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About MaceInTheFace

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  1. Like the Wayshrines Map item for the Knights of the Nine expansion? Note: I mean the item maps, not the world or local maps. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. Guys, keep in mind that this thread was NOT created as a debate on if/if not they should add dismemberment.
  3. Are there any mods that enhance unarmed in a balanced way? Edit: Nevermind, there aren't any.
  4. I put this here because the answer to this question might be considered a spoiler. Can unarmed, if you create your class correctly, be as powerful as other weapons? Or at least, is it possible for unarmed to not suck?
  5. Personally, I like to name Argonians Slithis... Like Sithis... But Slithering... Like a snake... Argonian... Get it? *Fail* I think I might name some of my characters after characters in Oblivion.
  6. Can I vote for myself? :P I can't think of any right now. Oh, wait, Valen Dreth.
  7. It's extremely likely that dismemberment will make it into Skyrim. I'm just wondering if anyone would, in that situation, be willing to make a mod that removes dismemberment for those using said mod.
  8. Now, I'm probably thinking too far ahead in this, but hear me out: In the case that Skyrim will have dismemberment in combat, could someone then begin to make a mod that removes such graphical effects?
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