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Everything posted by Rock103

  1. Yes this is what I was thinking with the catapult idea. Really hope someone will make this happend once the creation kit comes. It would be awesome.
  2. Yes that's the awesome part in the concept that we can deploy the power armor various ways. So it can actually be ''lore friendly'' as well which is very important to some people.
  3. Hello. I like power armor, who doesn't ? But I do not want to run with it all the time. But wouldn't it be handy if you could make the power armor come to you when you find yourself in a big trouble ? Concept wise it could be something like teleportation tech that institute uses to make the power armor flash in front of you. Or perhaps it could be paradropped by a vertibird or launched from a catapult like device you build in your settlement or heck, install a autopilot device and you can call your power armor to ''run'' to your location in your time of need. Power armor is like a horse from skyrim....well...in a tanky way but it can be treated the same. You want to have your horse nearby so you can whistle it to you in your time of need and power armor is the same for me in that respect. I'm sure if someone were to make a mod like this alot of people would be interested in it. I mean how badass would it be if your power armor were to drop like a space marine dreadnought and you'd hop in it and go to battle. Thank you for reading this.
  4. I was looking in the nexus for portable campfire (fallout new vegas), I have the portable tent and I always wanted to put a campfire somewhere near it to bring some light outside. But I couldn't find any. Is it possible to make a portable campfire ?
  5. I'm surprised there isn't any Dishonored assassin styled armors...well I didn't find any. I mean c'mon this is too awesome ! I don't mean Corvos armor, it's meh. Dauds and his fellow assassins armors look so much better and I think they would fit Skyrim too. Would be awesome if someone could make this. http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/115/3/2/dishonored___daud__the_empress_killer__by_mrgameboy2013-d630g4o.png http://www.cosplayhouse.com/images/P/ACD7402.jpg
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