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  1. From what I know, I'd say it probably depends. Most likely though, it uses different xmls for a good reason. For example, Multiple nifs might use the same floor.xml but use different "main" xmls. (Example Image) If I were to put the code from "Floor.xml" into "Matera.xml" and then delete the Floor.xml file, then the nif on the right would no longer have a Floor.xml to refer to. Edit: Also I'm not so sure that merging .xmls for HDT-PE would be as simple as copy-pasting it. There's possibly some ordering that needs to be done, as with HDT-SMP. So I guess it comes down to exactly what you're trying to modify and why. Personally I don't see any practical reason to merge .xmls, but if I wanted to merge them I would make sure to avoid inadvertently messing up another .nif's physics. The problem is SMP will not work with more than one XML...so I have no idea what to do. I know nothing about physics, so i wouldnt even know where to start, and why this armor has a piece of XML outside of the regular XML. I took a few pictures of the armor i'm trying to adapt: it's not like i have any other choice but merge, since i'm definitely not going to re-weightpaint it all just for an SE conversion. Don't really care if it won't be perfect, just trying to understand whatthis Pelvis.XML is for... My question is what exactly shouuld i do? try to merge them into one? just copy the info of the pelvs XML before i write my SMP xml?After?? ignore the Pevlis XML? What is this pelvis XML doing ingame to the armor?
  2. Can 2 HDT-PE XMLs be merged into one? they belong to the same nif.
  3. Getting Bethesda's game on game pass is your own choice... The same as it was getting Oblivion or Fallout3\New Vegas on console. Tha meant no mods. Not because they were mean or anythign... It just dind't work. As long as game pass is an option and not the only way there'll be no problem. you'll buy your games normally like any other person did before game pass was a thing. It's one more option for the casual players. Don't like that don't buy that. The moment Bethesda or Microsoft pulls the plug on mods, they'll lose an incredible amount of money, because theoir base games are actually full of pretty serious bugs.
  4. In response to post #75828978. it's not a big deal? like they are giving us free money...to buy better PCs and such...i just got a new gpu thanks to those points system they set up. This effectively means that if you have released at least one mod with 1,000 unique downloads or more, or several mods that have been downloaded 1,000 times in total, you will no longer be seeing ads on the site. >> this i find it a bit too little as requirement...but i am not the site owner...no idea how much money they make...but if they can survive like this ok...
  5. Looking for someone who would like to work Witcher games assets. if you like said games leave your username below. Skyrim SSE testing required
  6. Hi. I am quite busy,so i'll be lazy and ask on the forums... How to port Races (head and morphs,cause they are custom pieces) To skyrim SE. ESP INCLUDED. How to port armorsover to SE,whiithout having to remake the boneweight (IE some tool to autoadapt nifformats without going through blender and OS) Please leave any link you may have related to this.
  7. In response to post #68716941. #68723861, #68735286 are all replies on the same post. you cnnot tell which pohotos are editd,andwhich arent....but this would also include peolple with potato PCs and people with high end pcs. Not everyone can buy a top PC and run it with 3000 graphic mods. Plus prizes are randomly chosen...it's just a way to encourage people in participating in the site,not a real competition XD
  8. Apparently not today,but yesterday it kept popping up every half an hour. But looks like today it's working,maybe it was just a glitch fixed.
  9. Hello I require an admin >> https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/964238041676674143/5B2D881834BC3778A04887AB89D361FBD1554351/ It seems i cannot anymore browse the site,as i am a bot,or somehow infected,but i run antimalware and antivirus,and nothing. Can anyone explain?
  10. In response to post #65207851. #65716746 is also a reply to the same post. You can contribuite by creating quality content and get userdonated premium membership/buy it yourself with donation points. (Given by the site)
  11. honestly...as long as you don't just do the logo stuff im fine with it...probably won't buy because of shiping,and distance,but still some in the area probably will.
  12. just make something that actually looks good...not just a logoover a plaincolour cup...
  13. In response to post #55437843. #55442538 is also a reply to the same post. I agree the old design is better and faster...for those of us who live in italy and other less developed countries...thats the most important part
  14. https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/42755/? This is the proper blender version containing all the scripts and stuff to wotk with fallout3/new vegas nifs.
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