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Everything posted by invertedpanda

  1. Oi! Here's hoping that Fallout 76 will have some modicum of modability like the previous Fallouts.
  2. Skyrim does the Wilhelm Scream 1.0 24 April 2013 Premium only Staves of Skyrim 1.7 16 April 2013 Premium only ApachiiSkyHair 1.5.Full 16 April 2013 Premium only Archmage Robes Royal Retexture -19 colours- 1.0 01 April 2013 Premium only Apocalypse Spell Package 4.00 01 April 2013 Premium only Alternate Start - Live Another Life 2.2.2 19 March 2013 Premium only Medusa Drakul armors and Thanatos dragon 1.0 08 February 2013 Premium only Black Overlord Armor 1.1 27 January 2013 Premium only Balanced Magic 3.05 15 January 2013 Premium only Ritual Armor of Boethiah 4.24 01 January 2013 Premium only Tera Val Tirkai - UNPB BBP 0.3 13 December 2012 Premium only Immersive Armors 6 26 November 2012 Premium only Demon Hunter Armor - CBBEv3 and UNP 1.0 20 November 2012 Premium only Magical Equipment 4.00 04 November 2012 Premium only Evil MasterMind Armor 1.0 14 October 2012 Premium only Imperial Investigator Armor UNP - UNPB by Calyps 0.95 13 October 2012 Premium only Vampire Hunter Gear 4.0 12 August 2012 Premium only theRoadstrokers Rogue Sorceress Outfit 1.10 03 August 2012 Premium only Friendly Creatures 1.1 29 April 2012 Premium only R18Pn 01 - Eisen Platte Armor for UNP CBBEv3 ReColor-STEEL v1 18 April 2012Premium only Bound Weapon Redux v1.20 05 April 2012 Premium only R18Pn 04 - Ritter Armor for UNP and CBBE V3 2 27 March 2012 Premium only Nightmare Armor by Hentai 1.0 25 March 2012 Premium only Horse Armors for Skyrim 1.5 25 March 2012 Premium only Maxi Armor by Hentai -Nexus Exclusive-DIMONIZED UNP female body 1.51 11 March 2012 Premium only R18Pn 01 - Eisen Platte Armor for UNP and CBBE V3 V2 1.5 05 March 2012 Premium only Dragons Crown Sorceress Outfit for UNP 0.1 01 March 2012 Premium only Jamella Armor by Hentai 1.0 10 February 2012 Premium only Enchanting Freedom 1.3 09 February 2012 Premium only Faster Horses 1.0.0 21 November 2011 Premium only Rich MerchantsThat's from my tracking list.
  3. I'm using blocking with Staves of Skyrim on my current build. I've also played with using wards as shields, which actually works out great for paladin/cleric type characters.
  4. Yup, with the Staves of Skyrim mod I linked to above. I went ahead and installed Craftable Staves, as well as a scroll crafting mod, just to make the early levels a little less awkward (plus, it made more sense to me to be able to craft these things). I haven't had much time to play, but the mechanics thus far as pretty good! I usually summon a minion at the start of any group combat, and then switch to staves while my magicka regens. Keeping soul gems at this early level is proving a bit costly, but once I get my conjuration up for Soul Trap I should be golden (as well as once I can get the special perks for Staves of Skyrim). I'm going to do all the quests that involve staves (strangely enough, most of those are the most fun :)), just so I can have a massive collection :) I'm also dropping Alchemy, and going without any sort of healing. I just buy out all the vendors of healing potions at the moment, anyway. Once I get the bulk of my primary perks, I'll probably think about doing Alchemy then, but it isn't a huge priority at the moment. With my armor, blocking, and magic resistance (as Breton), I'm pretty safe. Dragons can be a chore if I'm not able to hide from their blast, but that's rare.
  5. So, I've invested well over 500 hours into Skyrim. I took a break for a while, but after rebuilding my desktop machine, I decided to get back into Skyrim and have s'more fun. I installed a bunch of my favorite mods, and when browsing for others I might want, I found Staves of Skyrim. I got to thinking.. Hmm, why not make a staff based character? As far as magic-related mods go, I've got Apocalypse Spell Package, and Balanced Magic. The build will go something like this. I decided to invest in Conjuration for giggles. I'm not sure exactly where my perk points will go in Block just yet; I still have some room to play there. Anyway, I went Smithing so I could smith myself up some hefty armor (I play with a lot of armor mods; my current favorite is the Medusa Armor). Some other fun builds I've done: Pure Illusion (WITHOUT any magic/spell mods!), A telekinesis mage (kills using just telekinesis; had to have a mod for that one to boost telekinesis damage, but it was entertaining :)), a boxing-only build, a poison-mancer (uses poison and reverse-pickpocket primarily; Pretty much pointless to even attempt the main quest, though :)), and more. Has anybody else tried a build like this? I'm assuming so, but a quick Google search didn't reveal anything. I don't really see it being viable, though, without AT LEAST a staff-crafting mod, ideally with something like Staves of Skyrim.
