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LE Need help please, having issues which i can not fix.
Mayfly53 replied to haldir307's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Hey, Firstly, it's SO much better to include your load order and LOOT outputs in spoiler tags. It greatly reduces the "wall of text" effect and makes your post concise, and makes it easier for people like me to read without boggling amounts of scrolling :smile: Secondly, this isn't really the right forum for this, it would have been much more appropriate to have posted in the Skyrim technical support forum. Perhaps a moderator could move the topic to where it belongs. That aside, there are a few possible reasons for these purple textures and CTDs that I can think of, in order of likelihood. 1: I'm reading that you have uGridsToLoad set to 9, is that correct? Skyrim's default is 5, and instability occurrence rises exponentially with setting it at any higher value (7/9/13). On my gaming rig, setting it to 9 makes it quite unstable, and on a laptop I wouldn't dare. If I were you, I'd install Stable UGridsToLoad and make a save with it installed, then reduce your UGridsToLoad back down to default 5 (decreasing UGridsToLoad without that mod installed permanently destroys saves). Setting UGridsToLoad high increases load on your system IMMENSELY, significantly hinders stability, and severely exacerbates the issues in point 2. 2a: If you use Skyrim Performance Monitor, I think you'll probably find that at the time textures start to go purple, your game has exceeded your system's maximum VRAM (the dedicated memory of your graphics card for rendering). The High Resolution DLC, Tamriel Reloaded HD, Static Mesh Improvement Mod and Ultimate HD Fire Effects in particular will be hurting this. If you remove them, I think you'll find your VRAM usage drops quite a bit, and your framerate and incidence of slowdowns will improve. Bear in mind that your card will always utilize close to its maximum VRAM when playing (otherwise its not working to its full potential), but when it exceeds the maximum capacity, it has to start read/ writing to a cache for textures, which is quite a bit slower, and often this leads to textures not loading, leading to the lilac colour of texture-less meshes. This whole process adds strain to both your system and to the game engine itself, and eventually it will stutter over something (if it start failing to draw meshes in time, especially more complicated meshes such as those added by SMIM) and CTD. In this picture, you can see my mean VRAM is dangerously close to the max, this is when I was using a HD overhaul for trees, foliage, snow and rocks. I experienced some CTDs when moving outdoors. In this picture, I removed the overhaul for tress and foliage, and for snow, and CTDs stopped. My mean VRAM usage is comfortably below the max. Additionally, my RAM usage also dropped substantially. 2b: How are you using the High Rez DLC? It is well documented to cause issues when installed in your load order like any other mod. If you have the High Rez DLCs ticked in your load order (which from your LOOT output I think you have), that's not good. They cause issues in texture selection and priority. A better way to use them is to have them unticked in your load order, and added to your Skyrim.ini like so: [Archive] sResourceArchiveList=Skyrim - Misc.bsa, Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Skyrim - Textures.bsa, Skyrim - Interface.bsa, Skyrim - Animations.bsa, Skyrim - Meshes.bsa, Skyrim - Sounds.bsa, HighResTexturePack01.bsa, HighResTexturePack02.bsa, HighResTexturePack03.bsa sResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Voices.bsa, Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa, Unofficial High Resolution Patch.bsa Having tried both approaches I can say that using the High Rez pack in the former way induced the purple texture mess, while the latter way did not. However, both will still cause the VRAM strain from point 1, so play around with it and see what works for you. 3: This is specifically a point for CTDs. You have a number of scripted mods installed, which can be the cause of CTDs, especially when your system is not very powerful or already at its limit. Things like Footprints, Player Headtracking, Rainbows, Real Feeding, Shooting Stars, Splash of Rain, Waves, and Wet 'n' Cold add significant workload to the game's scripting engine, Papyrus. Additionally, the Battlefield mod is likely to crash your system, which will struggle to process large numbers of AIs in realtime (as well as rendering their bodies and equipment). You'll have to investigate this yourself and see what circumstances (if any) induce a CTD beyond the causes in points 1 and 2. 4: If you have tweaked your UGrids, chances are you've done other performance-improving/ gameplay-enhancing tweaks to your Skyrim.ini. There are many articles instructing to change the numbers of the [Papyrus] section for increased performance - don't. These have been since debunked, but not many people are aware of that fact. The numbers of that section of your Skyrim.ini should look like this: fUpdateBudgetMS=1.2 fExtraTaskletBudgetMS=1.2 fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS=500.0 iMinMemoryPageSize=128 iMaxMemoryPageSize=512 iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes=76800 Similarly, there are articles instructing about the iNumHWThreads and related tweaks. I do not recommend them, because their efficacy is sketchy at best and the effects on the stability varies considerably between different peoples' setups. Anyway, I hope this helps. Good luck :smile: -
I used dxtbmp before I got the Nvidia tools to work properly with photoshop, I still use it for some simple things. It opens the dds no problem, then it splits the file into two bmp's, one for the texture and one for the alpha channel. You edit them individually (opening them through GIMP, Paint or anything you set it to) and then save when done. It's a little buggy with body textures though, it doesn't seem to save the alpha channel correctly resulting in a sort of shine, but for everything else it works quite well. Sorry I can't recommend anything simpler, but I use photoshop.
