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  1. May I suggest posting a request under: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/ It appears to be the more modder centric forum with decent traffic these days. Hope it helps.
  2. Good to read a post like that from time to time.
  3. I see you have summerset Isle on your list. Try loading a save without this (nice) quest mod and see if it makes a difference. Hope it helps.
  4. Somehow it reminds of me trying to help my grand pa cleaning his virus infested pc. I sent him a 5 steps pictorial guide...he did only step 4 because the picture is large and easy to understand. He is now using a Samsung smartTV instead. P.S. I heard Super Mario Maker is a fun game with great mod support...
  5. There are plenty of ENB presets that look great without relying on 57 (or 56, or 55 for that matter) other mods to make your screen to look pretty. There are plenty of ENB presets (e.g., Rampage moving away from SweetFx since ver1.5 I believe) that do not need SweetFx. There are only a handful of people using DynaVision (a DoF mod) with ENB. But a whole lot of people using other lighting effect mods (e.g., ELE) with ENB. But then I am weird and have installed "Unofficial Skyrim Patches" but also installed other mods because USKP isn't "enough". Well, think ENB (the tool) is just another TV with many dials...I am bored watching "Real Housewives of Orange County" but I don't blame the TV...
  6. the following in enbseries.ini can affect the glossiness look of all surfaces. SpecularAmountMultiplierDay SpecularAmountMultiplierNight SpecularAmountMultiplierInterior SpecularPowerMultiplierDay SpecularPowerMultiplierNight SpecularPowerMultiplierInterior
  7. Hi Shurah, One question, or perhaps a suggestion. Are you planning to offer an option to exclude a NPC from your framework? Some of us use/create mod affecting combat style...would love to keep those changes unaffected by your framework. Looking forward to your wonder piece. Thank you.
  8. Question is...why would you not have a steam account already...
  9. What version of Windows you have? I recall way back when I bought my i9 I was shocked to realize that switching on "hyper threading" kills performance when my OS is Windows 7. Sure was nice to see 12 CPU bars under Task Manager... My suggestion...google search on keywords like "multithreading" "Windows X (your version of Windows)" "performance". Hope it helps.
  10. Finished watch the videos...darn, Beth sure cut a lot of NPC dialogues. You are doing great work here Shurah.
  11. I recall the ECE page has description of steps making NPC face with ECE. You'll still require to use Creation Kit, load up the esp (or esm) with the NPC, and apply the face part (nose I recall) created by ECE.
  12. This is one ancient thread... If I recall right...go to console and type "help kcf 3" should list all global values related to the Cerwiden mod. I also recall many people with quest not advancing issues...one way or the other they all traced back to mod conflict...worse, mostly related to "multi-follower" mod (likely with UFO and AFT). I also recall you can "force" the quest to advance by using the "Debug" mode. Search the mod description for details. Hope it helps.
  13. Just use the forum "search" function and see if someone posted similar questions before. You do know there is a little company with an URL like "google.com" is doing quite well these days...correct? You are free to post the question to the forum (or FAQ if available) and with luck, some nicer folks will help with your issues. Or if you can self-help and search for existing posts. I am fairly certain the latter will get better result, faster.
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