  6. Last I knew there wasn't any way to add new perk trees; just modify existing ones. Not sure if that has changed with Dawnguard.
  7. The issue with that build is you're spreading yourself fairly thin; I usually pick 5 perk trees. 6 if you're not taking many perks from the bulk of them. With Illusion, you'll need to invest a LOT into it early for it to be effective. You'll basically need every single perk it offers, and with the build you listed, you won't be able to use Illusion much until very late in the game. Drop smithing, light armor, and dagger. There is a mod that adds a perk under Stealth for sneak attacks with spells. Get that. Then you should be good. Alternatively, drop Illusion, and you'll have a lot more room to play.
  8. Regarding thought-based rather than projectile based, it could certainly be done with an AOE effect (like destruction's cloak spells) or the werewolf's howl. I'll look into that.
  9. Alright, so, I decided I would finally get into modding. Used to do a bit in Morrowind and Oblivion, but not much. One of the things that irks me about Skyrim is how nerfed Illusion is. Destruction, Conjuration, Restoration, all have great viability throughout the game. Illusion, though, doesn't really get to that dominant level until you pretty much max out the tree (and even then, it has no way to finish off that one last enemy, typically). So, here's what I've got so far. Just ideas. I'd like to hear some input on spell ideas, as well as any suggestions you have on implementation. Change faction (change someone to fight for you for 30 seconds) Greater change faction (causes someone to permanently join your side - like dead thrall - would be a master level spell) Migraine (causes enemy to drop down in perceived pain for 10 seconds) - would set the low-health state without actually having low health. Greater migraine (causes a group of enemies to drop in pain for 10 seconds, master level) Schyzophenia (Summons a large number of spectral enemies that do no damage) - inspired by enemies that summon duplicates. Brain burst (lower level enemies have a chance of dying instantly, master level) Harmless (causes you to be perceived as a non-threat to all enemies for 30 seconds) - was thinking of seeing if I could set faction state to that of a chicken. Not sure how it would work. Also, I was thinking of adding a series of spells that cause health drain, operating on the principle that when people let themselves feel sick without having positive thoughts, they get worse. Thinking 4 levels - hypochondria, greater hypochondria, dire hypochondria, and deathwish. Names need some work. Another idea I just had was something that causes them to lose their grip on their weapon. What does everybody think?
  10. Well, I decided one thing I would do is release an old mod I did for Oblivion. It's not lore-friendly, but who cares.. It's a combat music mod. Way back when, I used to be an Industrial recording artist. Did 10 albums for limited release. It would work better for FO, but who cares. I thought it was fun to have pumping Industrial music come on when I did my combat in Oblivion :) I've been tempted to do some armor mods, too, but it's still a time factor. I only did my modding for me. Hell, I don't think I ever released my armor texture mods I did for Morrowind. One thing I was considering was an Illusion spell mod, but just not sure I want to put the time into it. In Oblivion, you could rule the game with Illusion and Alteration magic. Just go invisible through the Oblivion Planes, and use Levitate to get into the towers :)
  11. I did some modding back in Morrowind/Oblivion days, but mostly just texture stuff (and music). Modding is fun, but I just don't want to invest that kind of time anymore. I've got a day job, and am a solo recording/performing artist - working on mods just doesn't relax me much anymore :) I considered Dark Souls, but honestly, I hate using a game pad, and I don't like insanely difficult games. I like games where I can explore, try new things, and not have to worry about the consequences as much. I got into The Secret World because of that, but it's progress was slow, and MMOs just don't capture me like they used to. I dunno. I guess I'll keep hunting for good mods for Skyrim and hope for the best, at least, for now :)
  12. I've played countless builds, including some very wild ones (my favorite build to play is the non-combat alchemist/rev. pickpocket/illusionist). I've done every major quest multiple times (including Dawnguard), and nearly every subquest I believe. I've played all sorts of mods. And, I'm to the point to where the replay value is disappearing. The question is, what's next? I've done the same with Morrowind and Oblivion fairly recently, too. I love open-world style RPGs. Skyrim has a solid place in my heart... but what's next? A new fix? Therapy? I've played the hell out of Fallout 3 & NV. I've bought The Witcher 2, but haven't gotten around to playing it yet. It's just hard to find that combination of an Elder Scrolls like game. Open world, mods, skill based character progression (I HATE class based) etc. Hearthfire won't satiate me. Building a house and doing radiant quests to kill things in/around it? Meh.
