So Bethesda has announced Dishonored, its gritty new Steampunk stealth/assassination thriller. It's hard not to be impressed by the trailer...the graphics, the abilities, all the different ways to achieve your goals... But does it have what you want? For me personally, the game looks amazing, but I'd really rather not buy a game that I can't make my own like Skyrim or Oblivion or FNV. So far, based on what we're told about Dishonored, you're forced into the role of a premade protagonist, and you have no options for changing him in any way (or playing as a her...). There's a lot of requests on Bethesda's official forums for a modding kit as in previous titles, but will they listen? Will they allow you the freedom to play the character you want or will it just be another un-customizable Steampunk title in a growing list without any player freedom at all? I truly hope they'll add these features. I'd hate to see the potential in a game like this squandered...