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  1. I don't mind helping out. Windows 10i7-5820K / 16GB RAMGTX 980TI/ 6GB RAMSSD - It's on a 2GB/s W/R SSD but I can move it to an ordinary 840 EVO if needed,GMT +10:30
  2. Yeah that's what I thought it would be, but it just doesn't appear to be working at all for my end. The end result is the texture I want to make invisible ends up being pure black, that happens when I save as DXT 5 interpolated Alpha too. Edt: Hmm, must only work with specific armors then, after testing on the Grognak costume since I know it works there it works fine. Guess I'll have to wait until nifscope is out fully to enable alpha transparency on the model I want to edit, shame.
  3. So I'm quite stuck here, I've seen various clothing now that i.e makes the Grognak bra transparent on the texture so it's not there, but I for the life of me cannot replicate this through photoshop. I understand it's to do with Alpha channels, so am I supposed to erase the part of clothing on the Layers panel or copy the whole texture into a new Alpha channel and paint that part black with the rest white? Or is it something completely different? I keep trying these different things but I either get pure black or pure white on the part I'm trying to make invisible. There doesn't seem to be a general information thread when it comes to Fallout 4 modding, which makes this process learning it on your own frustrating. I checked how Skyrim works but it appears because now the nif files have the alpha enabled you don't need to go into the mesh to edit this setting. Or is there only certain texture files this transparency stuff is working on?
  4. - AmiableArcher Thanks for the youtube clips! The hair I'm after happens to be in the second video. Now I know what mod it's from I might just be able to get it for myself. Appreciate it =D
  5. Hey guys, can anybody help me with this hair? I've only seen a few people have it in images of their character, and I've looked all over nexus for it and I have the major hair mods, so unless I've missed it somewhere I'm not sure :/ But I'd really appreciate it I could be pointed in the right direction.
  6. No, that's Morrowind Era Weapons, I'm after Oblivion Era, like so: http://tes.ag.ru/oblivion/weapon/img/Ebony-Longsword.gif
  7. I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only person that's disappointed with the Ebony Longsword + Greatsword in Skyrim, and a user has made a Morrowind Ebony sword replacer and it's much better, but I was wondering if anybody with the skills would be willing to remake Oblivion's Ebony swords?
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