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Everything posted by thegrimfandango

  1. Did you ever find a solution? I have the same problem, I'm stuck in one spot in the Northern Passage when trying to leave, and even noclip doesn't work
  2. Thanks for the suggestion. I did actually see that and had forgotten, but I don't like that it removes the vegetation and replaces it with grass, I use Vurt's flora overhaul and I doubt they'd play nice together. I do like that it gets rid of rubbish though.
  3. It's always bothered me what an absolute tip the populated towns are in New Vegas - I can understand not bothering to move rusted car hulks and things that take serious manpower, but busted toilets and rubbish all over occupied homes and the street? Renting a room in Novac to find a spotlessly clean bed but blood and trash all over the carpet? Really? With all the detergent, Abraxo cleaner and plungers everwhere, you'd think someone would at least keep their houses or businesses clean. I can understand junkie squats and abandoned, looted buildings being trashed - that adds to atmosphere, but some of these places talk like they've been established as beacons of civilisation for decades and yet nobody thought to sweep the floor. Is there any manner of 'tidy towns' mod that would satisfy me? I know about the big NV Strip redesigned mod, but that adds a lot of stuff and removes walls, which it seems quite a few people are having issues with - I'm looking for something a bit 'lighter'.
  4. Me too, I just came to post this Updated to lates NMM today and cannot download anything either via NMM (cycles through all servers as unavailable before reaching Salt Lake City and hanging on downloading with no progress forever) or manuall, I get the following message: ErrorThe site has run in to a problem, please look at the error message below... Download downSorry, it seems like this file server is struggling with this file at the moment. Please try downloading the file from another file server. Note: if this is happening on all the file servers there could be a problem! Head to the forums and let us know! Sorry for the inconvenience! This happens with any mod I try to download from any server.
  5. Updated to latest NMM today and cannot download anything either via NMM (cycles through all servers as unavailable before reaching Salt Lake City and hanging on downloading with no progress forever) or manually, I get the following message: ErrorThe site has run in to a problem, please look at the error message below... Download downSorry, it seems like this file server is struggling with this file at the moment. Please try downloading the file from another file server. Note: if this is happening on all the file servers there could be a problem! Head to the forums and let us know! Sorry for the inconvenience! This happens with any mod I try to download from any server. Is anyone else experiencing this?
  6. I've searched for this and found a few other people with the same issue but I saw no solutions. I really hope someone can help solve it as the game is rendered pretty unplayable currently. I have F:NV Ultimate Edition on steam, and any time I am looking in the direction of a neon sign or lamp, even from quite far away, there is an abominably loud constant buzzing noise. It's loud enough that I can't hear anything else and it's unbearable to listen to. I can be really near a light source and not hear buzzing if I turn away from it, but if I happen to be facing it's direction, I'm deafened even if I'm 2 floors down. I do have electro city installed, but that doesn't seem to be the problem. Is this a known issue? Is there any mod that can fix it? I don't recall having any such problem with F:NV on the xbox, but it's crippling my PC playthrough.
  7. i was wondering if anyone had considered doing anything to expand on the werewolves at Frostmoon Crag in Solstheim? I was pretty excited to find the clan, thinking there'd be more quests, but the whole quest was just to meet them? And they barely have more than a couple lines of dialogue each. It was fairly disappointing, and seems like there's room for more, especially when Hjordis talks about her pack being destroyed by werebears (and there are werebears fairly nearby), I thought for sure there'd be a revenge quest there.
  8. Can anyone please tell me what this is? I've tried the Sovngarde glow fix and the generic one, but I can't find any abilities that seem to be the culprit. I only noticed this today when entering Halls of Dovahndor to craft, but it could well have been there since I left SOlstheim, as it's not so visible in first person unless you look at the floor. There are 4 likely culprits: Dragonborn, Halls of Dovahndor (which seems unlikely if it's not the Sovngarde glow, I've also had the mod a good while) or Amazing Follower Tweaks (again, seems unlikely, but it's the last mod I installed) or some potion ingerdients maybe? I don't use magic and it's definitely none of my equipment. It persists through a save/reload and waiting. I've attached a pic of the effect. It's not just the visible glow, there's sparklies too when I move. EDIT: The glowing 'dome' goes away when using beast form, but the sparklies remain. Upon reverting to human the glow returns. EDIT2: Using the console command to change sex and then back again helped the issue! The radioactive aura is gone, though I still have a faint glow and the sparklies remain - see the 2nd pic. I'm posting this up for anyone else with the same issue, incase there isn't a fix for it at the moment.The effect comes back after a reload though.
  9. Yeah, I recall asking about the staves thing before and nobody else semed to have experienced it! I considered switching to AFT, but I've been using UFO for so long, I'm worried it'll screw something up if I try to remove it.
  10. Thanks for the suggestion, but I've already seen her on Gopher's playthrough and I'm not too keen on the voice, or the additional god thing. Shame, since apart from that the abilities are what I'm after.
  11. Hello. Does anyone know if there's a mod that allows followers to learn the new DLC spell tomes? Those added by Dawnguard/Dragonborn cannot be learned (I use UFO to allow teaching follower spells). Alternatively a mod to make my mage followers less thick and useless would be helpful. I've taught a bunch of them with spell tomes, and they're usually maxed out in their respective schools, but 99% of the time they will just use sparks or the low level flames spell and do sod-all damage to an enemy. I have also never been able to get the mages in the game to heal or use staves, and I couldn't find a solution to this - no matter which mage follower I try. I can remove every weapon but staves from their inventory and no dice, but literally any other non-mage follower I use will use staves all the time, which makes no sense. Is there a skill needed to use them I don't know about? It's been like this the whole way through the game, and now that I'm hitting tougher enemies in Dragonborn, having useless mages following me is getting to be a pain. I have tried J'zargho, Erandur, Illia, Marcurio and some others I don't recall. All behave exactly like the above. No staves, crap spells. Even if I could check/fix this in console I'd be delighted.
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