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Posts posted by NeuroticPixels

  1. Worsin's wouldn't work for me because it's not paints that I'm looking for. I'm wanting a retexture of all the vanilla power armors that takes away rust. I appreciate that the Consistent Power Armor Overhaul mod gave a "metal" paint that gets rid of the rust, but it's still just a paint. If I understand correctly, I'm not going to see NPCs in power armors out in the world using these paints. They're just for me to use. So they don't solve this eye-sore of an issue.


    Like this one. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/5326/? Unfortunately, it only changes one set of power armor, and it doesn't include Danse's suit according to the posts, and the author links a mod that no longer exists to fix Danse's suit.


    And I totally agree. Less immersive AND ugly. I can repair and paint my stuff until kingdom come, but I want the suits I find out in the world and the ones NPCs are already wearing to be gentle on the eyes and not cringe-worthy. So I was hoping someone already knew of a mod, or multiple I could use without conflict, to solve it.


    Thanks for your response!


    EDIT: Actually, after rereading the description page for the Consistent Power Armor Overhaul, it sounds like it's a retexture... yet he continually uses the word "paint job" and such. So I'm a tad confused. But I may try it out later to see what it actually does. Unfortunately, he says he gave the T51a a rusty texture. Bleh.

  2. I've looked through the retexture and power armor categories on Nexus, and even tried using specific keywords in the "file name contains" and "description contains" search fields... I even Googled!

    But I can't seem to find a mod that retextures all of the power armors that show signs of rusting. Especially for the one that Paladin Danse wears.

    I don't want 4k and I don't want the armors to be all black or a whole different color. I want the retextures to be pretty close to the vanilla look, just minus all the rust. AND I do not want something that will somehow modify the stats or whatnot of the power armor. I just want retextures.


    Have I missed something?? Can someone please let me know if they know of a mod that does this?


    P.S. I've found http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3089/? this mod ("Black Raider Power Armor"), which is pretty much what I'm looking for, just for all the other rusty power armors out there. They took the rusty parts and turned them black. Which is fine. Gets rid of the ugly brown/orange colors.


    Thank you!

  3. The only mod I've found that attempts to give us all of the Eddie Winter holotapes to quickly complete the quest Long Time Coming from Nick Valentine does not work...



    I'm hoping someone would be willing to create a (hopefully quick and easy-ish) mod to allow us to grab up those holotape quest items real quick and be finished with Nick's quest. It'd be even better if they actually deleted them from the game world as well so we don't end up with multiples.


    Thanks for checking out my request. :happy:

  4. I just installed that mod a few days ago but haven't used it yet, so I don't have personal experience, but if you watch the video posted on the mod's description page, starting at 1:45 into the video, he explains how you can pick them back up after you've placed them to return them to your inventory. If you haven't watched the video all the way through, I HIGHLY suggest doing so. It's very, very informative.

  5. If you're sneaky, you can always pickpocket the fusion core. And if you're able to pickpocket it, you can then steal the power armor from them because they'll be forced to hop out of it.

    But I see what you mean. Doesn't make sense that you can't loot a power core from them after you kill them.

  6. I was actually thinking along the same lines last night. I was thinking like how the original signals everyone to "take a break", during the "break time" is when the fighting would happen. But if you told everyone to go back to work by turning it off, the fight stopped. A built-in and/or optional timer would be cool. I just woke up so my brain is yet to be fully functional... is that what you're doing or a bit different than that? Sounds like what you're doing is kind of opposite of that. Which is fine! Just throwing my idea out there. lol

    Thanks for working on this. :)

  7. Bethesda really failed when it came to the arena for the Wasteland Workshop DLC.


    How the hell are you supposed to stop the fight if you want to? Maybe I want more of a boxing match than a fight-to-the-death.


    I'm requesting a build-able workshop item (a switch, a timer through a console, a bell, or anything) that signals to the arena combatants that it's time to end the fight, and preferably, to go back to their assigned Arena Contestant mat. And they do not, ever, resume combat unless directed to do so by the switch, console, bell, or whatever.


    I haven't found a mod that addresses this. If anyone knows of one, please let me know. If you also want something like this, be sure to leave a comment to help this post stay on the front page.


    Edit: Would also be nice to have an optional file to make settlers essential/immortal so if you use them as combatants and don't get to the new workshop item in time to stop the fight, your settlers don't die. Also, fun having them battle for the rest of time! Bwahaha! :devil:

  8. With almost 700 hours in to Fallout 4, I'm all about "cheating" and being "godly" to get through the things I no longer care for. A lot of battling is a part of what I like to skip. I love to just one-hit my enemies and move on.


    So, I've noticed that the console command, "player.modav 357" (# multiplier goes after) does not effect energy weapons. Not fusion, laser, none of it.

    While I now have a 10mm that can do 5821 damage/27163 DPS, my energy weapons like the Laser Pistol are still sitting at 48 damage/240 DPS.


    I've searched Google high and low and can't seem to find a console command to remedy this.


    Is there one? Does anyone know of one? Could you share it with me?!

  9. Star-mystyk did a great job with their mod "No Companion Junk Comments".

    http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10365/? <-- Seen here.


    But.... they left in all the "nice" comments that companions make about the items you pick up. And if you read the description and posts pages, you can see that the mod author seems to have zero plans to change this. For example, they said:

    "Those ones are in a different list which I left unedited on purpose, as IMO, it's not as annoying." [<-referencing the "nice" comments] and "Sure, I could do several more versions (for shipment comments, workbench comments, an all-in-one junk/shipment/workbench) but I don't particularly want to as neither of those annoy me enough to have them in my game."


    But with as much as I pick up, and I'm sure for others as well, it gets highly irritating when companions constantly want to make comments about it, whether they're nice or rude.


    Can someone please remedy this?


    Please comment if you think this is a good idea! Let's keep this on the front page of mod requests!

    Also please comment if you are willing to work on this. :laugh:

  10. Am I the only one sick and tired of having to build my buildings up high on tall foundations so the grass and plants don't poke through the floor??? And then having to attach stairs to everything so my settlers can get to the buildings?


    Attached is a (compressed) screenshot of annoying-as-hell plants that just love to poke through floors.


    Also... This post --> https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4679590-stick-grass-be-gone/?hl=%2Bgrass&do=findComment&comment=40657645

    Those darn things need to be rid of as well!


    Is there any way to get rid of these items??? Can someone make something to get rid of them? I'm fine with regular, short grass... but this stuff? UGH.


    I already use Scrap Everything and mods that hide vines and shrubs and such. But plants/grasses like these annoy the ever living hell out of me.


    Anyone else?

  11. @Vormina -- Thank you for your suggestion. I actually found a mod called Clear Weather Only that uses a script to force weather "2b52a"/Commonwealthclear whenever it detects a weather change. I was getting really tired of the weather changing every 5-10 minutes anyway. It got pretty old for me after 600+ hours of playtime. I like to be able to see at all times. Haha


    @NCRForever -- Thank you also for your suggestions. I do use Brighter Settlement Lights. Unfortunately, it doesn't fix the issue. There's other people complaining on that mod's posts page as well. I'm not real sure how Legendary Lamps would help my issue, unless you were just recommending it in hopes that it'd help me see. lol. I actually use the mod "Longer Pip-Boy Light Distance" and use the so called "cheat" version that increases the light 3x. It gives off tons and tons of light. Not only do I not like anything but clear weather anymore, I also don't like nighttime. Haha


    But really, this issue seems fixable. It's just the matter of a modder caring enough to take care of it, because God knows that Bethesda isn't going to do a damn thing.

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