Thanks for the replies guys! I tried using Xmarker and it worked partially, as the bipedal creatures (a troll and a falmer) are behaving as I want, but the quadrupeds (wolf, bear and sabre cat) are not. At first I thought it was because of their shape, as I noticed that when they are selected and you move the cursor to their sides, it stays in move mode for some distance, and that made me think that they "occupy" all the space of their rotation. But I made the cage bigger (exaggeratedly so) to allow full rotational movement, and even kept the animal floating a little bit, but it didn´t work. Is there a fundamental difference between biped and quadruped creatures that I´m missing? I had come across this solution before but never actually tried it, because I wanted to make the scene so that if the player opened the cages the animals would attack, but I think I might have to settle for keeping them in the cages, as it´s not important for the big picture that they are able to leave the cages, it was more of an immersion concern of mine. I´ll try it out!