  13. I've got a HUGE list of mods installed, but have no problems with kill animations. I don't have any mods that affect them, either.
  14. I was level 13, playing my illusion/conjuration combat mage when one hit Riverwood. He got the blacksmith. They get close to killing me, too - they have an awful lot of health. I normally play on Expert, but I've had to bump it down to Adept to survive the attacks at the lower levels. Granted, I play builds that don't really flesh out until 30, but still!
  15. I used to use either heavy or light depending on the character, but pretty much every character I've played recently has gone completely unarmored. I usually play on Expert difficulty. My latest characters have been poisonmancers (using Alchemy, reverse pickpocket, and staves for combat - no weapons otherwise), dagger-based assassins, and my current one is a re-make of my arcane archer build (conjuration with enough perks to get bound bow and boost my bound weapons, enchanting for my clothes, sneak, max illusion, archery). Its great for carrying loot, that's for sure, and saves you one perk tree. You could certainly invest in alteration for these builds, but I'm cautious enough I never have to worry about it.
  16. Sorry, wrote that in a bit of a rush on my lunch break. I've read all the Elder Strolls posts, but I know of at least one other set in Skyrim where the writer tells the story of a character who isn't playing a hero. I don't know why, but I love reading those things. After I finish all the Dawnguard stuff I may even play one of my own.
  17. When I first saw the Elder Strolls, I thoroughly enjoyed reading the posts. There was another I had seen previously that I didn't bookmark, and wish I did. Any suggestions?
  18. I would say a good witch build would be Illusion (every perk) Conjuration (undead perks only) Alteration, Enchanting, and Alchemy. Wabbajack and Skull of Corruption for combat.
  19. I normally play males, but have never had a problem with female characters (Such as Diablo 2, where the Amazons and Sorceresses were female). I did finally start playing a female character, because of the lack of interesting attire for males in mods. It seems most stuff tends to be made for female bodies (the Triss armor, for instance) - especially clothes (about half of my characters don't wear any armor). My new character is a poisonmancer/conjurer. No armor, and no attack skills. She takes care of undead and dragons using staves and conjuration, and kills everybody else by reverse-pickpocketing poison (this is my second time playing this build, but the last one I didn't have conjuration and went with illusion).
  20. You can get WW shout from one of those walls; I can't remember which. I got it early before I went to High Hrothgar, so since I already had it, they taught me the next word of it.
  21. That, or the Jarl doesn't like hobos. I tend to do the dark brotherhood ASAP, never had a problem completing it, even at the end.
  22. Did some thinking, and came up with this build (I'm playing it now): http://skyrimcalculator.com/#148520 Use bound sword only (since it's novice). I have bound sword in one hand, and a destruction spell in the other (when you get your cloaks, cast those when you cast your bound sword). You can also go with fire or frost, depending on your taste, as far as the augments go. You can ditch light armor, enchanting & smithing and go with Alteration & Restoration, too (restoration chiefly for wards), or put more into conjuration.
  23. Tag, and a texture suggestion.. Extend the length of the cross, and give it some wear. As it stands now it looks too "clean" for the Skyrim universe. Otherwise, great looking mod thus far.
  24. I played a similar build once, and used a sword in my main hand, and spells in the offhand. Restoration is really, really useful, because of wards - great vs. mages. I'd almost suggest Destruction over Conjuration. Fire/Cold/Shock Cloaks work great for melee-focused characters, and it also gives you some extra options as far as ranged attacks.
  25. So, I've played through Skyrim countless times (over 400 hours logged), but it strikes me that there just aren't that many good quests for mages. After the College quests, where do you guys usually go? The Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood, Companions, etc all have a large variety of radiant quests that are pretty good, not to mention having a great progression in the main story (especially the DB). I've done spellcasters before, but I just realized all I did was the college and then whatever random crap I could find.
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