen for them wanting stable collections. There's no good reason otherwise.
  5. That would work. I don't think there even is a path that you can change. The game will automatically look up the file from the form ID.
  6. I don't think there's a simple way. You could toggle the Start Disabled flag by script (which requires JIP LN), but that flag also hides the challenge if enabled, which is probably undesirable. I also don't know if continually toggling it back and forth works as you might expect. I've never tested it. The only alternative I can see is making it a scripted challenge which can only be incremented by callling IncrementScriptedChallenge. This, of course, places the burden on you to manually increment the challenge where appropriate, meaning you can't take advantage of automatic increments for kills, using consumables and the like.
  7. Yes, I'd wager most people here know how computers work. It's just much easier to say "delete that file" than it is to say "free up the space reserved for that file on the hard drive so that it may be overwritten by something else". We're not asking Nexus Mods to physically reset the bytes in their storage servers, which they likely don't even have access to. We're asking them to, as you say, remove the pointer, and leave the rest to nature.
  8. Go into the "View" menu and open the "Show/Hide Window". Make sure that the "Actors" checkbox is enabled.
  9. I'm referring to hosting my junk elsewhere. Preferably on my own website. I just can't be arsed to do anything at the moment, so for now I've simply made a public folder in my cloud storage and plastered the link in my profile.
  10. If I wanted money and recognition I sure as s#*! wouldn't be modding someone else's product. I would be creating my own. But sure, go ahead and commodify mods if that's what you want. I'll take my hobby elsewhere.
  11. I included my username in the metadata for all my mods. That is personal data. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/10223153-user-names-for-closed-accounts/&do=findComment&comment=96555728 https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/guide-to-data-protection/guide-to-the-general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr/what-is-personal-data/what-are-identifiers-and-related-factors/
  12. I've always had my username in the metadata for my mods. That is considered personal data, so they would be legally obligated to delete the files. Unless they pull a sneaky one and edit it out of the files, which would be all kinds of nuts, but they can do it according to their ToS.
  13. The ToS changes may not be new, but you've done nothing to notify users of your site that these changes ever took place. I shrugged it off at the time, but due to your recent actions I'm no longer sure I can trust you, and it smells more and more of bad faith. You've been the polar opposite of open and honest, by sneaking in changes that take away users' control over their content and only disclosing it after the fact. You've even been archiving old mod pages behind our backs as well, which became clear when I was notified that Dark0ne had "archived" mods I "deleted" more than a year ago while he was deleting my files. The files had presumably been deleted with only the mod page left, but I honestly don't know if I trust that this is the case anymore, or whether you've even lived up to my request for a full deletion now. Right now I can still see my own mod pages in my download history, but I no longer have access to them. They still have images, a full log of actions that I took on it, as well as my name on it. I can even see how many endorsements I used to have via the API. Why was this data not deleted? You should have at least deleted the images (which are also my property), and the sensitive parts such as my username and full logs, and severed the connection to my account. And if your intent was only to delete the files, you should have left me in control of my mod page to manage the content that was left. There's no transparency in this process whatsoever and I have no idea what to think or feel, other than a sense of confusion and betrayal. The fact that mod collections have been demonstrated to work elsewhere without forced file archival, and the lack of a coherent technical argument explaining why you feel archival is required, does not instill much confidence either. In fact, the whole argument that "they're just a list of mods" fall completely apart, when you say that the whole system will fall apart if a file is deleted. The limitations of your database does not give you the moral right to store my content indefinitely without my approval. If your database cannot handle file deletions (which is not a database concern to begin with, but a filesystem concern. God help us all if you're actually storing files in a database), then you need to instruct your engineers to fix your database, not enforce ludicrous constraints on your users' ability to manage their content. There is no reason you cannot maintain the integrity of your data while at the same time allowing users to properly manage and delete their content. There is no reason you cannot soft delete user sensitive data and maintain relational integrity. I'm left thinking that you either have no idea what you're doing, or you're not being truthful about your motives. Far be it from me to speak for everyone, but I've seen a lot of users mentioning that they have no problem with collections. I'd wager the majority even sees it as a good thing. The thing that cost you the good will of your users is the gross overreach of taking away their control. Normally I'd agree, but conventional mod lists don't tend to have their own file host from which you cannot remove your content. If they did, we would have rightly called it piracy. And isn't this the excuse torrent sites use? That they're not, in fact, hosting your content, just facilitating the sharing between users. But you are. To be clear, I'm not against mod lists or collections and I'm not calling what you're doing outright piracy, but it does raise some similar concerns. I gave you my permission to host and distribute, but I did so under the terms that I could revoke my permission and delete my content at any time. That right was unceremoniously taken away from me without notice or consent, and you made backend changes to your site, meaning that content I had in good faith deleted was in fact still there. So tell me, why should I trust you with my content? And tell me, why should I work for free to produce content for your site, when I have no control over it, and you're going to make money off it via a feature that will allow anyone to download it without even visiting my page? Honestly, as I'm writing this stuff out, I'm becoming more and more dumbfounded at the absurdity. Your link is not particularly persuasive either, by the way, as you took away my access to read it. (I'm assuming it is a GMAD thread)
  14. All it takes is one tech savvy user to create a tool that scrapes the site for public file IDs and accesses them through your API. Even someone who is not that tech savvy can easily make a list of the necessary information and manually paste it into your public API docs to generate a download link. Now it doesn't matter when an author hides a file. If someone did the above, the file is easily accessible.
  15. Leaving you? That's an interesting way to put it.
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