Someone else asked this question recently, and was happy with this: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/36079 However, permission to use the assets are denied, so you'd have to contact the author and ask before using them for your mod.
Need help removing hidden body parts from custom armour
Mayfly53 replied to Mayfly53's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Thank you very much! I did as you said, and while the mesh worked perfectly, the texture turned to shiny block colours (in-game, in NifSkope nad Max it looks perfect), so I may have to reskin the various elements anyway, I'm not sure. I almost have this procedure worked out, there's just this one last kink it seems. -
Need help removing hidden body parts from custom armour
Mayfly53 replied to Mayfly53's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
First of all, thank you for the reply. Giving the body its own texture as opposed to the default malebody.dds really isn't what I want to do. I know it's a workaround, but I want to know how to do this right, for future projects too. I was under the impression that as soon as I touched the editable mesh, the skin and BSDismember data became invalid and had to be rebuild. Is that not true in all cases? Also, what procedure do you use for remaking skin and dismember data? From tutorials I've followed, my procedure is to apply a smooth of 2, then skin wrap to the body underneath (in the case of armour, I got confused when editing the body itself so there's nothing underneath to skin to). Then delete the skin wrap, highlight the new skin and make BSDismember, usually of "Skyrim, Main Body" (I have no torso1 option, but it's essentially the same thing I think). As for the exploding, it can't actually be from the weight, since my character is on the _0 weight. But I think it was from trying to copy the NiTriShape data in NifSkope, the coordinates were off, so the arms ended up being like 120 z-units above the armour. I think that caused the explosion in-game. I guess I rushed it a bit. I was experimenting :psyduck: Can I import a second instance of the male body temporarily and skin the edited one to that? Is that the right way to go about it when editing body parts themselves? I appreciate your help. -
Is it possible to get two mods that modify perks to coexist?
Mayfly53 replied to moistnuggests's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
The first thing I'd think of is edit the Armor Disguises mod so that instead of editing an existing perk, it adds a new perk to the skill tree, so bypassing conflicts. If that doesn't work, I'd simply add the perk to the game but not to any skill tree, and when I achieve the non-functioning masquerade perk from SkyRe, add the working Armor Disguises perk via the console. A bit of a workaround, but it would get the job done. -
http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/36079/ Here you go. It's only just after going up; I've been waiting a while for it myself.
Need help identifying which Hair Mod is being used
Mayfly53 replied to peasoup98's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I'd ask this in the mod detectives thread, but the texture style looks like Apachii SkyHair. I'm not really familiar with the female mods though. -
It's the same principle, you edit things like malebody.dds, malehead.dds, malehands.dds and so on for both male and females of your custom race, but either rename them differently or create a new folder for your custom race's textures. In the creation kit, you assign these new textures to your custom race. Does that explain it?
Happy modding :)
Need help removing hidden body parts from custom armour
Mayfly53 replied to Mayfly53's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Basically, I want to remove the leg parts and leave the upper body/ arms. See the picture http://i.imgur.com/Pm6t8Gs.jpg How do I rebuild the BSDismemberSkin Instance after editing the mesh like that? -
How to make a custom companion your main character?
Mayfly53 replied to JackRabbit69's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
The hairstyle is a part of Apachii SkyHair if I'm not mistaken, which is why it wouldn't show up when you selected the preset. Presets take data supplied by the Skyrim.esm, so hair, eyebrows, eye colours etc added by mods will have to be selected manually. The author of the mod does say mention a few mods in the description required to make her look exactly like in the pictures. He doesn't mention Apachii SkyHair because the hair data can be saved in a follower mod, but not in a character preset mod. As for the ears, they look like the standard Bosmer ears to me, but I couldn't be sure. -
Actually, there is a line you can add to the Skyrim.ini file as follows: [Decals] bAllowDecalsOnAlpha=0 It should fix the problem. I say should, because I haven't noticed this issue since, though it could be due to coincidence or other edits I made to decals at the same time. Give it a go and tell us if it works.
Using the creation kit is quite safe, and most importantly, reversible. All of skyrim's information is saved in Skyrim.esm (and the esm files for the dlc's if you have them). The important property about esm files is you cannot edit them directly. Instead, when you edit them, your changes are saved as plugins called esp's. The esm remains the same, unchanged. When you start Skyrim, the Skyrim.esm is loaded as a base, and then any esp files you have are loaded after, loading the changes and edits they contain. If you do something in the creation kit that ruins your game, remember that it is saved in its own esp file, and thus you can simply delete it to restore your game to its original condition. There is no need to make a copy of your data folder. In fact, I'd recommend you don't, because you're probably using some mods already, and if you ever want to restore from the backup, there will be discrepancies between the mods you are using and the mods you were using when you made the backup. Data folder backups are only really necessary if you're using something like SMCO to optimize your meshes and textures, and you're afraid it might mess something up, or if you're planning on doing a lot of custom meshes and textures.