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  1. Hello, I just signed up for premium, but didn´t see any improvement of the DL speed (over a second for 0.1 MB to download). I was downloading a file when I signed up, so I cancelled the DL and started again, the new DL window acknowledge my premium status, but the DL was the same speed as as non-premium, so I cancelled and selected the server geographically closest to me, but this didn´t improve the speed either. I know that my connection is OK because I downloaded ME1 from Steam just before. Is there an "activation" or some other step of the premium membership I missed? Thanks! Zeh
  2. Use one of the different chair models you can see in the CK such as CommonChair01L, CommonChairO1LR, CommonChair01F etc. The letter at the end refers to which sides of the chair can be entered i.d. L means left only, LR means left, right only, F means front entry only, etc. If you can't find one that does exactly what you want its straighforward to enable/disable entry points in furniture in Nifskope. It'd mean adding your own custom model to the CK though (really easy) Cool! I didn´t know that. Thanks a lot!
  3. Hello, I´m trying do do two things with a chair and haven´t found a solution, I apologize if it´s reapeated. The first thing I want to do is to make a chair tell the actor sitting on it to do something, like eating. I have a lvlBandit whose first patrol point is sitting at a desk, but it just sits there staring into the distance, and that bugs me. I´ve found the Eat package (which I think would be the animation for eating) but didn´t find a way to put it in the furniture, and also found no way to put it in the lvl actor. Is there a way to do this? The other thing I want to do is to have the actor get up from the chair from specifically one of the the three blue sit/get up direction marker things around it, because the actor seems to always want to get up using the front one, which has a table right in front of it and bugs the movement like making it walk on top of the table or stuttering on the space between the chair and the table before moving properly. Is it possible? I´d appreciate any help.
  4. Thanks for the replies guys! I tried using Xmarker and it worked partially, as the bipedal creatures (a troll and a falmer) are behaving as I want, but the quadrupeds (wolf, bear and sabre cat) are not. At first I thought it was because of their shape, as I noticed that when they are selected and you move the cursor to their sides, it stays in move mode for some distance, and that made me think that they "occupy" all the space of their rotation. But I made the cage bigger (exaggeratedly so) to allow full rotational movement, and even kept the animal floating a little bit, but it didn´t work. Is there a fundamental difference between biped and quadruped creatures that I´m missing? I had come across this solution before but never actually tried it, because I wanted to make the scene so that if the player opened the cages the animals would attack, but I think I might have to settle for keeping them in the cages, as it´s not important for the big picture that they are able to leave the cages, it was more of an immersion concern of mine. I´ll try it out!
  5. Hello, I am doing my first project with the Creation Kit and ran into a problem, I can´t get the animals to load inside a cage. I was able to get them to do that at first, but after the navmesh was done they started to appear outside the cage. I searched for a solution and found something about the actors appearing on the closest navmesh vertex, so I put a vertex in the center of the cages (like picture below) but it didn´t solve the problem. I also tried using markers like animalLyingDownIdleMarker inside the cage but it didn´t work either. I just don´t know what to do. Does anyone know how to solve this problem? Any tips will be appreciated. Thanks! http://i.imgur.com/8Ipd4f8.jpg
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